Yea thanks I'll do that. What I meant by a raw b14 is not actually hitting the opponent, just standing across the screen and the run cancel comes out everytime but when I actually connect and try it on the AI then the Lightning comes out. I think you're right about me running too soon as everytime I do it fast I gett the lightning instead of the run, I waited a little longer and the run came out perfectly, I just didn't want to believe that you have to actually wait and not run cancel too fast. Guess I felt that didn't feel "fluid" if you know what I mean? Anyways thanks bro.
It does feel a bit odd, he actually has the most unique cancel in the game in my opinion. You cant really buffer it like most other characters. His also isnt cancellable until about 12 (could be more cant remember) frames into the animation or something like that so it makes you feel very vulnerable using it in pressure.
Just keep trying to link cancels into another string until you can get it 10/10 times (or close to it) because his cancels really are necessary.
For practice try the following:
midscreen: b11 db1 cancel 214 df2
corner: b32(not held) b14 db1 cancel 214 df2
these are pretty easy, meterless combos that should get you comfortable with his cancels. Obviously ending things in b14 bolt is optimal especially in the corner, but use these and get them 10/10 times. Before you know it you'll have the timing down without even thinking about it as much as you are now