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Fighting Game Community Attitudes


I'm new to the fighting game genre and new here to this website. Been a lurker for a couple of weeks and in general, like what I saw and officially joined. A few of the administrators here helped me navigate my way around and seem like great guys (kudos @Espio, @CrimsonShadow and @STORMS).

Like I said, I'm new to the FGC and try to get whatever info I can on Injustice 2 either here or Youtube and I've learned a lot on this website just reading your responses/input on the game. However, I have a serious question when it comes to the actual battles online, so please forgive the noob question if it seems silly because, well...I'm a noob.

I've seen quite a few Youtube battles of Injustice 2 and tend to notice people sometimes get an attitude when they get outplayed and beaten if their opponent doesn't fight them their way. I just looked at a video of someone getting mad because his Supergirl was beaten by Poison Ivy and didn't like the way he played.

I've also seen other battles where one player's character (let's just say Deadshot or Dr. Fate) basically outshoots/zones out the other character for the win and the loser just rages on how such person is a poor player and goes on a tirade. I've seen this on more than a few occasions. My noob question is this----

If said characters were given such tools to use by the developers/company in order to win, and someone uses these tools, why is it that people are getting upset?? Why is this not considered legitimate? Hell, I experienced this myself when I recently beat someone with Black Adam's lightning bolt. The guy got on his mic and railed on me.

In no way am I saying that everyone acts out like this but there have been a quite a few people on Youtube that have acted somewhat childish when they lose this way. Can some of you experienced players please explain why this is?

Sorry for the long post but I wanted to attempt to get my thoughts on this clearly. Thanks in advance for any and all responses. :)


You think you bad? You aint bad.
People take things more serious than others. Others see this as just a fighting game when it's more competitive to others than t would be to anyone else.
And just because the developers put said thing in game doesn't make it acceptable.
Like Dex for example. Makes fighting Atro highly annoying.
People take things more serious than others. Others see this as just a fighting game when it's more competitive to others than t would be to anyone else.
And just because the developers put said thing in game doesn't make it acceptable.
Like Dex for example. Makes fighting Atro highly annoying.
Okay, this is what I don't understand (I'm not trying to be a hardass, seriously)---why is it not acceptable if developers put certain tools in the game like Dex? Is Atro great with Dex? No doubt. But you have to figure if you're fighting Atro, you know that damn cat is coming out and should try to adjust accordingly. He's a great character but not unbeatable by any means. This should apply to all characters as well.

I just think people shouldn't go on a tirade if they lose to someone who doesn't play their way.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
People who complain about how other people play are called "scrubs". Unfortunately there's a lot in our scene and the FGC. For instance, the best example of someone who is popular that is a scrub would be Tru3Talent.

I highly recommend you read David Sirlins online article/book called "Playing to Win".


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
Okay, this is what I don't understand (I'm not trying to be a hardass, seriously)---why is it not acceptable if developers put certain tools in the game like Dex? Is Atro great with Dex? No doubt. But you have to figure if you're fighting Atro, you know that damn cat is coming out and should try to adjust accordingly. He's a great character but not unbeatable by any means. This should apply to all characters as well.

I just think people shouldn't go on a tirade if they lose to someone who doesn't play their way.
Do not worry, you have the right attitude.
People who complain about how other people play are called "scrubs". Unfortunately there's a lot in our scene and the FGC. For instance, the best example of someone who is popular that is a scrub would be Tru3Talent.

I highly recommend you read David Sirlins online article/book called "Playing to Win".
Scrubs, huh? Maybe, but I've seen people online who I really admire (don't wanna give any names) go on mini tirades on how they lost to said guy who has no skill, yada yada. When I look at those fights, in my mind as much as I may admire them, I'm saying "he may have no skill but he still beat you."

Anyway, thanks for responding and I will check out that article.


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Premium Supporter
Scrubs, huh? Maybe, but I've seen people online who I really admire (don't wanna give any names) go on mini tirades on how they lost to said guy who has no skill, yada yada. When I look at those fights, in my mind as much as I may admire them, I'm saying "he may have no skill but he still beat you."

Anyway, thanks for responding and I will check out that article.
Well they go on scrub tirades then. It doesn't matter if it's SonicFox himself. Blaming your loss on your opponent in any way other than lag, is what scrubs do. The problem with online is you can always use the lag excuse. A lot of good players unfortunately have incredibly big egos. So if they lose to some random online, it's hard to admit that they were outplayed, so the rage tirades ensue.


You think you bad? You aint bad.
Okay, this is what I don't understand (I'm not trying to be a hardass, seriously)---why is it not acceptable if developers put certain tools in the game like Dex? Is Atro great with Dex? No doubt. But you have to figure if you're fighting Atro, you know that damn cat is coming out and should try to adjust accordingly. He's a great character but not unbeatable by any means. This should apply to all characters as well.

I just think people shouldn't go on a tirade if they lose to someone who doesn't play their way.
I don't care care about him having that strong of a trait, it's the fact that Dex can sit there until he expires rather than going away on hit.
Should I have to spend meter everytime just to shorten his trait life?
That as an example. Some are more frustrated in terms of balance.
As a MvC player balance isn't a concern since that game was BROKEN, but others don't feel the same way.
You'll see when you actually play


The world's least hype player
We all get salty, best thing we can do is take a step back realize when we get to that point and not continue past that. The FGC is very non toxic compared to most communities
Well they go on scrub tirades then. It doesn't matter if it's SonicFox himself. Blaming your loss on your opponent in any way other than lag, is what scrubs do. The problem with online is you can always use the lag excuse. A lot of good players unfortunately have incredibly big egos. So if they lose to some random online, it's hard to admit that they were outplayed, so the rage tirades ensue.
Very very informative.

Do not worry, you have the right attitude.
Thank you, man.


It's all so very confusing.
Shrug. No one likes to lose and some people just get caught in the moment. I usually avoid any YouTube or stream where that's a constant just because I find it annoying.. but I won't lie and say I don't do it occasionally. I mean, I never get on mic and run my mouth, or hatemail anyone but I'll bitch to myself.. a lot of "C'MON HOW THE FUCK DID THAT WORK/NOT WORK" stuff.

It happens when you get invested in a fight snd it ESPECIALLY happens you're losing to someone or something gimmicky and shitty, that makes it way worse.


The only Real Master
Everyone has his play style and does whatever it takes to win coz that's the underlying matter here.....winning. So when someone goes on and on about how you used cheap tactics, blowing u up about how you played is utter bullshit. Do whatever you want to do to be the utmost best player as you can be and forget the scrubs.
I don't care care about him having that strong of a trait, it's the fact that Dex can sit there until he expires rather than going away on hit.
Should I have to spend meter everytime just to shorten his trait life?
That as an example. Some are more frustrated in terms of balance.
As a MvC player balance isn't a concern since that game was BROKEN, but others don't feel the same way.
You'll see when you actually play
But I do play and though I'm far from good, I've won my share of matches. And the ones where I got my @$$ handed to me, I wrote to them and said good game.

As for Dex, yeah he may not go away but if you get a combo on Atro, Dex doesn't attack. He's a pain, no question but far from unbeatable. Just have to find our way around it. My humble take on things anyway...
Shrug. No one likes to lose and some people just get caught in the moment. I usually avoid any YouTube or stream where that's a constant just because I find it annoying.. but I won't lie and say I don't do it occasionally. I mean, I never get on mic and run my mouth, or hatemail anyone but I'll bitch to myself.. a lot of "C'MON HOW THE FUCK DID THAT WORK/NOT WORK" stuff.

It happens when you get invested in a fight snd it ESPECIALLY happens you're losing to someone or something gimmicky and shitty, that makes it way worse.
Understood. But as you've said, you berate YOURSELF (we all do that) but not the other player.

That's the crucial difference.

If Deadshot beats me by outzoning me because that's his tools, then it's my fault for not adjusting accordingly, not the fault of the other player who took advantage of said tools. Just my humble take on it...
Everyone has his play style and does whatever it takes to win coz that's the underlying matter here.....winning. So when someone goes on and on about how you used cheap tactics, blowing u up about how you played is utter bullshit. Do whatever you want to do to be the utmost best player as you can be and forget the scrubs.
Very sage. :)


Yep you are experience what the fgc knows as "scrubs". People who make up rules the game knows nothing about, or anyone else for that matter. They often talk of "skill" but seem to be too inept at adapting to different playstyles other than the one they view as "acceptable. I don't see the word "cheap" thrown around a lot anymore, but "spam" seems to be a scrubs favorite word. "I lost, because you spammed" is a pretty common phrase, and has zero merit. They lost because they got outplayed, and they have much more to learn, plain and simple.

It's best to ignore people like this. People with this attitude would get laughed out of a tournament, but since NRS games are among the most popular for casuals, casual players seem to be the ones who cling to these rules the most. And it's simple to see why, they get very upset if you woop them using projectiles. They feel helpless, embarrassed, and then use the defense mechanism of anger and blame of their opponent to help them feel justified in their loss.

Like I said, ignore these people. Playing them won't improve your game much. And it's refreshing to see a new player who's already gotten past this mindset. I'm willing to admit I thought this way when first playing fighting games, until reading that Sirlin article, and finally "getting it" so to speak. Not only did my gameplay get better as a result, so did my enjoyment and appreciation of the game too.
Yep you are experience what the fgc knows as "scrubs". People who make up rules the game knows nothing about, or anyone else for that matter. They often talk of "skill" but seem to be too inept at adapting to different playstyles other than the one they view as "acceptable. I don't see the word "cheap" thrown around a lot anymore, but "spam" seems to be a scrubs favorite word. "I lost, because you spammed" is a pretty common phrase, and has zero merit. They lost because they got outplayed, and they have much more to learn, plain and simple.

It's best to ignore people like this. People with this attitude would get laughed out of a tournament, but since NRS games are among the most popular for casuals, casual players seem to be the ones who cling to these rules the most. And it's simple to see why, they get very upset if you woop them using projectiles. They feel helpless, embarrassed, and then use the defense mechanism of anger and blame of their opponent to help them feel justified in their loss.

Like I said, ignore these people. Playing them won't improve your game much. And it's refreshing to see a new player who's already gotten past this mindset. I'm willing to admit I thought this way when first playing fighting games, until reading that Sirlin article, and finally "getting it" so to speak. Not only did my gameplay get better as a result, so did my enjoyment and appreciation of the game too.
Thank you for the advice, bruh.

Da Tac0

GT: C88 Taco
I'm gonna tell you what the group I play with are nice people who love to help but once it gets serious lol it gets serious
The fighting game community is toxic. Probably because it's a one on one scene. You only have yourself to blame when you lose and some people can't handle that gracefully. Also, the tools they gave some characters over others is what most people don't like.


Purse first, ass last.
If I beat a top 10 character with Joker or a top 5 character with Cheetah I'm talking mad shit on the mic, especially if they were tbagging and lost.

You have no reason to be losing using Batman/Supes/Adam etc. vs Cheetah, and if your Black Canary can't get in on Joker, well... lol!


Saltiest Joker Player
I experienced this myself when I recently beat someone with Black Adam's lightning bolt. :)
First, I would like to say welcome

Second, did anyone notice he said he uses... BLACK ADAM :rolleyes:

Winning is winning and losing is losing. I remember in injustice 1 I used to get SUPER salty. It was my first NRS fighter and, To me, NRS fighters are broken compared to almost any other fighter.

I will also say that I was way young to the point that I would literally live and breathe injustice 1 and the joker MU that salt spewed off me.

Made enemies for sure, met cool people and so on.

One thing I learned growing up is who cares, it's a game. Sure I still get salty af but instead of raging I just get off and rage at my friends :D.

Since you're new, the salt will eventually flow, unless you're @BrianTheBEAST lol
I feel there's nothing wrong with being upset over a loss, especially if you were just DESTROYED. As I'm sure a lot of rush down players can attest, it freaking sucks to get kept out all match by projectiles (honestly one of the most frustrating things I've dealt with in games). But that being said raging on the mic or sending hate mail isn't the correct response to that anger and some people can't see that. When I get zoned out (Robin main so it happens a lot) I'm not gonna lie I'm pissed. But instead of talking shit, I focus that energy and brain power into figuring out where I (operative word) fucked up and hit the lab. Honestly it would be weird if someone who plays competitively didn't get bothered by a dramatic loss, it's just how you handle it that matters.