Yeah, well, for me graphics =/= a fun game.
The graphics being better than they are now won't make the game more fun. That's entirely dependent on the game's mechanics.
I obviously don't speak for everyone with the above, but I'm certainly not the only person who feels this way.
Some of us simply do not care and there's nothing wrong with it (not implying you're saying there is).
Better technology doesn't always mean better games.
You are still completely missing the point here.
It doesn't matter if its a great game, or a terrible game. It can still be held back by this. The Witcher 3's outstanding reviews (highest user reviewed game of ALL TIME on metacritic, tied with Portal) shows they made NO compromise to gameplay for graphical quality. However, the video quality of the game was STILL massively impacted in a negative by console restrictions, in the words of their own lead designer, "gutted". In fact, he outright stated the added complications of having to build around the consoles, that COST them resources that could have potentially been dedicated to gameplay, as did the developer in the original post, who stated
"Most of the work developers put out there is to make them work on consoles.”.
It doesn't matter if you personally care about it or not, this article was not made to tell you to change what you look for in a game, it was made to say that this is the state of our technology in game design right now, and this is why its being held back. Regardless of what you may think, this is not common knowledge, and most developers will shy around the issue to avoid upsetting a potential market with zero financial investment gained for opening their mouth. Hence why this article is making news on gaming websites at the moment.
That being said, if your opinion is that you would just as happily play the exact same game except with downgraded graphics rather than the one with better graphics and it would have zero effect on you, then its fine. But its clear you have zero interest in the tech race or in seeing games be as good or immersive as they could be or utilize the current tech available, so it makes a person wonder why you would get invested in an argument about such. Practically every reviewer even consumer reviews, gives higher marks for greater graphics, so you are by far in the minority if greater graphics don't improve the overall quality of a game for you. However, nobody's telling you that you personally have to care about graphics. Just that if you DO care about them, know that the current state of consoles is holding back what developers are capable of, more so than ever in today as the gap is only widening, and the pinnacle of console tech currently in PS4Pro, is where the PC was at FIVE years ago, which is a massive disconnect technologically.