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Video The Chronicles of Tom Brady vs Tweedy FT3 + 4 Hour Run Back w Skype call Discussing EVO

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
Aren t most of those 5-5 and FA Jacqui beats GM 7-3 IDK about Quan but shouldn t that be in your favor since he can t really deal with the clone
Quan can deal with the Klone quite easily in all variations. Warlock F3, Summoner Bat, skulls, runes, Sorcerer armor spell keeps us from being able to even trade an ice ball. He does pretty comfortably vs Sub. FA isn't 7-3 imo, that's not even comparable to D'Vorah or Lasher Takeda. We lose to SD because every single time we deploy a Klone he gets a safe mimic call on reaction, and mimics make the Klone useless. So if we don't want him to have mimics we don't have to try to corner him without the Klone, and Johnny's normals are way better than ours. It's definitely winnable but it is in JC's favor imo. We lose to Kenshi in Balanced and Possessed, it's been a known counter pick for a while. He just kind of negates the Klone easily. I think all variations of Kenshi are potentially 5-5 if we switch to Cryomancer however. Aftershock Tremor completely negates the Klone, and Crystaline outzones is when he us flex active and is chucking low stones we can't slide. He can punish a slide on hit if he has flex as well.


The Fantasy is the Reality of the Mind
But seriously though, why the fuck does Alien's tail go through clone?

I don't even play sub and that pisses me off lol
Try playing Alien VS Kenshi Balanced. When Kenshi does his ghost attack and Alien does the Krawl, you'll see that the Alien passed through the ghost. Maybe there's an issue with the game not freezing him at the low part. I did this one against Alien's Tail Grab with Sub Zero Unbreakable's Barrier of Frost (Parry move) and it froze him spot on. This Anti-Wakeup Parry, I would dub it AWP.
He asked me to play in the first place. He said that i'm theory fighting and not playing the match at a high level. I even said several times that i'm not very good at the game. You've got the situation ass backwards and it's definitely not 7-3.
No you called out Tom Brady, you asked for this, nice try trying to rewrite history. I know how u like to go back and forth from acting like a prick to acting like mr. Rogers. And it's definitely a 7-3


@Tweedy Did you play Injustice? Do you plan to play Injustice 2?
No, this is my first in the series. I'll definitely play Injustice 2.

No you called out Tom Brady, you asked for this, nice try trying to rewrite history. I know how u like to go back and forth from acting like a prick to acting like mr. Rogers. And it's definitely a 7-3
This was closed a bit ago, so you know I didn't edit it. Find where I called out Brady before he asked me to play on page 3. https://testyourmight.com/threads/bradycast-recent-tier-lists-opinion.60868/page-3

Spoiler alert: You won't because I didn't.

Man the downplaying is real though....if I picked up alien i would never boast about beating someone in a match i should never have lost in the first place.
You wouldn't because you'd realize that being good with Alien is almost as hard as being good with anyone else. You'd start losing, get embarrassed, and go back to your other character. This is why so few play Alien. Even though Alien is the best, Alien isn't much better than the top half of the cast. People will just always act like the top tier is this unstoppable force.

I'm not downplaying. You'll never present a real argument for why, no one does. They just call me a downplayer, which is an empty statement. I don't downplay and I always correct myself when i'm wrong. It's not my fault that the bulk of this site doesn't know shit about the character. While you guys are laughing and pretending that it's not actually you that is losing to Alien, that these matches are 7-3, that the character has no weaknesses, I provide actual substance to the contrary.

So everyone just says "lawl you downplay bro", because they can't pick apart anything that I say. Tell me why U3 is as good as Mileena's roll. Tell me why Alien's risk/reward is as good as Sub's. You can't because what I say is correct. If it isn't i'm always quick to correct myself. I don't argue and discuss things just to be correct. That's why i'm good enough at the game to push someone's shit in when they don't know what they're talking about. I don't have an agenda, I argue and discuss things to become more knowledgeable on the game.


Do not touch me again.
Guide to matchup numbers in the NRS Community:

Spoken | Actual

1-9 | 0-10
2-8 | 1-9 or 0-10
3-7 | 2-8, 1-9, or 0-10
4-6 | 3-7 or 2-8
5-5 | 4-6, 5-5, or 6-4
6-4 | 7-3 or 8-2
7-3 | 8-2, 9-1, or 10-0
8-2 | 9-1 or 10-0
9-1 | 10-0

Note: the NRS community does not use 0-10 or 10-0 in conversation because "every character deserves a fighting chance." :DOGE


Bonafide Jax scrub
Try playing Alien VS Kenshi Balanced. When Kenshi does his ghost attack and Alien does the Krawl, you'll see that the Alien passed through the ghost. Maybe there's an issue with the game not freezing him at the low part. I did this one against Alien's Tail Grab with Sub Zero Unbreakable's Barrier of Frost (Parry move) and it froze him spot on. This Anti-Wakeup Parry, I would dub it AWP.
That's cuz his ghost attack is a high and Alien's Krawl low profiles with no issue. Its not a bug despite krawl being a mid attack that's unsafe.


No, this is my first in the series. I'll definitely play Injustice 2.

This was closed a bit ago, so you know I didn't edit it. Find where I called out Brady before he asked me to play on page 3. https://testyourmight.com/threads/bradycast-recent-tier-lists-opinion.60868/page-3

Spoiler alert: You won't because I didn't.

You wouldn't because you'd realize that being good with Alien is almost as hard as being good with anyone else. You'd start losing, get embarrassed, and go back to your other character. This is why so few play Alien. Even though Alien is the best, Alien isn't much better than the top half of the cast. People will just always act like the top tier is this unstoppable force.

I'm not downplaying. You'll never present a real argument for why, no one does. They just call me a downplayer, which is an empty statement. I don't downplay and I always correct myself when i'm wrong. It's not my fault that the bulk of this site doesn't know shit about the character. While you guys are laughing and pretending that it's not actually you that is losing to Alien, that these matches are 7-3, that the character has no weaknesses, I provide actual substance to the contrary.

So everyone just says "lawl you downplay bro", because they can't pick apart anything that I say. Tell me why U3 is as good as Mileena's roll. Tell me why Alien's risk/reward is as good as Sub's. You can't because what I say is correct. If it isn't i'm always quick to correct myself. I don't argue and discuss things just to be correct. That's why i'm good enough at the game to push someone's shit in when they don't know what they're talking about. I don't have an agenda, I argue and discuss things to become more knowledgeable on the game.
I'm man enough to admit that you bring up some valid points, I tried out alien for a while and to be honest I don't think the character is that hard to play but it does take skill to do actual work with it. I dropped it cus I just didn't enjoy myself near as much as I do sektor.

On the topic of downplaying, I didn't make myself clear, I was referring to the match you had with Tom specifically. you have to admit that that match is a nightmare for GM sub zero, especially when his best tool, the clone gets destroyed by alien. I agree I don't know enough about the matchup against the rest of the cast but from what i have seen this particular matchup is a cakewalk for alien.

So while i will agree with quite a bit of what you said, I just don't think that destroying grandmaster sub with alien is something that one should feel proud of.


I guess I play Necromancer now.. PSN: ArmedCalf
Lol anyone bashing Tweedy in this thread clearly doesn't remember Tom after the first set they played, sarcastic as fuck, going:

"Good games Tweedy. Tweedy plays Tarkatan Alien and goes EVEN with me in games as GM Sub. That's how good Tweedy is"

Tweedy could say whatever he wanted after that, that shit was ridiculous. Sick video though Pig

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
Lol anyone bashing Tweedy in this thread clearly doesn't remember Tom after the first set they played, sarcastic as fuck, going:

"Good games Tweedy. Tweedy plays Tarkatan Alien and goes EVEN with me in games as GM Sub. That's how good Tweedy is"

Tweedy could say whatever he wanted after that, that shit was ridiculous. Sick video though Pig
Yeah reguardless of how abysmal the matchup is, I'm glad Tweedy shit on him.


Always press buttons
What's the Alien matchup against GM in the corner. Like if a GM corners Alien how hard is it for Alien to get out?


Always press buttons
Depends. If it's the close Klone then Alien could be done for. Like the games Brady won, the close Klone was a big deal.
If that's the case does that chance that Alien gets cornered not get taken into consideration for the MU. Like yeah Alien could steamroll someone to the corner but one wrong placed Rekka and it becomes literally game over. Not gotta deal with Klone but I can get out no problem, but actually game over.

villainous monk

Terrible times breed terrible things, my lord.
No, this is my first in the series. I'll definitely play Injustice 2.

This was closed a bit ago, so you know I didn't edit it. Find where I called out Brady before he asked me to play on page 3. https://testyourmight.com/threads/bradycast-recent-tier-lists-opinion.60868/page-3

Spoiler alert: You won't because I didn't.

You wouldn't because you'd realize that being good with Alien is almost as hard as being good with anyone else. You'd start losing, get embarrassed, and go back to your other character. This is why so few play Alien. Even though Alien is the best, Alien isn't much better than the top half of the cast. People will just always act like the top tier is this unstoppable force.

I'm not downplaying. You'll never present a real argument for why, no one does. They just call me a downplayer, which is an empty statement. I don't downplay and I always correct myself when i'm wrong. It's not my fault that the bulk of this site doesn't know shit about the character. While you guys are laughing and pretending that it's not actually you that is losing to Alien, that these matches are 7-3, that the character has no weaknesses, I provide actual substance to the contrary.

So everyone just says "lawl you downplay bro", because they can't pick apart anything that I say. Tell me why U3 is as good as Mileena's roll. Tell me why Alien's risk/reward is as good as Sub's. You can't because what I say is correct. If it isn't i'm always quick to correct myself. I don't argue and discuss things just to be correct. That's why i'm good enough at the game to push someone's shit in when they don't know what they're talking about. I don't have an agenda, I argue and discuss things to become more knowledgeable on the game.

That's real talk right here.

Pay attention.

@Tweedy only gave his opinion in that thread and whatever else he'll say about alien all over tym and he's right. It's the egos of others who get carried away that causes shit like this to happen. So he met the challenge and defended himself. So why not leave it at that.

Some here on this site really do need to chill and not come out mouths out and foaming.

Otherwise people's shit do get pushed in raw like what we saw on that stream.

He handled himself well and as every right to say what he says. That's his character, time & work he put in.


Lol anyone bashing Tweedy in this thread clearly doesn't remember Tom after the first set they played, sarcastic as fuck, going:

"Good games Tweedy. Tweedy plays Tarkatan Alien and goes EVEN with me in games as GM Sub. That's how good Tweedy is"

Tweedy could say whatever he wanted after that, that shit was ridiculous. Sick video though Pig
oh wow i must have missed that part....do you remember where that happened??

Dankster Morgan

It is better this way
Yeah if I remember correctly, @Tweedy had an Alien profile pic before KP2 even dropped. He was planning to play Alien either way. Can you guys honestly say you would drop your favorite character if they were as good as Alien.
No, this is my first in the series. I'll definitely play Injustice 2.

This was closed a bit ago, so you know I didn't edit it. Find where I called out Brady before he asked me to play on page 3. https://testyourmight.com/threads/bradycast-recent-tier-lists-opinion.60868/page-3

Spoiler alert: You won't because I didn't.

You wouldn't because you'd realize that being good with Alien is almost as hard as being good with anyone else. You'd start losing, get embarrassed, and go back to your other character. This is why so few play Alien. Even though Alien is the best, Alien isn't much better than the top half of the cast. People will just always act like the top tier is this unstoppable force.

I'm not downplaying. You'll never present a real argument for why, no one does. They just call me a downplayer, which is an empty statement. I don't downplay and I always correct myself when i'm wrong. It's not my fault that the bulk of this site doesn't know shit about the character. While you guys are laughing and pretending that it's not actually you that is losing to Alien, that these matches are 7-3, that the character has no weaknesses, I provide actual substance to the contrary.

So everyone just says "lawl you downplay bro", because they can't pick apart anything that I say. Tell me why U3 is as good as Mileena's roll. Tell me why Alien's risk/reward is as good as Sub's. You can't because what I say is correct. If it isn't i'm always quick to correct myself. I don't argue and discuss things just to be correct. That's why i'm good enough at the game to push someone's shit in when they don't know what they're talking about. I don't have an agenda, I argue and discuss things to become more knowledgeable on the game.
Spoiler alert: I found it! You calling out Brady for losing to raptor 30-0