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Done with FGC Competitively. So Let's Clear The Air and Teach Some Things


Well, I do think there's a serious lack of prioritization in the community like you have said with people going to majors and not having anywhere to stay or even enough money for food for the weekend.

I've personally had to help take care of multiple people at different events that didn't plan any of this shit out. I could never go to a major without having at least a couple hundred dollars for not only gifts and sight seeing, but also for emergencies that sometimes happen on trips. That part of the FGC is scary to me cause even when I was poor as fuck, I just wouldn't go to majors till I could afford to go to them. Jeopardizing your well being for a game is toxic and shows perhaps a need to step away and reevaluate life choices.

I don't personally care about getting games with anyone top or even keeping up with the inner workings of things. I get good games with lots of mid level players and I do fine at majors so that's good enough for me. I go for the experience, to sight see and have fun. I'm never gonna be a top 8 placer and I'm fine with that. Just play who is willing to play you and forget about who isn't.


My blades will find your heart
You shouldn't be trying to exclusively get games in with top players. IO mean if you can then great, but there are hundreds of really great players out there that can give you great MU experience as well. A lot of times you can go into a character forum, ask for games in the general discussion thread and get some experience. That's just as good if not better than playing a top player, because frankly very few top players have the time to play some person they don't really know in a long set.

Thanks for the offer, but my daughter is to be born in a few weeks and I'll be busy! Thanks tho, and best of luck moving forward!
*Complains about never getting games with top players*
*Has top player offer to play games*
*Says he's busy*

Whew lad...


Baconlord's Billionaire Sugar Daddy
...I understand that you just want me to be wrong so I'll just leave you alone
Lmfao don't play that pity shit with me, I said I saw your point in my very first sentence.

Yes it is hard to get sets vs top players, that much I agree with. Where we disagree is that you seem to think it ends there whereas you can still reach a high level without playing sets against Dragon and Sonic Fox everyday.

There are plenty of super good lesser known players that can give you enough MU knowledge to beat top players if you're good enough. If you're not good enough then no amount of sets vs top players will change that.

Instead of whining about how you can't get games with people whose inboxes are probably full of people asking for games, level yourself up.


Everyone in this thread said it already and theyre right. To be honest you just need to learn matchups. You don't have to fight the best Superman in the world to know the Superman matchup, you can lab alot of situations in training mode yourself then test them out in real matches against a few different Superman mains on TYM. That's all you need really


Yes we Kahn
First of all, commenting on someones financial stability and their decision making isn't remotely your place. Also, Everyone isn't entitled to games with particular players. How many hours would each pro have to spend playing if every aspiring top 8er got a 40 game set? On a bi weekly basis? They'd never leave their couch. This mindset is toxic and devisive. Most pro players release footage of their matches to the public, and some like reo create content to help people learn. How could we possibly ask for more than that? I've had sets with @Tweedy @Akromaniac27 @RagingRicans and all of those were wonderful gifts that I cherish. Playing good players makes you better faster for sure but practice what you preach and level up your local community, or an online community that is receptive to your practicing desires. The columbus fgc scene is wonderful. There's a core group of like 4 dudes of varying levels that get better every week by critiqueing and helping each other out. All of us have considerably improved, even though none of us are considered a "pro". Also, who here played a set against xian before he played like he did at evo? Hmm? Stop fueling this divide within our community. It is completely unwarrated


Beware my power.
People on tym going completely nuts today. Do any of these ruthless posters have day jobs? I mean honestly, I hear everything he's saying and I even agree with some of his points, but these people have too much time to spend thinking about the game/community and clearly they've been harboring some resentment for quite awhile.

I appreciated the honesty because tym is 90% fraudulent about nearly everything. But I feel that we're entering a very dark place here and it's getting personal.


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
I've never had a problem getting games either online or at a major with any top player that I asked.

This is another one of those Tom Brady false narratives.

Fun story relevant to this subject: One day in MKX Tom was complaining about no one giving him any games. One of my teammates knew Tom and tried to get him to play underrated Jason/Leatherface main and Texas player, GG Onisan. Onisan, if any of you know him, is not only a very good player but is down to play anytime. Nice dude.

Anyway, Tom refused saying he didn't need to play the Jason mu or some such horse shit. I've also had private conversations with other players and they too, play Tom for hours when he asks.

You need to understand a few things:

It is no player's responsibility to help you level up. That's you. Start a team, talk some shit, ask, whatever you need to do to get games, but understand that sometimes you're going to have to settle.

There are plenty of very good players who aren't known out there. Start looking outside Twitter and TYM.

People don't always have the best priority or plan very well. Which is why instead of saving the day more people should let these people suffer the consequences of their actions.

Don't have a ride home? Hope you like Florida/Tennessee/wherever, fam. You'd be surprised how quickly people change when made deal with consequences. Sometimes fucking up is the only way you learn.


Day -4MONTHS Dual Jin main
People on tym going completely nuts today. Do any of these ruthless posters have day jobs? I mean honestly, I hear everything he's saying and I even agree with some of his points, but these people have too much time to spend thinking about the game/community and clearly they've been harboring some resentment for quite awhile.

I appreciated the honesty because tym is 90% fraudulent about nearly everything. But I feel that we're entering a very dark place here and it's getting personal.
Yes, I currently am working at this moment lol I took a few minutes between jobs to post this


Dojo Trainee
I miss the old days in mkx just playing until both of you got too tired of it lol. But people do need to set their priorities straight honestly. No fighting game is a career that you can rely on and with fighting games you really do not get paid unless you win and there is a certain random nature to fighting games that not even the best of the best can keep from just sometimes losing to. Also top players don't really owe you games its no big deal if you can't get a first to death with honeybee you can still learn the mu just by fighting a good flash and labbing him in practice with the flash player.