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Batman is a sadistic creep who gets off on beating up the mentally ill and homeless

Evil Canadian

Elder God
I am glad people can see the light on this one, understand Batman for the monster he is.

With more eyes open, perhaps gotham can be saved

perhaps someone could come to gotham, and be its saving light

a true





For real. BLACK ORCHID is one of my favorite DC minis of all time. I wish Ivy was always as scary as she is there, a real opposite number to Swamp Thing.

(I do love that Ivy and Swamp Thing are both in IJ2, because that parallel is one of my favorite things. I just don't trust that it'll factor into the story much.)
I wish I could like this twice. Ivy and Swampy aren't buddies, he represents nature and she wants to change it. She's also completely insane, there's no alliance there.


Too bad YOU... will DIE!
I wish I could like this twice. Ivy and Swampy aren't buddies, he represents nature and she wants to change it. She's also completely insane, there's no alliance there.
I do love, though, that he sees the potential in her to be something beautiful, to be the May Queen, because he sees she's connected to the Green like he is. But she can't get there, because she's too full of hate.


Too bad YOU... will DIE!
Hate and self loathing for having so much hate. Those two pages did more for her development than the 25 years of comics before ever hoped to.

Not trying to derail the thread. Batman sucks. Yeah.
No this is good IMO I'm hyped for Ivy all over again. I'm sad some of my faves won't make it into IJ2 (Zatanna, Mera probably, Vixen) but Cheetah and Ivy have me so excited.

And I mean, Ivy's continued incarceration at Arkham is a good case study for Batman being a hyperconservative police state piece of shit. (My issue with fascist Superman takes, like Injustice, has always been that it's Batman who is the conservative character.)

The most likeable Batman we've seen in decades is the one from the Telltale game, because his whole idea is 'let's spend my money to tear down Arkham and build a mental health infrastructure in this city, because that might help fight crime at the root.' I feel like the Telltale writers share our feelings, lol.


A Serious House definitely expands on this. Arkham was never meant to help anyone, the text dedicated to Harvey Dent says that much. The entire structure of the Batverse is flawed. Of course I'm one of the people that would liked more Batman characters in the game so what do I know


Batman is just a rich sadistic prick who uses his wealth to basically renact the movie "surviving the game". He stalks the night looking for people who have resorted to committing crimes because Waynecorp is destroying the city forcing so many people who cannot afford to feed their families to turn to crime.

Doesn't matter if you are stealing a loaf of bread for your starving child, or in poor mental health and just really need a helping hand, batman will swoop down on you from the sky breaking your jaw into a thousand pieces, beat you into a pulp and moving on to destroy the next unlucky poor souls life.

Please do not support batman in the future!!!!!
As long as he's stopping crime, I don't care. Keep up the great work batman!
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Video proof of The Joker becoming a productive member of the society because, He thinks that Batman is dead.
As You can see.... Batman causes more crime than It fixes. He's the true monster of arkham.
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