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some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
yeah. I'm down for these ones. It will be interesting to see if they can retain the "real" aesthetic of unbreakable. This episode looks to really ramp up the inhuman aspects. I hope it remains subtle.


Up rock incoming, ETA 5 minutes
I have to see Split now. I fucking love Unbreakable, by far the best M. Night Shamalama movie for me. It looks really good.


"I still got it...but not much of it"
Really hyped and can’t believe it’s actually happening, Unbreakable is my favorite movie.


am I the only one who never watched split & unbreakable?
Im kinda confused with this trailer, but it looks dope


Live by the sword, Die by the sword
Unbreakable is my favorite Shyamalan movie since it first came out in 2000. When I watched split I thought it was already amazing and M Night was back to form again. Just imagine how much I flipped out at the end of the movie.

I am really excited and can't wait to see this film in the theaters.


Filthy Casual
I don't want to be a downer but I always thought Unbreakable was trash so to try and establish a shared superhero universe thing really baffles me. M Knight basically had one good movie in the Sixth Sense imho.

Split was propped up by the incredible performance of James McAvoy but was mediocre otherwise.


I don't want to be a downer but I always thought Unbreakable was trash so to try and establish a shared superhero universe thing really baffles me. M Knight basically had one good movie in the Sixth Sense imho.

Split was propped up by the incredible performance of James McAvoy but was mediocre otherwise.
Well, goes to show that this movie isn't for you then.


Lose without excuses
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Premium Supporter
am I the only one who never watched split & unbreakable?
Im kinda confused with this trailer, but it looks dope
You need to fix that asap. Both incredible movies, and why people are hype for this. In fact, I would say you NEED to see these movies, especially if you’re planning on seeing Glass.


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
yeah.. go watch them. Unbreakable particularly. It was so ahead of its time though as well. As it is a neo-comic show and with the current fads in america a movie about "real" superheroes done in a ultra lowkey way is even more relevant now then it has ever been.

I just feel bad that the show is so old now.. seeing this film for the 1st time when I knew nothing about it was just dope AF. Even though the "what a twist!" thing is lost now, I still rate unbreakable as a awesome film.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Unbreakable was awesome, Split's a cool movie. Lots of twists.

I see the inspiration from comics with this movie combined with reality which is awesome.

I see Bruce's character=Superman and Batman almost merged.

Sam Jackson's=Lex Luthor

Split dude=Joker and Hulk

Seeing Glass on day one.


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
100% Superman and Lex Luther... but I think the film is to complex for those kind of direct parallels. It is more about the matching of archetypes. The cool thing about this is that the characters are relatively unique. I mean Superman and Lex and Legion all exist in comics.. but even so. It is more the Hero, the Mastermind and Physical Threat to the Hero.


Philanthropist & Asshole
I don't want to be a downer but I always thought Unbreakable was trash so to try and establish a shared superhero universe thing really baffles me. M Knight basically had one good movie in the Sixth Sense imho.

Split was propped up by the incredible performance of James McAvoy but was mediocre otherwise.
Filthy casual, indeed.


11 11 11 11
Don’t know anything about Unbreakable or Split but theres a lot of hype around this so hopefully Night doesn’t fuck up like he has for 15 years.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Yeah I remember Night got a lot of flack and hate for that movie Signs(the ending) I have one friend who always rants about that lol. I do enjoy some of his movies though.


Filthy Casual
No you’re not. The consensus is he’s shit. But he has some winners and Glass looks like a winner.
I mean if I've learned anything about the internet it's that it's pointless to argue personal preference since ultimately you like what you like and I like what I like. It's like arguing over flavors of ice cream. Ultimately to me Unbreakable and Split were kinda ok but forgettable so the novelty of the shared universe thing does nothing for me.

Again though I realize that this is more of a hype thread and not necessarily a critique discussion thread so I'm not trying to be a douche and shit on something people enjoy. So don't mind me I'll hang back. I mean I will say this, I like Glass for Samuel L Jackson's atypical casting role (usually he's the bamf) and for McAvays portrayal of DID.

It's been a minute. Split worked for me for the first and second act but lost steam at critical points in the third act punctuated by a lackluster reveal (which M Knight is all about...the third act reveal) and a blatant cliff hanger just to setup Glass.

Cliffhangers when done well whet the appetite for more whereas starving the audience (IE deliberately leaving plot and character arcs unresolved or shoddily resolved) just feels empty and disappointing. For me Split was the latter.
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11 11 11 11
Yeah I remember Night got a lot of flack and hate for that movie Signs(the ending) I have one friend who always rants about that lol. I do enjoy some of his movies though.
Signs wasn't awful but it had to many ridiculous plot holes for me to take it remotely seriously. He hasn't made a decent movie since (Although I heard split was good)


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Signs wasn't awful but it had to many ridiculous plot holes for me to take it remotely seriously. He hasn't made a decent movie since (Although I heard split was good)
Yeah that's what I mean man. Had a lot of unanswered questions, the ending seemed lazy or halfassed with little explanation. I mean I get it the whole water/germ thing etc but almost felt like a copout because he couldn't think of anything else regarding a weakness. Split and Unbreakable are both solid movies by him, at least to me anyway. I know he's one of those directors that people either love or hate, like Bay and Snyder. There's no gray area apparently.