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Discussion Australian man makes tier list, world peace occurs as a result! (Current All Variation Tier List)

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
Cyrax is a solid mid tier. Like 100% smack bang in the middle. Stop this downplay lads.
"solid mid tier"

How much Cyrax do either of you play? Because I've played a good amount of both him and CSZ I've been a Triborg main for a long time now. I notice the other people who have played both characters agree with me on this one.

CSZ is the better character. Cyrax's set-ups are gimmicks. CSZ has F2 so even tho he has less set-ups, at least its legit. Cyrax's strength is big damage 1-Bar combo's off anything linked into EX-Saw, but it requires frame perfect execution or it can be jumped out of. CSZ has much more tools in the neutral, better meterless corner game, B2 shenanigans, real armor+real slide in one, better backdash, better projectile, and Divekick to threaten combo off bombs from anywhere. There's a reason I've swapped over to him. Call it Cyrax downplay, or call it CSZ up-play, idc. CSZ is the better character.


Could be wrong. I think the main reason Shaolin was good pre-patch was because you could just safely 50/50 potato to victory but now you can't. Could be wrong though.
Lmao he is still safe on damn near everything, I'll wait and see if more people comment on it though, I'm not pro

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
Hat Trick is not A.
I'm sorry if anyone think this character has tools to be at the very least A, but no, as long as his frame traps are all -6 at the very least (this includes call back meterless on block and hat traps from every cancel) with the current walkspeed and backdash, minus buttons and traps Hat Trick will never past the B tier.

I play this character at the highest level and i can assure you, if anyone has the patience to use an 11f mid on every trap KL places, he will never be able to counter with anything else, which in turn beats practically almost all his options and he is forced to play without it instead.

please be trufull and remove Hat Trick from A tier please, that is not the place where he belongs, he is B at highest level.


Time Warrior
Hat Trick is not A.
I'm sorry if anyone think this character has tools to be at the very least A, but no, as long as his frame traps are all -6 at the very least (this includes call back meterless on block and hat traps from every cancel) with the current walkspeed and backdash, minus buttons and traps Hat Trick will never past the B tier.

I play this character at the highest level and i can assure you, if anyone has the patience to use an 11f mid on every trap KL places, he will never be able to counter with anything else, which in turn beats practically almost all his options and he is forced to play without it instead.

please be trufull and remove Hat Trick from A tier please, that is not the place where he belongs, he is B at highest level.
"Please be truthful" haha. I may move him down to B+, but I think B is going too far, that tier is reserved for literal dumpster fires of a character.


fear the moobs
Cyrax's set-ups are gimmicks
it's statements like this that really bother me. when you say gimmick it implies that if i know the match up i shouldn't be having trouble with it which is bullshit.

regarding this tier list i won't really go deep into detail about all the whack shit in it cus there's way to many whack shit in it but it is pretty juicy. i personaly don't think displacer is as good as most people say he is. i think he's way to meter dependent but that's just me

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
it's statements like this that really bother me. when you say gimmick it implies that if i know the match up i shouldn't be having trouble with it which is bullshit.
But if you know the match up, you can recognise the set-up and either tech roll or delayed wake up every single one of them for a risk free way out of every oki set-up he has except for EX-Saw ones... and that costs a bar. It's a gimmick.


Yes let's, inferno is not a bad variation in it's own right, it has Scorpion's base toolset for starters which is among the best in the game, solid meterless damage, a meterless vortex, good mobility etc. The main reason he is considered bad is that hellfire and ninjutsu are just much better. He's not bad, he's just irrelevant, similar to how Cyrax is not bad either, he's just irrelevant when you have Smoke and Sektor

Mileena barely got touched in the patch at all, I mean seriously she got a slap on the wrist at best, she's still super strong and able to play the game from anywhere on screen.

Grandmaster is SUPER strong now I mean c'mon, db1 is safe now and Alien, one of his hardest matchups pre-patch got fixed by the tail hitbox. Literally everything he does can be cancelled into db1 and be completely safe (apart from b2) and he has 40% combos off every touch in the corner with the clone, also his overhead didn't get slowed down at all, so guess wrong and you're dead. Seriously his corner game has always been great but now with the faster d1 and safe db1 he has become insane, second only to Dragon Breath Bo in corner potential I say (I may be biased haha). Name for me three of Grandmaster's bad matchups please.
Inferno is super unsafe and to get that meterless damage, u either gotta commit to his super unsafe 50/50s or get a punish. Not to mention, scorpion doesnt have a true vortex as f4 and b3 can be fuzzy guarded after the teleport restand. Also, inferno has a poor neutral, with d4 being his best normal. As for Grandmaster bad mus, Kenshi, Kitana and maybe even Mileena are tough matchups for him.


fear the moobs
But if you know the match up, you can recognise the set-up and either tech roll or delayed wake up every single one of them for a risk free way out of every oki set-up he has except for EX-Saw ones... and that costs a bar. It's a gimmick.
and if he does f3 to catch your back dash/roll. there's so many options he has if you try to get out like bruh he can read that shit and make you have to eat 2 hard to blockables than combo you don't get out for free it's all a read. in the corner you're just fucked he can cover every option and you just have to block


The Ignore Button Is Free
I think ermac (mystic) is being slept on. He should be S+ imo. I truly believe he's the best in the game


Time Warrior
Inferno is super unsafe and to get that meterless damage, u either gotta commit to his super unsafe 50/50s or get a punish. Not to mention, scorpion doesnt have a true vortex as f4 and b3 can be fuzzy guarded after the teleport restand. Also, inferno has a poor neutral, with d4 being his best normal. As for Grandmaster bad mus, Kenshi, Kitana and maybe even Mileena are tough matchups for him.
These are all problems that all of Scorpion's variations have so I don't see why you think these make inferno bad and not the other two.

Kenshi and Kitana do not beat Grandmaster, no way. Mileena might though.

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
and if he does f3 to catch your back dash/roll. there's so many options he has if you try to get out like bruh he can read that shit and make you have to eat 2 hard to blockables than combo you don't get out for free it's all a read. in the corner you're just fucked he can cover every option and you just have to block
for starters its 1 HTB, and F3 doesn't punish a tech roll. And, once again, in the corner you can tech roll and beat every meterless HTB.

Sounds like you really need to dive in and lvl up your options in this match up a bit better.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
"Please be truthful" haha. I may move him down to B+, but I think B is going too far, that tier is reserved for literal dumpster fires of a character.
He might be slightly better than Outlaw of course, but this doesn't change the real struggle the character faces.

I admit and admire NRS gave him nice fixes, which only adressed his ability to do combos consistently off these tools that were practically impossible to be consistent with, but instead of staying there, the character got clearly nerfed for no reason again.

S1 nerf was unnecessary, now every player can crossup KL on hat traps and he lost his way to react to it into a call back combo due the float being taken away, this hurt so many s1 jab combos.
The ex Spin nerf, but this one is universal, it did a lot of harm to the character in general but good riddance.

KL has THE WORST walkspeed in the game, this with the minus buttons and minus hat trap setups and call backs are what are hurting the character the most, and as long as these don't get buffed he won't be able to play the spacing game like any character in the game should.

NRS should've really increase both of his walkspeeds, give him a real backdash, and remove 5f on all hat traps so he can be at -1 at the current -6 setups on them, this would make him super fun to play and would actually frame trap mashers, and he being -5 on call backs and tele 3 would be the tip of the cake.

The charater would literally be perfect for competitive play without being too strong or too weak, he wouldn't need anything else, but hell, not even sure if we're getting the so called last patch, but he needs it.
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I cant understand how Erron black Gunslinger is A+ instead of A. His neutral game is so weak because of the overhead nerf and his lacks of good mids is awful. And Marksman should probably be B+. If im wrong about all this, then explain it please to me.