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Street Fighter V General Discussion

Rip Torn

akuma has had that kanji before. But not for a long time. Skin color and ropes suggest akuma but I dunno. I'd be hype for either one.

Also if his trigger turns him into oni and breaks his prayer beads I'll drop Mika.
Honestly, I don't think that Kanji matches Shin Akuma or any Akuma Kanji that has been used before. It's closest to Shin Akuma but only the left side (Godly). The right side looks like a different symbol or is highly stylized to the point of it being unrecognizable. That being said, I have no doubt that it's Akuma. I just think it may be a different version of Akuma that we haven't seen before. Maybe this is Akuma combined with some other powerful force that we have yet to see in the SF lore.



It's all so very confusing.
I'm pretty excited. I just hope Capcom doesn't manage to screw him up. I am going to say it's unlikely he will be balanced. He's either going to be absurd or shit. Or start as one and become the other lol.


God Rashid's 10th trail is fucking dumb! Half the time HP into HK doesnt connect! Also the game doesn't tell you to back dash after you v-trig unless you watch the demo.

@Rip Torn Is this combo useful?


Normalize grab immunity.
I wouldn't be surprised if it's Akuma relevant to the timeline. Same way they changed up M. Bison (dictator). Doesn't it go Alpha 2-3 > 2 > 4 > 5 > 3? I don't know if there was anything significant for Akuma from alpha to 3 but I don't see why Capcom wouldn't clog more questions into the story.

Also if his trigger turns him into oni and breaks his prayer beads I'll drop Mika.

Is RB battlegrounds the only SF tournament that took place this weekend?
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Rip Torn

God Rashid's 10th trail is fucking dumb! Half the time HP into HK doesnt connect! Also the game doesn't tell you to back dash after you v-trig unless you watch the demo.

@Rip Torn Is this combo useful?
It's not specifically useful but the concepts are useful. After a HP or cr.HP crush counter, you can almost always land a standing HK. Sometimes that is all you can get based on the distance, so that is good to know. If you have v-trigger stocked, you can always extend that combo. Midscreen, you can backdash and then do ex eagle spike into a spinning mixer. In the corner, you can do that as well, or you can do the roll kick into CA.

You can also just mash HK after the HP, or just learn the timing. It's not super strict.


The Power of Lame Compels You
How Capcom can be working on more characters when they haven't even finished some of the ones they have atm is beyond me
People got real salty that he was in Tekken 7 and not in SFV. He's kind of a staple as I'm sure you know so ya know...yea. Cool for Akuma mains. Less cool for mains of some characters.