Thank you for the compliments and for making an appearance, friend. Cant wait to see you on the next Xbox tournament! Means a lot that you guys like the prezentation as much as you all tell me.
I really wsnt everyone to feel like this is handled 100% professionally and feel they are competing in something legit. Every month i feel this thing is getting bigger and bigger. Xbox really showed up and proved better than PS4. Lets see if PS4 responds back with more competitors!
We did until the end of the year. Currently looking for a place to move the local. @Psyren136 has recently given me some insight on some places to try
The old place just wasnt a Great place for new people. Staff would walk by and be like "damn youre getting whooped" to newer/players trying to level up and stuff. And there was card tournaments going on at the time of the matches and things. Just not a place i would imagine people would like to come back to you know?
On average I work 6days a week. Only off Wednesdays. 5pm-close(10pm-4am depending). Maybe I can come up before work one day if your off work or something.
On average I work 6days a week. Only off Wednesdays. 5pm-close(10pm-4am depending). Maybe I can come up before work one day if your off work or something.
Yea that would be nice. I'd settle for jus gettin to see our local scene pull together once a month lol. I'll pm you my cell number so we can text whenever we have time to play.
thank you aqua for having me im dsv black. next timei'll make it to grand finals and beat semijii if he comes again for the xbone one currently semijii owns my soul
thank you aqua for having me im dsv black. next timei'll make it to grand finals and beat semijii if he comes again for the xbone one currently semijii owns my soul