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General/Other - Pyromancer Why Tanya has potential BEST zoning in new Meta of the game.

Awkward Sloth

Lamest Harley, still better sloth than Jer
I'm being clowned and talked down to by people who wouldn't do as well as I did at SCR, or go to a tournament, though.

I can disagree with someone like Pig, and he will still like my post. The people who I argue with on here are irrational and not real members of the community. I know that you're in the TYM bubble as well, but deep down you know that.

When Hayatei clowns me for drowning at SCR, I take it on the chin and clown him about something. When someone who doesn't even compete tells me i'm not the best, or talks about me losing, it's so out of touch that I don't take it as anything less than malicious.

I'm gonna be around for awhile. The people who played me in casuals at SCR and online now know that the Alien nerfs did not kill me. I can't wait to go back to it not mattering after I do well at NEC and KIT.

There was no humbling. Like I said, real recognizes real. Things that I say in this thread, are things that other good players think. They just are a little more mature than me, and instead, just don't post on the site anymore.

Edit: Only posting because Sloth is my dad.
I failed you as a father


Soul Stealing Loyalist
@Mitsuownes you know I've always been a fan of the absurdities you post on this forum, but I have to say that you've been surpassed, and now you don't even come close.

Mitsuownes's suffering thread is not my favorite anymore and @Tweedy is to thank for that.

Eddy Wang

Skarlet scientist
I just got home from work, did nearly two hours in the way, and this happens? like WTF:eek:

Nikka @Tweedy, y r u triggered so fast man?

don't mess wit mah nikka guise.

Awkward Sloth

Lamest Harley, still better sloth than Jer
Last Question before we get back on topic for my son. @Tweedy

If you don't make it out of pools at KIT and NEC is it then a blow up? Will you tone it down? Or will everyone forever be a tym randie?

If you do make it outta pools and/or into top 8 at either you won't hear a peep from me. And I'll give you your props. And I will only contradict your opinion sometimes like a real dad does. :DOGE
Last Question before we get back on topic for my son. @Tweedy

If you don't make it out of pools at KIT and NEC is it then a blow up? Will you tone it down? Or will everyone forever be a tym randie?

If you do make it outta pools and/or into top 8 at either you won't hear a peep from me. And I'll give you your props. And I will only contradict your opinion sometimes like a real dad does. :DOGE
That moment your dad is wishing you to fail @Tweedy RIP


Last Question before we get back on topic for my son. @Tweedy

If you don't make it out of pools at KIT and NEC is it then a blow up? Will you tone it down? Or will everyone forever be a tym randie?

If you do make it outta pools and/or into top 8 at either you won't hear a peep from me. And I'll give you your props. And I will only contradict your opinion sometimes like a real dad does. :DOGE
I don't treat non-tym randies like tym randies.

Immortal doesn't do anything and he came in talking about how I melted down. Lol

Stop acting like I start everything and disrespect everyone.

I lost at SCR to a good Mileena player, who buries both of my characters. I beat good players in casuals with a busted pad. I beat people online now. If you think I won't cover my blindspots and do well at NEC/KIT, that's your opinion. Just don't make them peeps when you're wrong.


Soul Stealing Loyalist
I don't treat non-tym randies like tym randies.

Immortal doesn't do anything and he came in talking about how I melted down. Lol

Stop acting like I start everything and disrespect everyone.

I lost at SCR to a good Mileena player, who buries both of my characters. I beat good players in casuals with a busted pad. I beat people online now. If you think I won't cover my blindspots and do well at NEC/KIT, that's your opinion. Just don't make them peeps when you're wrong.
@Immortal see? now you made him think that you talk shit to him because he did bad in some tournament. gotta be careful when you talk to these kinds of people, you should know better.

Meh, this thread is gone from discussing to dick measuring challenge
and I wouldn't want it any other way :)


Please destroy that troll so hard that he wont never ever post hes online warrior MU charts again :)
I can't believe people continue with the Online vs Offline thing. The netcode was fixed a long time ago and its now even out for PC so this Online thing should be over. On good connections game is as good online as it is offline. You are in for a big disappointment I really doubt Kahotick can beat reveatleafing.