Thank you for the feedback!Just saw the match, I was pleasantly surprised with how you played. Most issues I saw were because it was your first match and as such haven't really been able to figure out Raiden's game plan in practice. Couple of things:
- You're doing far too many supermans (BF3) for your own good. It should only be used as a combo ender or as a way to blow through projectiles. You used it as a raw wakeup at one point and often used it to swiftly end combos you could've gotten 20-25% more damage off of. Again, that is due to you not having played Raiden for very long.
-You were a bit impatient when you got pressured vs Lao. I have the exact same issue so I know what it's like. You always have to wait for the specific point where you can poke out or at least deal with his offense. Several times you got tagged by his EX-divekick or some of his other moves.
- Your midscreen B2s are incredibly ballsy. No one will expect it to happen so that's a good thing, but don't underestimate how unsafe it is.
Overall you did quite alright however. Sure you lost the match, but that was due to the Lao pressure you got stuck in. Work on your patience versus Lao and your general Raiden knowledge. Besides that, you look solid.
~ About the Supermans, it's mainly my impulse. My fingers move quicker than my brain can think, and after I do it I realized I fucked up, haha. That's just a me thing and happens when I just pick up a character, and getting the feel for him.
~ I will slowly develop when to use certain moves at what times as I go along, and that may be the reason the B2s. I din't realize it yet, so thank you for pointing that out. I'll be more careful with that.
~ Lao has always been a character I've been pressured easily against, maybe I got to learn the MU. The first round I may have gotten lucky in lol. My offense is much better than my defense. If you think the Lao matchup is bad for me try watching me play against Scorpion. I lose against the biggest scrubs haha.
My cancels were not on point, clearly. How long did it take you to get most of the LRCs down?