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The "Who Do You Want To See In Injustice 2" Thread


Up rock incoming, ETA 5 minutes
I want to see Damian Wayne take over the League of Assassins as Raz al Ghul. His mom was the wife of Raz and his dad is Batman. He is blood. That would be TIGHT!
Talia/Damien's mom is Ra's daughter. Well traditionally anyway, and if you don't get technical about it. Comics lol.


hey hey hey
As we still know nothng fo sure about the story, at least we can expect that Superman will be a bad guy again.
In this case, it would be cool to see Metallo in Injustice 2... but... well, at least it doesn't hurt to dream


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
Silver Banshee and Metallo are also great choices.

These are the 3 I want the most.. one is 100% confirmed.... Power Girl and Big Barda are awesome on all levels...

I also think Capitan Atom would be a great choice. One of the very few non-magical and non-physic characters that can take on Superman, but his loyalty to the American Government and not the Justice League gives him some really good stories, imo. I think ht is another very underrated charactr


G.O.A.T Robin
I've been thinking about this for a while ever since the official announcement for Injustice 2, and its the idea that we'll possibly be getting Suicide Squad characters in Injustice 2; which makes sense because it'll be the newest DC movie out at the time (I believe), and just like Supergirl's appearance it'll be advertising for the movie (as Supergirl is probably only in because of her show on CW).
Waht're your guys' thoughts about this idea? Do you think a good majority of the cast of Villains in Injustice will be Suicide Squad related?
If that's the case, I'd personally like to see Katana (preferably in her Suicide Squad appearance) and Killer Croc since he'd be an interesting addition. Although Harley Quinn is already confirmed (thanks to the T-Shirt), I believe these two would be great additions (I'd definitely main Katana if that were the case, she has AMAZING potential at being a badass rushdown).

Deleted member 5032

I think it's going to help their chances. I'd bet money on Killer Croc making it in (possibly replacing Grundy, Bane, or Doomsday). If Harley's in, then Joker's in; that's not even up for debate. Deadshot was a background character in the first one, so I'd also just assume he's going to make it in.


G.O.A.T Robin
Dr. Fate isn't a villain.
Oh.. Oh shit lol. My b ^^;

After at looking at so many DC characters and being reminded of people and what not, I keep changing who I want in this game lmao.
Personally just really want Firestorm and Katana, but knowing me that'll change by next week.


Characters I want:
  • Nuclear blasts
  • Fire elemental
  • Cool transmutation moves
Element Woman
  • Tricky, Dhalsm-esque stretch moves
  • Transmutates her own body so different than Firestorm
  • Phase shifting galore
The Atom
  • Size-changing while retaining mass (see any high school Physics class)
  • Shrink to dodge or punch with a lot of force.
  • Grow to cause extra damage
Doctor Light
  • New 52 version as a hero
  • Literally controls energy
  • Moves where he saps opponent and depending on the opponent, gets different traits
Steven Trevor
  • All-sorts of military weapons
  • Airstrikes, sniper shots
  • Like Deathstroke but with more support
Star Sapphire
  • More Lanterns!
  • Crystal spike moves
  • Wild love-based attacks like arrows, rose vines, and violet flames
Jonah Hex
  • Time-traveling gunslinger
  • Could summon time portals briefly
  • Has metal horse


Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
Lets make an entire game based on the Legion of Superpets...
In the late 1950s and the early 1960s DC just kind of got weird. They kept introducing all these super intelligent animals with the same superpowers as Superman who all wore red capes. The first was Krypto the Superdog who was sent to earth by Superman’s father Jor-El in a test rocket before he sent Superman to make sure it worked alright. Superman and Krypto were reunited on earth when Superman was a teenager and they fought crime together. Next was Beppo the Supermonkey. Beppo had pretty much the same story. Jor-El also sent a monkey to make sure the rocket would work. Everybody knows that comics need a chimp, so Beppo provided comic relief by wearing a Superman costume. The next was Streaky the Supercat. Now Streaky wasn’t sent from Krypton in a rocket but was infected by something called X-Kryptonite which gave earth animals superpowers. Finally came Comet the Superhorse. Comet was an alien horse that was really a centaur who had a curse put on him by some scorned goddess (or something like that) and turned human once a year when a comet passed through Earth’s atmosphere and would romance Supergirl in human form, but the rest of the year was nothing but her pet horse (holy Catherine the Great Batman!). Anyways, these animals eventually joined forces to become the Legion of the Superpets. I swear to god.
Now, go away and never speak again.