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Video The Chronicles of Tom Brady vs Tweedy FT3 + 4 Hour Run Back w Skype call Discussing EVO

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
Loving the old TYM option selects in here. Brady calls out Tweedy, if Tweedy declines he's a forum trash talker who couldn't back up his words, if he accepts he's just an online warrior who shouldn't even be fucking with a vet like that

If Tweedy loses its because he's a scrub and that proves he's wrong, if he wins its because of his character and everyone knows how this match up that none of them actually play is WORSE than a 7-3, you have no options, UNWINNABLE, for Brady of course.
Not mentioning at all that it's LITERALLY some of the same people I've seen saying in other threads "picking the right character is part of being a good player, if you lose because of the match up you were outplayed" etc, but we won't go down that road right now

Brady talks shit to Tweedy on stream and Tweedy says nothing and it'll be "oh he lost but damn he shredded him on stream, rekt" etc, Tweedy does THE EXACT SAME THING back and it's "Tweedy was talking shit to Tom for winning as alien against sub-zero. What a fucking idiot" <-- that's an actual copy paste from this thread.

I also want to know exactly why Tweedy is the online warrior, when Brady is the one who MADE the challenge for an online set, and carried it out on Pigs stream, and all Tweedy did was accept the challenge?

This community is so unbelievably terrible. You guys don't even realise because you only play fighters, how unlike other video game communities TYM is, and before someone says "oh but we're unique", yeah and also in some of the worst possible ways. There is some very cool and some highly real people I know on here, but unfortunately they are just a fraction of up the majority, and it's absolutely nothing competitive or objective about the mentality of the masses on here, it's a bunch of dickriders who who facts come second to pushing agendas and who haven't labbed a single thing they choose to speak on. There was no coming out of this on top for Tweedy, because the rest of you are some social reject basement bums who need to put known skilled video game players on this ridiculous pedestal where you can't even having a contrasting opinion on an open forum, and act like they infallible and beyond human. Brady is the man but I don't give a shit he tried to trump Tweedy's logic by calling him out for a set - it backfired on him. Get off the jock
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Loving the old TYM option selects in here. Brady calls out Tweedy, if Tweedy declines he's an online trash talker who couldn't back up his words, if he accepts he's just an online warrior who shouldn't even be fucking with a vet like that

If Tweedy loses its because he's a scrub and that proves he's wrong, if he wins its because of his character and everyone knows how this match up that none of them actually play is WORSE than a 7-3, you have no options, UNWINNABLE, for Brady of course.
Not mentioning at all that it's LITERALLY some of the same people I've seen saying in other threads "picking the right character is part of being a good player, if you lose because of the match up you were outplayed" etc, but we won't go down that road right now

Brady talks shit to Tweedy on stream and Tweedy says nothing and it'll be "oh he lost but damn he shredded him on stream, rekt" etc, Tweedy does THE EXACT SAME THING back and it's "Tweedy was talking shit to Tom for winning as alien against sub-zero. What a fucking idiot" <-- that's an actual copy paste from this thread.

I also want to know exactly why Tweedy is the online warrior, when Brady is the one who MADE the challenge for an online set, and carried it out on Pigs stream, and all Tweedy did was accept the challenge?

This community is so unbelievably terrible. You guys don't even realise because you only play fighters, how unlike other video game communities TYM is, and in some of the worst possible ways. There is some real chill and some highly real people I know on here, but unfortunately they are just a fraction of up the majority, and it's absolutely nothing competitive or objective about the mentality of the masses on here, it's a bunch of dickriders who who facts come second to pushing agendas and who haven't labbed a single thing they choose to speak on. There was no coming out of this on top for Tweedy, because the rest of you are some social reject basement bums who need to put known skilled video game players on this ridiculous pedestal where you can't even having a contrasting opinion on an open forum, and act like they infallible and beyond human. Brady is the man but I don't give a shit he tried to trump Tweedy's logic by calling him out for a set - it backfired on him. Get off the jock
you're the one writing an essay - don't act like Tweedy is some kind of baby, people are going to think what they want. come out ahead? who cares? and you're the one calling people you've never met social rejects and basement dwellers, lol. maybe u know some guys that are chill and keeps it real but you're not acting like you are one of them from this post. all i know is if somebody makes a cool thread and video, i'm not going to hijack his thread by bringing up some online set he lost back in March


Yeah if I remember correctly, @Tweedy had an Alien profile pic before KP2 even dropped. He was planning to play Alien either way. Can you guys honestly say you would drop your favorite character if they were as good as Alien.
When Armor went to the ESL season 2 finals and told me that Alien was broke, I was sad because I knew that he'd probably get nerfed like Lao did.

He got nerfed already(people don't realize that) but we're still up there lol.


I think if Tarkatan never got nerfed and were on the same level as CEO Tanya, TYM would see him as the same as they do now. Top tier = top tier, it doesn't matter how much of a gap they actually have.

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
When Armor went to the ESL season 2 finals and told me that Alien was broke, I was sad because I knew that he'd probably get nerfed like Lao did.

He got nerfed already(people don't realize that) but we're still up there lol.
Yeah. I think I may go back to Tarkatan full time. I still use him from time to time, but I got bored with him. But I'll give it another try, I just lose motivation when not using my favorite character. But I wanna get good with someone else too and he is probably my 5th best character at this point. I'll see how it goes.
Im not gonna get into the downplaying,Alien unfair,choose a balanced character etc, I think we all know how strong Alien is. All I'm saying is that the tail should never go through the clone. Reaches like half screen and invulnerable to subs clone? That's ridiculous.,that is all. Other than that good matches, both these guys play great.
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