Dankster Morgan
It is better this way
Yeah I don't think NRS really handled any character poorly, some were just less significant in the story. A big Bane moment would seem out of place in a story about Superman dicking out and killing everyone so he's fine. He was good in the Injustice comics though so that's cool. I'm excited for Injustice 2 comics.A part of me thinks a Batman and Robin Bane skin would be awesome for trolling.
Also, the tower ending for Bane was cool, but yeah, his story inclusion was dire. Looks like they might rectify that this time though, with him appearing in this trailer alongside the other people we know will have a stromg influence on the story.
And having Brainiac as the big bad could mean that they will focus on the intellect of the villains, which could mean good things for Bane fans this time.