I just want to take a moment to personally thank God for the fact that this will be available soon. My PSN is Godstank, and because I didn't put an underscore people automatically think it's God Stank and not God's Tank, so I REALLY need to change it, because I'm getting tired of getting messages like "God stank? God gave you life motherF-er!" Or my favourite: "YOU DIS OUR LORD IN SAVIOUR YOU'RE GOING TO BURN IN HELL!!" And while he's my lord and saviour too, I mean perhaps consider piping the f down?
Anyways, I'm considering changing it too Gods_Nerd.
Do you guys have an embarrassing PSN or Gamertag you'd like to change?
EDIT: I instead followed your advice and just created another account on my PS4 and hey, it works! Don't need to buy another PSN membership, just gotta have the one on my 'primary' account. So if you guys want to add me and play some IJ2 it's Gods_Nerd.
Anyways, I'm considering changing it too Gods_Nerd.
Do you guys have an embarrassing PSN or Gamertag you'd like to change?
EDIT: I instead followed your advice and just created another account on my PS4 and hey, it works! Don't need to buy another PSN membership, just gotta have the one on my 'primary' account. So if you guys want to add me and play some IJ2 it's Gods_Nerd.
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