I wouldn’t say that, Logan and Deadpool are definitely more adult than any of the DC movies, maybe for the MCU specifically, but even then Winter Soldier and Black Panther heavier than any DC movie other than the Nolan Batmans or BvS.
I just hate the DCEU versions of Batman, Superman, and Flash. It sucks so baby do see my favorite, second favorite, and one of my top 10 favorites get raped so bad on the big screen.
Yeah I was mostly referring mostly to MCU, that's probably why I really enjoyed the Fox and Sony movies. Namely the X-Men. I still think overall DC's way darker than Marvel based films but Logan was definitely pretty grim for sure yet it was amazing. Some people downed it cause it was "too depressing" same people who said Watchmen was so "morbid" but some of the best stories are the darker ones. DP has the language but I wouldn't say it's more adult than any DC movie, way too silly at times not kiddy just silly. I think it's definitely adult, but not necessarily dark as it's a fun film.
Logan is probably Marvel's grittiest, darkest film. But when you compare to the The Dark Knight, V, Watchmen, Constantine etc I think DC is still much darker than Marvel movies, even BVS which was a lot darker than I expected. I would actually consider Logan and Blade to be Marvel's darkest, with DC too many lol but if I had to break it down probably Watchmen, Constantine, V, TDK and BVS come to mind.
I think on Batman & Robin, I won't make excuses for it lol but I do think out of the Batman films they definitely wanted that campyness on purpose similar to the 66 Batman with the jokes, with Marvel films now days I feel they try too hard to be funny "sometimes I wanna punch you in your perfect teeth or "If we can't save the world, we can damn well AVENGE it" hahahaha and Avenger saying "AVENGE IT!" lol to me that's as bad as the "what killed the Dinosaurs? The ICE AGE!" lol It's like just look at Arnold's face in that moment you had to know they were trying to be cheesy lol but the Iron Man line it's like he's dead serious, just an eye roller imo lol.
Even some of the DC animated movies are pretty grim, Killing Joke and Hell to Pay are both Rated R. lol They're animated but if you saw them you'll know why. I believe Dark Knight Returns was too some pretty messed up things happen in those movies. One point Batman cracks the Jokers neck and literally stabs him in the eye with the shard hanging out lol Then Joker laughs and breaks his own neck. Killing Joke he pretty much rapes Batgirl in front of Jim Gordon(not as raunchy as the comic but still for an animated movie) I didn't quite expect them to push that far. Hell to pay is incredibly violent, people's heads explode, get sliced in half, shot in the head, stabbed, throats cut, holes through people's heads etc easily on par with Deadpool if not worse. Winter Soldier IMO with the MCU is their darkest film or one of, I guess Dr. Strange too in a way even though I felt like I was watching Inception 2.0 at times.
Yeah I hear ya. Though I feel that way about Flash, I have no issues with Batman and Superman. I wasn't a huge fan of how Batman went from this comic booky Batman to making fish jokes. It's like you could tell which parts were Snyder and which were Whedon.