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General/Other - Tanya Tanya Wishful & Logical Changes


Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
Referring to zoning as spam should be against forum rules.
I remember watching the ESL season 3 finals and the comments were pure cancer, "sonic fox is a pussy because the spams acid at least foxy has variety".
I know "spam" is a trigger-word, but read what I said and take it in context. If spamming wins, players should, but good design dictates that it be mostly ineffective.

When I say spam and its effective, I'm not hating on the player; I am hating on the design though.


kick kick
Meh, I agree Tremor and QC zoning is hype, where you have a multitude of zoning tools and mastering them is key to successful zoning, Kenshi would've fit that archetype if his zoning wasn't actually atrocious.
It still doesn't change the fact that Pyro sucks.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
This is the first NRS game I have ever been good at. I post exactly what I think and that evolves by what I know. I'm sure veterans have forgotten things about the game that I haven't even figured out yet, but I have no agenda. I don't put myself above others. I just say it exactly as I see it. Great zoning is breath-taking when great zoners are pushed to the limits - and characters like Quan and Tremor do that in MKX. I can't say the same about Pyromancer Tanya. I'm certainly less sure than I was about Kenshi.

Its not the play-style I don't agree with. Its the design I'm not a fan of. One do-it-all projectile isn't a good design for an all-out zoner, but players who zone must adapt the winning mindset - and that is establish a tool and only break from it when necessary. Its up to the designers to make it necessary.

There's no reason to hate either character anymore, so it seems the designers and I see eye to eye on this one.

If spamming works, zoners should spam. Its up to the designers to make zoning viable, but not "brain-dead." In this respect, the design team has done a fine job, IMO. Either love 'em (like Summoner and Crystalline) or leave 'em (Like Pyro and Balanced).
I guess we can agree to disagree
Reactions: GAV


Run and Tell ya mama bout that
I only want one buff for Tanya Make B3 1 3 a low. If they can do that for jacqui 233 strings they can do it for Tanya :) anything else if fine

Invincible Salads

Seeker of knowledge
i say they should undo some of the damage done to kobujutsu for sure, unnerf her b12+4 string, make her ex tonfa + on block again. Give her rekka's a sweet spot that perfectly delayed will be -6, and make her backwards teleport have a point.


Publicly Educated
i say they should undo some of the damage done to kobujutsu for sure, unnerf her b12+4 string, make her ex tonfa + on block again. Give her rekka's a sweet spot that perfectly delayed will be -6, and make her backwards teleport have a point.
First rekka is -7 on block. Her rekka is better than Alien it's only raped by Kung Lao because of 7f ex spin. Alien's rekka always loses to 13f armored reversal


Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
i say they should undo some of the damage done to kobujutsu for sure, unnerf her b12+4 string, make her ex tonfa + on block again. Give her rekka's a sweet spot that perfectly delayed will be -6, and make her backwards teleport have a point.
Her backwards teleport does have a point. It says very clearly, "Quit being such a puss and fight."


Tanya, Tanqui, and Kaprisun Specialist

Hello guys and girls,

i am very certain that most of you have a feeling that Tanya is still a strong character and there might be few reasons for it, such as: not knowing the matchup, too lazy to lab or have never played against her (or purchased her, i know a lot of people that complain about her that don't even have her purchased)

anyway, me and other Tanya mains feel as though that after the July patch Naginata and Pyromancer became obsolete, they require too much work and get nothing in return. Naginata is a pure gimmick variation that has nothing real besides B32 and F42, where as Pyromancer's zoning is overrated and extremely easy to deal with.

Here are my suggestions of making Dragon Naginata and Pyromancer better, i am not going to break the character just going to suggest some of universal and Naginata + Pyromancer changes, i am also leaving Kobu Jutsu out of this picture because it had its time. Also i will not be suggesting the reverting her old changes, because they will not do it, it was taken out for a reason... or not *cough* 34 string nerf*cough*

So... here it goes, you may agree with me or may not... oh well

Universal Changes
  • B313 is now -2 on block
  • 2U3 is now -4 on block
  • 11U4 is now +2 on block
  • D1 is now -4 on block
  • F2 teleport Jip jails
  • F2 teleport air Drill jails
  • Air split dive is 15 frames on startup
  • Air split dive is +3 on hit
  • F4 is now special cancellable
  • Fully charged F3 is now +5 on block
  • Ground teleports now invincible but cost stamina bar
  • Air fireballs do the same damage as the ground ones
  • All fireballs hit advantage now +8 down from +22
  • All fireballs startup decreased by 4 frames
  • Increase the hitbox of Air EX fireball
  • 243 has a fire on the end of the string
  • Reduce recovery by 8 frames on air fireballs
  • Reduce recovery by 8 frames on air fireballs after air teleport
  • B31 Dust jails
Dragon Naginata
  • B2 hit advantage is now +10 up from +1
  • F42 is now -8
  • Pogo stance is now -10 on block
  • Pogo stance 4 jails on block
  • Decrease the startup on Pogo stance 1
  • 112, F2, 24, 4 into forward teleport pogo now jails
  • EX BF2 into 4 now jails
  • Jump in pogo stance now jails from max range of Jump in 2
  • Decrease startup on B1 by 5 frames
Here are my logical changes to make the variations better and not broken, share your thoughts, i am mostly interested in the ones that come from people who play Tanya

@Awkward Sloth @InfamousSloth @SethHendrixson @chrisisnice @Dragons Rule!!! @EdenianWarrior @Cameronwinss @Sindelia @xKhaoTik @any other Tanya that is left...
Oh lord... @Tweedy Here it is

KGA Prosaic

RM Prosaic
Lol, sorry man. If you're struggling on blocking that I suggest you hit the lab. Block low, fuzzy overhead. Her IAPS is nothing like Kano's sadly.


Sorry man, actually play the game before you give stupid advice like fuzzying or reacting to sub-20 frame mix ups.

Sincerely, guy that beats the best Tanya's in the world.

KGA Prosaic

RM Prosaic
Sorry man, actually play the game before you give stupid advice like fuzzying or reacting to sub-20 frame mix ups.

Sincerely, guy that beats the best Tanya's in the world.

You haven't played me though?
But I'm sure you feel good beating Tanya with alien, haha. I'll see what happens to your one hit wonder ass in a few days. C;


Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains
Lol at getting insulted in the first paragraph.

These requested buffs seem quite reasonable to me. Stuff like teleport regaining invincibility still sounds tricky to me, but if it costs a bar of stamina then it's fine.
i wanna see her get better, i think tanya mains deserve it, just as long as she can't Loop it over and over, its cool with me. Stamina seems like a good Regulator for Invincible Telport. would that mean she can only do it once, cuz like half makes it stall right, if she could do it twice in a row id be fine with that. i can respect 2 rotaions. i mean i do it with Scorpion, D'Vorah, Johnny and othersincluding Kano, why not her? she a cool char. don't use her, but saying that im not against her getting better. how would that hurt my character? or anyoneelses?


Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains

Here's a few of some of my findings. Been meaning to post more but I think I'm just gonna start working on a guide for Kobu and introduce them there.
Very good tech, but there are to many gaps in most of it. i like it though, its very nice shit. looks clean. like Vax said it is a bit Gimmiky and there are Armorable gaps and Escapes. im sure most of it you are just floating back to redo a combo or setup. but other than that very good shit. i hope you and Vax do work together and make a great guide.

I have the same feeling as you as to that Tanya is very goos till, and really slept on. but i also think she could use some buffs. and it could not hurt as long as they don't go overboard with them. Fact is i have no problem labbingmatchups and i don't fear her going higher in tier list. just dumb broke shit is not gonna happen again. like Infinites that are loops, and shit like that. as long as it doent repeat the dumb shit she used to have and Stamina limits it im ok with it.

KGA Prosaic

RM Prosaic
Hmm, didn't think that video would resurface. Its true purpose was to show that after a teleport she can ignore the recovery frames and continue to pressure. Honestly, after b32exf tele it becomes set play.

So many options to the opponents amount of options.


My thirst for knowledge cannot be quenched
Hmm, didn't think that video would resurface. Its true purpose was to show that after a teleport she can ignore the recovery frames and continue to pressure. Honestly, after b32exf tele it becomes set play.

So many options to the opponents amount of options.
Uhm, have you dropped her for Leatherface btw mate?


Kenshi Srubtastic,Cyrax, Special Forces Mains
"Spamming" lmao

What the fuck are you even talking about? What "variety" goes into rushdown like Sonya? I remember when you said that people WOULDN'T WANT Kenshi to get buffed and you challenged us to make a poll and your "theory" got blown out of the water. So now your taking your hate from one terrible "spamming" character to the next.

Just because they have a play style you don't agree with doesn't mean they should be in the dumpster. Jesus.

Please stop with the cringe memes also.
Yeah i never understood others hating on Zoning. Spamming when i hear that word i think of a 6 year old, specifically my Nephew saying it, unable to comprehend that there are multiple ways to get around and in. the odd thing is Spamming means repetitive use of a single projectile, and whats sad is everyone knows when you use the same Projectile over and over it Telegraphs what you are doing next, and in this game, With run Mechanic, Meaty Advancing Mids, and counter zoning, Strong JIP's, Teleport's, Dive Kicks, Out Trading Projectiles like Sub Zero Freeze, Cyrax Net, CSZ Freeze/Ice Bombs. and many many many more moves that counter it. it should be glaringly obvious how easy it is to counter one single move used over and over.

Zoning is by Far one of the most Tactical Strategy's in Mortal Kombat. you must constantly Read your opponent and throw out the right reaction with perfect timing with everything working against you. and For Kenshi this is almost none existent.

Zoning is an Art and i always hate how that one person can Soak the name with the nasty word SPAMMING. when we all know it takes Skill/Creativeness and will of gold to be a Zoner in MKXL. and yes its hella sad that many want nerfs for simple shit to counter like HQT. i wish so much that many could just Lab shit up longer before crying nerf this.
But we may have hope yet for Oct 4th it seems they might be making Quan and other zoners more Zoning based, and could very well be Buffing Zoning.

@GAV , Pyromancer needs buffs like any other character, its very hypocritical to ask for buffs for Kotal which is twice the Kombatant than Pyro and say she gets none because i hate Spammers? Many hate rushdown but that's not a good logical reason to withhold buffs!

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