I dont have the beta, but I voted yes.. I
A, this is a BETA. Locking out a feature for future use because its unbalanced or ridiculous right now seems a little shortsighted.
B, I would ASSUME this is based on the assumption that these moves are going to be balanced. If they are just an add-in batshit insanity kind of thing then of course not, but assuming the moves, or a CLASS of them (tourney balanced/legal) are added and actively part of the balancing process for competitive play, I honestly don't understand the resistance to this idea.
ASSUMING both balance and a streamlined method of choosing the moves - I literally cannot see a bad side to this, and again, this being a beta, making decisions based on current balance seems like a bad idea. Now, admittedly, that argument works both ways, but I'm sure you see my point.
As to streamlining the system, I don't see why there couldn't be a drop-down box when you select your character, that lists the moves. Just scroll and click what you want. Similar to how you choose a costume now.
Balance isnt an issue on moves that NRS decides arent meant for tourney play, so they tag certain moves (Shazzy mentioned making Superman's Super unblockable.. if thats a real thing, that should not be legal obviously) as casual/fun, and the rest are designed to be used and are balanced accordingly. Is that a tall order for NRS? Yeah, but I mean, we have like a hundred variations in MKX right now, so I dont see it being that much taller an order than what they've been tasked with up until now - and really, the latest iteration of MKXL is the most balanced the game has ever been. Its not perfect, but its a damn sight better than previous iterations which gives me some hope for NRS's competence in general.
As ive said before, you winnerlock the skills chosen, just like we lock character/variation now.
I just see this as a huge boon to the game. It opens up the options and strategy and depth, it *could* allow characters to be tailored to better make up bad MUs and make good ones better.
If its a balance or setup clusterfuck, then nope, but Id rather be optimistic this early on rather than gloom and dooming it all.