I'm looking forward to these but I doubt it's possible to top throwing someone into an angry tree and watching it use them as a chew toy.
As far as ideas/predictions go...
Kove: Throw them at the ocean but before they land a giant ass Outworld dino-shark jumps out and chomps down before slamming back into the roaring sea. That or maybe instead of a shark it's a giant sea monster tentacle that snatches the opponent and squeezes so hard their spine snaps like a twig as it drags them under screaming and limp.
Sky Temple: Mother-fucking-god-damn FUJIN flies in and starts slicing the opponent up with his crazy new scythe-like weapon from the beginning of story mode, before ripping what's left apart with a cyclone.
Refugee Kamp: Throw'em at the portal and have the T A R K A T A - B O Y Z rip them apart and drag the screaming and grievously wounded character through the portal, only for it to close at the last second severing their head and maybe an arm, or maybe just their legs get cut off by it.
Kross Roads: Everyone expects a normal lava toss, but that'd be boring and lame. I want the non-playable revenants to come in and murderize the opponent. Sindel pops their ear drums, Stryker kneecaps them with his pistols, Kabal takes of an arm and maybe guts them with his hook swords, Nightwolf chucks some spirit tomahawks and arrows into them, and Enenra finishes them off tele-punching them into the sea of lava.