Kitana, Scorpion
I've never considered exploring a meaty s.Fierce setup that blows up both techs. I'll have to experiment with it, sounds like there's lots of potential there - thanks for the heads up. And yeah, I have a number of setups that cover wiffed meaties on teched wakeups and I have a pretty advanced understanding of his corner game. Rashid is so much fun to lab with.I've been messing with some setups for Rashid. Trying to get stuff with the same buttons for quick recovery and delayed.
After forward throw:
st.HK, st.HP, st.HP (crush counter frame kill setup, works on any recovery into reversal jab)
After MP spinning mixer (fully mash)
cr.HP, st.HP (crush counters quick recovery, both)
cr.HP, st.HP, cr.MP, st. HP (crush counter long recovery)
Throw Loops (these were copied from Japan, through Art's discord chat):
Quick Rise: (lose to 3 frame)
Rashid: Throw, Forward Dash(+1), Throw
Rashid: Throw, Forward Dash, Throw Whiff, LP mixer whiff(+2), Throw
Throw/mixups from a sweep crush counter
Rashid: Sweep, Forward Dash, LP Mixer whiff, Forward Dash, Throw
Big damage combo:
Full Screen V-trigger, ex eagle spike, LK eagle spike, ex eagle spike, mp spinning mixer
What's your Capcom ID? We should play sometime.