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General/Other - Tanya Tanya Wishful & Logical Changes

Vak Phoenix


Hello guys and girls,

i am very certain that most of you have a feeling that Tanya is still a strong character and there might be few reasons for it, such as: not knowing the matchup, too lazy to lab or have never played against her (or purchased her, i know a lot of people that complain about her that don't even have her purchased)

anyway, me and other Tanya mains feel as though that after the July patch Naginata and Pyromancer became obsolete, they require too much work and get nothing in return. Naginata is a pure gimmick variation that has nothing real besides B32 and F42, where as Pyromancer's zoning is overrated and extremely easy to deal with.

Here are my suggestions of making Dragon Naginata and Pyromancer better, i am not going to break the character just going to suggest some of universal and Naginata + Pyromancer changes, i am also leaving Kobu Jutsu out of this picture because it had its time. Also i will not be suggesting the reverting her old changes, because they will not do it, it was taken out for a reason... or not *cough* 34 string nerf*cough*

So... here it goes, you may agree with me or may not... oh well

Universal Changes
  • B313 is now -2 on block
  • 2U3 is now -4 on block
  • 11U4 is now +2 on block
  • D1 is now -4 on block
  • F2 teleport Jip jails
  • F2 teleport air Drill jails
  • Air split dive is 15 frames on startup
  • Air split dive is +3 on hit
  • F4 is now special cancellable
  • Fully charged F3 is now +5 on block
  • Ground teleports now invincible but cost stamina bar
  • Air fireballs do the same damage as the ground ones
  • All fireballs hit advantage now +8 down from +22
  • All fireballs startup decreased by 4 frames
  • Increase the hitbox of Air EX fireball
  • 243 has a fire on the end of the string
  • Reduce recovery by 8 frames on air fireballs
  • Reduce recovery by 8 frames on air fireballs after air teleport
  • B31 Dust jails
Dragon Naginata
  • B2 hit advantage is now +10 up from +1
  • F42 is now -8
  • Pogo stance is now -10 on block
  • Pogo stance 4 jails on block
  • Decrease the startup on Pogo stance 1
  • 112, F2, 24, 4 into forward teleport pogo now jails
  • EX BF2 into 4 now jails
  • Jump in pogo stance now jails from max range of Jump in 2
  • Decrease startup on B1 by 5 frames
Here are my logical changes to make the variations better and not broken, share your thoughts, i am mostly interested in the ones that come from people who play Tanya

@Awkward Sloth @InfamousSloth @SethHendrixson @chrisisnice @Dragons Rule!!! @EdenianWarrior @Cameronwinss @Sindelia @xKhaoTik @any other Tanya that is left...
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Vak Phoenix

Baby do you mean 243 in the Pyro section? I don't think she's got a 234.
I agree with everything esp. her f4~special which should have been a vanilla Tanya thing. Her least used strings like b313 and 11u4 need a change like that as well as her f3.
I'd like to see all of her fballs do 8% on hit and 2% chip (Sindel nostalgia).
o yeah it was a typo. thanks ;)

Awkward Sloth

Lamest Harley, still better sloth than Jer
Wait you want increased start up on fireballs and less plus frames on hit from them? I'm confused by that change.


Loud and Klear~
I'm curious, what's f2 xx tele j1 jailing supposed to achieve? Isn't it gonna still be negative/punishable upon landing?

Honestly just making pogo safer on block is all DN needs imo, the tele having some invul but with a stamina cost sounds nice too will help against characters with crazy air control like Ermac/Takeda/Shinnok.

What do you use b1 for? It's a high that's really slow and doesn't grant much of a reward.

Max range j2 to pogo whiffs atm, are you suggesting a bigger hitbox or how is it supposed to jail?

.... i don't even know what 11u4 looks like lol, which string is that?


I'm curious, what's f2 xx tele j1 jailing supposed to achieve? Isn't it gonna still be negative/punishable upon landing?

Honestly just making pogo safer on block is all DN needs imo, the tele having some invul but with a stamina cost sounds nice too will help against characters with crazy air control like Ermac/Takeda/Shinnok.

What do you use b1 for? It's a high that's really slow and doesn't grant much of a reward.

Max range j2 to pogo whiffs atm, are you suggesting a bigger hitbox or how is it supposed to jail?

.... i don't even know what 11u4 looks like lol, which string is that?
11u4 is punch punch high knee.

Vak Phoenix

I'm curious, what's f2 xx tele j1 jailing supposed to achieve? Isn't it gonna still be negative/punishable upon landing?

Honestly just making pogo safer on block is all DN needs imo, the tele having some invul but with a stamina cost sounds nice too will help against characters with crazy air control like Ermac/Takeda/Shinnok.

What do you use b1 for? It's a high that's really slow and doesn't grant much of a reward.

Max range j2 to pogo whiffs atm, are you suggesting a bigger hitbox or how is it supposed to jail?

.... i don't even know what 11u4 looks like lol, which string is that?
I use b1 to anti air kotal lol, pogo stance has arrow like hitbox so increasing the hitbox on the very top where she sits. And f2 tele jip will still be negative but if you ex the tele you can get away or do jip pogo after f2 teleport.
I know that she is not gonna recieve any changes but a guy can dream right? ;)


Buff George
I agree with these changes.

I want to play DN more, still think it's a super fun variation but it's such a struggle. Especially with high execution, high risk, and little reward.


Concerning Pyro, reducing startup and recovery frames of fireballs would be very nice, so would adding fire to 243 string, as you say, and why not to ex db4.
Sorry but have to say it: Some characters are so broken that I don't see why she can't have ex rekka armor back in Kobu, at least. What they've done to her is EVIL.​


The First Element
Agree. Concerning her zoning...yeah they designed Pyro as a zoner but not correctly. Her damage is pretty poor midscreen too. All though in the corner i can get 57% (Opponent dusted) which is nice. I'm just glad i aren't the only one that's been using this character and thinking something is missing.


You know me as RisingShieldBro online.
I agree with your changes Vak except the F2 teleport jip jails. Correct me if I'm wrong but wouldn't that be a block infinite? Maybe if you spent the meter on the teleport instead to do so?

Awkward Sloth

Lamest Harley, still better sloth than Jer
Make regular shroud restand. Then she'd be like imposter Shinnok with a low reward 50/50.

It not costing a bar to restand is like imposters trance. We're too late on the buff characters part of the game. But fun thread.