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General/Other - Jacqui Briggs Jacqui Briggs General Discussion


Plus on block.
Can you imagine some of those MUs with SG or HT? HT vs Alien or Leatherface in the neutral??? I don't want those nightmares lol. I don't wanna do it, but unfortunately I gotta cut my losses right here.
Just do what I do.

Use someone else for those hopeless match-ups.

I love this character too much to drop, but I'm not gonna be running a not-even-a-fight match up with her when I have a stable of other characters that I like to choose from.


In Zoning We Trust
Leatherface just looks like a much better Shotgun Jacqui than Shotgun Jacqui is. Restands and all, just better range.
Butcher, at least.

His restand has less range and he looks slower overall, but I can kind of see your comparrison.
The restand is universal so it's like have a huge range equipped SG Jacqui with 3 variations and universal launching armor lol. He can do damage just as high, end in restands, but depending on variation have all types of post-restand threats.

Meanwhile I was told that buffing Jacqui's putrid 15-17f mids with the shortest range in the game and buffing her 13f D4 slightlyyyyy faster would break her. Lmao! Ok.


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
Guys haven't you been in the lab with Jacqui for an hour without taking her out into the real world for matches against opponents that know the matchup? She's clearly insane and you just need to level up. The only reason she's not in every top 8 is because NRS basically secretly banned her in competition for being so broken.


Plus on block.
Guys haven't you been in the lab with Jacqui for an hour without taking her out into the real world for matches against opponents that know the matchup? She's clearly insane and you just need to level up. The only reason she's not in every top 8 is because NRS basically secretly banned her in competition for being so broken.
That sarcasm was almost too thick.
The restand is universal so it's like have a huge range equipped SG Jacqui with 3 variations and universal launching armor lol. He can do damage just as high, end in restands, but depending on variation have all types of post-restand threats.

Meanwhile I was told that buffing Jacqui's putrid 15-17f mids with the shortest range in the game and buffing her 13f D4 slightlyyyyy faster would break her. Lmao! Ok.
I kinda take that back lol, I would really like atleast a few frames off my normals.


“My AGENT is tougher than you...”
BF2 -10
EX BF2 safe with huge pushback.
2(3)3 string is a low.
HT Jacqui has easier time with cancels
Stanky Leg input is easier
Something I'm likely forgetting.
Yea i was hearing via the beta that her bf2 is now her official "wake up" move or am I incorrect on that?


“My AGENT is tougher than you...”
Just do what I do.

Use someone else for those hopeless match-ups.

I love this character too much to drop, but I'm not gonna be running a not-even-a-fight match up with her
Yea i might have to do that...i mean i just enjoy the character too much to put down but true..i might have to resort to some back pocket characters when XL comes out...

Also am i the only who who hates Jacqui's normal pokes (d1 or d3 etc)? Last time i tried playing the d1 game i had most people either beat it out with thier d1 or d3 or my d1 whiffed due to the short distance of her arm and they punish or jump over me entirely...

I have never had a bigger face palming moment in mkx then last weekend lol


“My AGENT is tougher than you...”
The restand is universal so it's like have a huge range equipped SG Jacqui
I Did not know it was universal to all variations...damn Leatherface is going to be good...and he looks like me moves at a solid speed considering you know...he's a guy carrying a chainsaw

Still not going to give up on Jacqui yet but i do want to try her in the field against the new DLC folks first.
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AUS FGC represent!
Yea i might have to do that...i mean i just enjoy the character too much to put down but true..i might have to resort to some back pocket characters when XL comes out...

Also am i the only who who hates Jacqui's normal pokes (d1 or d3 etc)? Last time i tried playing the d1 game i had most people either beat it out with thier d1 or d3 or my d1 whiffed due to the short distance of her arm and they punish or jump over me entirely...

I have never had a bigger face palming moment in mkx then last weekend lol
No. That's been what we've been complaining about since game start.

Better pokes, better footsie strings.

Faster d4 and faster f1, b1 or f2 are generally what people asked for.
No. That's been what we've been complaining about since game start.

Better pokes, better footsie strings.

Faster d4 and faster f1, b1 or f2 are generally what people asked for.
I'd happily take a damage need to get all of footsies pokes and combos. Fixed. I mean come on 4 Ed up rocket shouldn't be a guess if it'll connect on hit or block period


“My AGENT is tougher than you...”
Not going to lie folks..had to do some research on some stuff for TYM this weekend
and after watching DLC character footage...those cats are looking pretty scary to go up


AUS FGC represent!
Not going to lie folks..had to do some research on some stuff for TYM this weekend
and after watching DLC character footage...those cats are looking pretty scary to go up
Pick up a secondary.

I honestly don't know how she's gonna compete with all the DLC characters. Time to solidify Tanya, Kenshi and Kung Jin.
So this patch has definitely improved Jacqui quite a bit.

Back shot being +17 up from +1 hit .... this is gonna allow you to pressure your opponent more instead of them doing whatever.

High Tech:
-Suffered from low damaging midscreen bnbs, stanky leg bnb required & all stamina was possible but a bit difficult, now you can just Dash cancel from b14, 121, b33 into stanky leg into f2u2,du4, 4,bf4 for 29%, 30%, 34% meterless instead of wasting all your stamina you're using about half as much. This is only possible because of her strings having a lot more hit adv e.g. 11 is +31 on hit now up from 25 which is gonna be useful. I know @stosn already mentioned this, just wanted to test it out for myself.
- Block strings seem to be a lot easier, the 121 qbc is slightly easier to jail, I could never get it before now I'm getting it, same for 12 qbrc, b14 qbrc etc.

Bionic Dash(advancing launcher) - BF2 : on block is -9 with pushback
ex " " : on block is 0 with a lot of pushback (Safe armoured special boys, even though it is 23 frames, still gonna be very useful)

4u4 is more consistent to do (watch these anti airs lol).
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Dojo Trainee
And in SG now its +17 on hit, but still -1 on block? Wow
and about cancels - how it can be slightly easier, without framedata changes?
And in SG now its +17 on hit, but still -1 on block? Wow
and about cancels - how it can be slightly easier, without framedata changes?
Can le wise they probably opened the cancel window up instead of messing with frame data i.e. Before it was like 1-2 frame perfect frame cancel now it's probably a tad higher
And in SG now its +17 on hit, but still -1 on block? Wow
and about cancels - how it can be slightly easier, without framedata changes?
I could never get the 121 cancel down, I actually managed to do it now. 12 cancel was slightly difficult but now I'm able to hit it more often. The hit advantage must have made the cancels slightly easier to jail. Yh shotgun is now even more scarier


Dojo Trainee
ok, very important change - df2 ( in FA ) build less meter on block.
Before patch its build 1/3 of the bar, now you need to to 5-6 times for one bar


B2s and Birdarangs
ok, very important change - df2 ( in FA ) build less meter on block.
Before patch its build 1/3 of the bar, now you need to to 5-6 times for one bar
I watched how you beat down Trepound the other day bro, It was great viewing. You play FA really well.