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New Batman Tech


Interesting :) I wonder if this will stay in past the beta. Might as well just always cancel J2 into the sparkles on block if you get this tech down


I see no reason that this should stay in. lol

Interesting find though. You always know it's something crazy when you hear, "What the fuck?"

SM StarGazer

The voice of reason in a Sea of Salt
I mean Supergirl has double to triple overheads so I see no reason why this can't stay. Shouldn't be letting anyone jump in on you like that unless it's after a HKD anyway.


Official Master of Salt
I don't mean to be negative nancy or anything, but it looks like it only works if the jik is used super late, so is there any reason you wouldn't have been anti-aired?
It is Mad suspect till d1-ice breath fucks you up.

Condition them with ji1 float 1 into d1-ice breath. Once they start respecting it go for ExTele.
j1 into float j1 is pretty suspect too and it s reactable u can clearly react when she leaves the screen that tech is wack

Solomon Gorondy

Should Goro be top 5?
I don't mean to be negative nancy or anything, but it looks like it only works if the jik is used super late, so is there any reason you wouldn't have been anti-aired?
I can think of a few reasons...
  1. Batman releases trait to cover his late Jump In kick.
  2. Opponent's anti-air can beat a late kick but not an early kick... so he/she opts to block.
  3. Potential OKI? It might cross-up and Bats could double jump to avoid the wake-up.