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Grodd's BnBs


Seriously Casual Player.

look at video guys, any idea how to continue the combo ? it seems useless coz its extreme difficult to do n stupid b2, close lunge 3 spam is way easier n deals more damage
Besides stampede or super? Nope. Also, I think you're right and the reward isn't worth the effort.
B11+3, b3, j3, b2-leap2,b2-leap3, d2-sc, b2-leap2
B11+3, b3, d2-4, b2-leap2,112-sc,b2-float1,walk 2-leap (vortex)

221+3,b2-leap2,b2-leap3,d2, b2-sc (restand)
221+3,d2-4, b2-leap2,112-sc,b2-float1,walk 2-leap (vortex)
Can you explain that walk 2 leap vortex shortly, I mean what are my opponents choices? I need to start aiming for it I guess? What you think about knockdowns after 4th J3?
Kd after splats are ok but opp can roll and delay wakeup i onlt use it to kill following last splat with dd2. Otherwise i always go for restand from b2-sc or trait vortex
What's your follow-up from B2-sc, you'd do a J3? What about that walk up S2 vortex? Is that close leap 3 to use and then a D1? I don't quite understand it yet :(


After float 1 u walk and do 2 leap its more plus than reg float1 so much harder to escape overall also better position due to 2 hitstun animation allow for true mixup off close leap:
1) close leap 1+3 can be backdashed
2) close leap 2 - crossup, can be fwd dashed
3) close leap 3 - not crossup. Unescapable. If opponent backdashes it can be punushed via d1-mc or d2. Cheetah is the only char that avoids this somehow.
Chances to guess right for opp are really low here as every option require different answer, probably 33%. The only thing you need to feel is range of 2-leap as d1 os is only possible at certain range and a lot of trait conversions tend to leave you at different distance. My tip is to look for range where grodd cleap 1+3 will land almost behind opponent but still grab him, also smth that s2 hitstun makes possible.
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What's your follow-up from B2-sc, you'd do a J3? What about that walk up S2 vortex? Is that close leap 3 to use and then a D1? I don't quite understand it yet :(
Post b2 sc you jump fwd and mix. I think the options are like this
1) early j2, mostly vs ppl unfamiliar w this. It will crossup so early even yourself wont believe it. But that can be avoided by crouching.
2) leap3 at different points of time will crossup or not, pretty ambiguous much like batmans. That allows you to loop restands ex j3d2b2leap3x2, b2-sc(dont do leap3x3 as j3 after restand will splat them on hit).
3) some chars will dash fwd or even walk fwd to escape this but they can be punished by early j3, can be mixed w early j2 if opponent doesnt like to duck(early j3 is not oh)

The big deal last patch did to this is that you can now consistantly combo d2 off j3 here, it was pretty messed up before


Up rock incoming, ETA 5 minutes
Sadly I play on the Xbox One joystick and I just can't get B2 into float 1
Why though? I will say I've had issues with D+F inputs on Xbox such as Grodd's secret sweep, but it feels impossible to dash properly on stick. And I shudder to think of how hard pre patch Stampede cancels would have been.


For the Shokan since Mk3
Why though? I will say I've had issues with D+F inputs on Xbox such as Grodd's secret sweep, but it feels impossible to dash properly on stick. And I shudder to think of how hard pre patch Stampede cancels would have been.
It's a personal reason.