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MKXL (XXXL?) Oct. '16 Balance Patch Changes Reaction and Predictions Thread


The Fantasy is the Reality of the Mind
BTW, someone of you said something about a shadow in the Dragon side logo. Can you guys elaborate this?


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
  • Jason - Down+FP is now -4 on block (down from -2)
  • Jason - Choke Slam & Temple Slam now have 2 hits of armor
  • Jason (Slasher) - Bloodlust & Shoulder Charge now have 2 hits of armor
  • Jason (Slasher) - added 5 recovery frames to and increased combo damage scaling on Shoulder Push
  • Jason (Relentless) - Blood Mist now has 3 hits of armor
  • Jason (Unstoppable) - Jason will now properly resurrect when killed by the second hit of Predator's Scimitar Stab
  • Jason (Unstoppable) - Fixed a bug where an opponent could lose a round if they had a damage over time effect which cannot kill active on them while Jason resurrected
Oh man. I gotta try him out again. This sounds amazing. I wanna play slasher but 3 hits of armor on his teleport in Relentless is nuts.
I need a moment of silence for the already dead Bo rai cho Drunken master ............ RIP :,(
Bo rai cho was already ass but now with the 2 hit of armor on wake ups he loses his corner game. Plus no buffs R.I.P. Oh wait he got slight movement buffs


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Interesting update patch page. So Ermac was nerfed slightly, :(. KJ Ancestral got some buffs :). Triborg Sektor some more push back and quicker recovery on flame thrower. :cool: better that that more nerfs lol.

I used to use Goro a little maybe with his buffs I should pick him up again lol


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
I need a moment of silence for the already dead Bo rai cho Drunken master ............ RIP :,(
Bo rai cho was already ass but now with the 2 hit of armor on wake ups he loses his corner game. Plus no buffs R.I.P. Oh wait he got slight movement buffs
I dont think he'll be as bad as he was but I doubt he's above mid tier with the changes in this game. Looked to me like the concept was to give him a projectile eat tool that doubled as a GTFO and one that doubled as an AA that he can just chuck out there a lot to check folks and gain him meter as he stuffs zoning to force fights into his courtyard once he has meter. MB Bo Rai cho is fairly legit up close so getting tools that make it safe to be patient, and easier to close gaps that lead to tactics that'd result in more bar for MB is good for him.

I just dont think with the changes to run though that he'll go above mid tier at best. His pressure and damage will be good as always and a bit easier to hit even if his knockdowns will suffer due to some of the wakeups, but he still doesn't really look like he has a way to close gaps that aren't risking damage given the new stamina costs could hamper his breaker options if caught...he just has a way to force things to come to him.

I say, play him and see before ruling him dead. He looks like he's there for patient gamers who like to pick a spot and not move. I definitely feel he's better than before.


Watching the beginning of the stream i missed and were getting the p mobile skins!!! woooo who whoooooooo!!!!!

Also what happened to Triborg CSZ?