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Overwatch Discussion Thread


Yeah, I agree. You should only play ranked mode only if you have a premade of 4-6 people, preferably a full team of 6. The last thing you want is someone from your team quitting and make it 5v6, which seems to be happen often to those solo queing on PC from what i'm hearing.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
Yeah, I agree. You should only play ranked mode only if you have a premade of 4-6 people, preferably a full team of 6. The last thing you want is someone from your team quitting and make it 5v6, which seems to be happen often to those solo queing on PC from what i'm hearing.
Well it happened to me, so there's that.

All the people I'm adding from here + my friends are never on at the same time so I can never get a full team going. I can have a team of 3 max but 1 guy isn't even lv25 yet so he can't even do ranked


The Yankees blew a 3-0 lead in the 2004 ALCS.
Anyone else having issues with the kill cam and stats not updating during matches on PS4?

Vak Phoenix


Just finished placement for competitive, what's everyone else at?

i need a good team for comp mode, im on ps4 tho.

i main: widowmaker 97% accuracy

secondary: symmetra

others: pharah, zarya, mercy, tracer

hit me up if yall want to play a full team comp mode.

The Highlander

There can be only one
only got 55 :( but honestly expected worse after I solo queued and got paired up with disconnectors 3 times in a row. You can't really be expected to win when it's 3 vs 6.


Cry-o me a river!
So how's everyone's experience in competitive mode so far? Haven't tried it yet. Dunno if I will, honestly. But might give it a shot just to try, I guess.


gotta stay sharp!
So how's everyone's experience in competitive mode so far? Haven't tried it yet. Dunno if I will, honestly. But might give it a shot just to try, I guess.
I love it lol. I played with a full sqaud last night and it was the best. Playing solo though idk


I have mixed feelings when it comes to ranked mode. For instance, I like the competitive side it offers, but I hate the ranking system as 1 lose = 1 level gone. Losing in this game is really punishable atm.

Also, I have been extremely lucky in ranked when solo queuing. I played about 8 games or so, and only lose 2 those games with no one leaving on my team. My teammate's performance where all over the place like some were ok, others were good players. Solo queuing doesn't seem as bad as I thought it would be, but I could have just been lucky.


Joker waiting room
Trying to rank up on PC for competitive. On ps4 the competition is a joke. Pugs are cancer no matter which platform.


cr. HP Master
So how's everyone's experience in competitive mode so far? Haven't tried it yet. Dunno if I will, honestly. But might give it a shot just to try, I guess.
It's been completely terrible. I play solo and have went from level 53 to I believe 34. Apparently, the new strat is 2 and 2's. Which means 2 healers and 2 tanks. Every freaking game I get in people want to do this and it NEVER works out. Maybe if the team was Rein, Roadhog, Lucio, Mercy, Soldier, and Reaper, but it's never that composition. Replace Soldier and Reaper with Hanzo and Widowmaker. That's usually how it goes.


AKA Ponkster
It's been completely terrible. I play solo and have went from level 53 to I believe 34. Apparently, the new strat is 2 and 2's. Which means 2 healers and 2 tanks. Every freaking game I get in people want to do this and it NEVER works out. Maybe if the team was Rein, Roadhog, Lucio, Mercy, Soldier, and Reaper, but it's never that composition. Replace Soldier and Reaper with Hanzo and Widowmaker. That's usually how it goes.
Just like any game, people will try to enforce a meta before they are confident in winning.

I refuse to play competitive after my placements. We played as a 3 and 1 of us ended up at 54, me 57 and another 60.

How does that work? All went 8 wins 2 losses playing against the same teams, surely we should be equal?

Nah not in this game, the champion you play receives different MMR so our friend who solely played dps and torj (assists much) got the most MMR (60) me and my other friend who played a mix of dps tank and healer got owned with 57 and 54 respectively.

I play D'va mostly so I wonder what criteria grants most MMR. Not knowing details like this put me off ranked. Also apparently mercy grants awful points her scaling is busted, so thats annoying.


Honestly tho for those playing solo you should strive to be in the high 50s before trying to go by the meta, simply because 70% of the population is there, and they dont play by the meta or most of them even know what the meta looks like, there is no such thing as meta in the 50s average, you play what wins you games, stuff that in the higher % simply doesnt work so well, like Torbs/D.vas Hanzos etc.... There are plenty of amazing teams in the higher 50s % so in a way is harder to climb with a team then solo, cause with solo you can get lucky and win 70% of your matchs just based on skill values that vary a lot depending on the class you played on your placements and with teams you most of the time get organized ppl that play by the meta... I dont usually play solo but i did play a tiny bit of it the first 2 days of the patch, and i encountered the most ridiculous placements i have ever seen in my life. I literally at one point had a mercy on my team that just wanted POTG so she was waiting for the 5man rez, that never came and she never used her ult... Not a single time, making us lose numerous encounters....