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General/Other - Pyromancer Why Tanya has potential BEST zoning in new Meta of the game.


Tanya, Tanqui, and Kaprisun Specialist

Bruh dragon didn't even know what a reflect was til later on in the match. He's rushing you down instead on zoning. Letting you teleport like crazy. NO EX LIFT. And you still lost

We can play it's not a problem to me lol.
Oh he knew what reflect was lol, he just knew not to use it as much as you guys are saying she can use it. You criticizing dragon's play makes me think if you'll do any better than him.


Tanya, Tanqui, and Kaprisun Specialist
OK and Kitana stays sharpened so you still have to fear chip or OH/Low. What's your point ?
Tanya's exteleport or drill will punish that sharpen if you try to do it after a combo, unless it's ex, tanya's shrpud doesnt have to be an ex and it's a combo ender, you can't compare sharpen to shroud


The Ignore Button Is Free
Tanya's exteleport or drill will punish that sharpen if you try to do it after a combo, unless it's ex, tanya's shrpud doesnt have to be an ex and it's a combo ender, you can't compare sharpen to shroud
Yea....wrong lmao.

If Kitana ends combos with a delayed njp in the corner, she gets a sharpen for free. No one can punish that. That was cute attempt to act like you know what you're talking about tho


Dojo Trainee
She's definitely a top zoner but I think kitana and Quan are better zoners. They can get full combos from full screen and control all aspects of the screen as well.

Also think Pretty Lady might be 5-5 with Pyro. Always thought that mu was fun
Don't forget Nercro, his zoning is going under the radar for some odd reason.


Tanya, Tanqui, and Kaprisun Specialist
Yea....wrong lmao.

If Kitana ends combos with a delayed njp in the corner, she gets a sharpen for free. No one can punish that. That was cute attempt to act like you know what you're talking about tho
So her damage is minimized if you are trying to do sharpen in combo, tanya's isn't. Period


The Ignore Button Is Free
So her damage is minimized if you are trying to do sharpen in combo, tanya's isn't. Period
Again, wrong lol

Instead of ending combos with Assassin strike or TS, she ends combos with NJP. the difference in damage is respectable because she still nets over 35% doing it. Sharpen has way more utility than shroud. You need to hit me to gain that usefulness, while Kitana gets increased chip and damage. Your chip is massive too but you only have one string that benefits from it and it has a gap while Kitana has plenty.

Sharpen combos shit on shrouded combos badly.

Do you wanna keep going ? lol


Tanya, Tanqui, and Kaprisun Specialist
Again, wrong lol

Instead of ending combos with Assassin strike or TS, she ends combos with NJP. the difference in damage is respectable because she still nets over 35% doing it. Sharpen has way more utility than shroud. You need to hit me to gain that usefulness, while Kitana gets increased chip and damage. Your chip is massive too but you only have one string that benefits from it and it has a gap while Kitana has plenty.

Sharpen combos shit on shrouded combos badly.

Do you wanna keep going ? lol
It was clear that we were talking about mid combo utilizing the two moves. Shroud wins, as far as staying back sharpen wins. And nope
And No, shroud combos are superior, try again :) https://twitter.com/revetleafing/status/791719123021549568

And come online so we can settle it, SHould be fun don't you agree?


Lol you can't say Tanya beats Kitana when you lost to a Kitana who didn't even play the MU right.

I'm speaking solely on RS. There is absolutely NO way Tanya wins that.

Zoning: both are great zoners, yes, but Kitana's zoning is far more detrimental than Tanya's. Both of us can't jump but Kitana's zoning shuts down your mobility hard. There is no running, jumping or teleporting against Kitana at all or you lose AT LEAST 35%. Yea Tanya's fireballs do more damage, way more plus on hit and have all types of arcs, but Kitana's fans are faster, recovers quicker and lead to way more destruction. If both were to hit at the same time, Tanya does win the trade

Anti Zoning: all Tanya has to anti zone is fireball, mainly ex fireball. Good uses, don't get me wrong, but kitana has answers for your zoning AND Anti zoning. Reflect is a godsend in this MU. I don't think you realize how good that move is against Pyro. I can reflect your fireball and even if you did ex fireball to counter that, my reflect STILL reflects that. Not only that, ex iaAss punishes ANY regular fireball ON REACTION. Even if Kitana was late on the punish, mostly like she did it from full screen, meaning its safe and she got in for free. Ex Lift catches fireballs, teleport, jumps, etc. Kitana's anti zoning far surpasses Tanya's.

Damage: is this even debatable? lol. Tanya does very poor damage, even with shroud. Even with a bar and shroud, Pyro's most practical combos don't even add up to what Kitana does meterlessly. Kitana with a bar is something Tanya wishes she can do.

Rushdown: Both are pretty good upclose and Tanya has the better armor (ex shroud). Both have good mixups but Tanya's lead to combos while Kitana's OH is a splat. Both have good staggers but Tanya has faster normals. Kitana has better pokes tho, better range and better footsies. I would say they are about the same in this department

Life lead: Both can hold a life lead against each other, but it so much easier for Kitana to hold one or even gain one. Tanya can't really sit on a life lead against RS based on all the tools it has.

So as you can see, RS clearly has an advantage. Idc who you've beaten. MUs are based on tools, not on who you've beaten. I've beaten plenty of GMs and HQTs and I dont go around parading Kitana wins. All that means is that you're simply the better player.
Exactly right about that damage except on the corner.


Tanya, Tanqui, and Kaprisun Specialist
Lol you spent 3 bars for that while Kitana does more than that with 1 bar. She does 1%less than that midscreen with 2 bars.

Still wanna keep going ? lol
Is the combo situational?? If not then it's a bye, and yes it was 3 bars what does kitana get?? I want video not talk lmao, and if you wanna go for situational then her you go https://twitter.com/revetleafing/status/789747754838786049 Still wanna keep going?


Syas "Doesn't matter who you've beaten it is based on toold" , mentions my fight vs Dragon 2-3 lmao good one.. Anyways.

Zoning: When it comes to zoning Tanya takes the edge when fighting Kitana (Any variation) Her little reflect that she has only gets her so far and it's scary to use it because of Pyro's insane damage. Shrouded makes it even scarier for Kitana to throw stuff at Tanya, all she can hope to do is try to jump towards her because she knows she won't win the zoning trades. Kitana's is faster and yes can be converted from full screen, but you have to keep in mind the hit advantage the fireballs have, if you hit me with a fan, and i'm jumping, the fireball hit advantage is to great, you won't be able to travel fully across screen , especially with stamina nerf combo will be limited.

Anti Zoning This is one of those obvious things that Kitana has more than Tanya. A reflect , which can be whiff punsihed from full screen, Tanya's ex fireball is very fast and hits and can counter projectiles ON REACTION, however Kitana takes the edge off of Anti ZOning

Damage, Oh boy,,, https://twitter.com/revetleafing/status/792476960286924800 Tanya has damage, please stop listening to TYM when it come to Tanya okay, please i'm begging you, Tanya's damage is very great and fireballs doing 8% damage immediately makes Kitana think if she even wants to zone back, this is why Kitana's mainly just want to get in and not stay back, which is what Kitana is all about stay ing back. Pyro shroud now does 10%, -4 on block, and sooo much hit advantage. Canceling low, you can get one bar 40% basically, and STILL STAY SHROUDED, this means you have to eaither wakeup or hold more 50/50's

Rushdown: This isn't very debatable because Tanya has the teleports and safe mids and fast advancing mids also, Also due to hit advantage and block stun on fireballs, it makes it easier for tanya to decide if she wants to get in or not, or to just continue zoning. Kitana has the square wave but that's punishable on block so it's kinday risky to use, also Tanya's SPlat over head (the drill) is very very good, it's so fast that it makes you confused for a second as to what you should do, it;s barely punishable, and Kitana has her 04 splat overhead which is very good. Tanya wins as far as rushdown
You can bait reflect with ground fireballs then go in with a jip 2. Reflect is really good, but not as good as some are saying.


The Ignore Button Is Free
Is the combo situational?? If not then it's a bye, and yes it was 3 bars what does kitana get?? I want video not talk lmao, and if you wanna go for situational then her you go https://twitter.com/revetleafing/status/789747754838786049 Still wanna keep going?
The combo is super practical lol. f11 ex fan in the corner is very damaging when sharpen is active. You are posting super impractical combos to prove your point.

But I'm done now.