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General/Other - Raiden [EO Beta Closed] MKX beta online: Raiden among us

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I don't know about Cage, but I am pretty sure Liu Kang low kick poke low profiles against EX db3... Depends of the range of course...
After almost 9+ hours yesterday and 2hours today, Lord Raiden looks to be back on his feet!
  1. f2 has better hitbox but as move isnt straight and i think is more like a get out move and a kara-antiair move(jump ins 1 character away)..but at least it doesnt whiff point blank!!
  2. b11 is at last fixed! I was expecting that months ago!! the second hit whiffed only 2 times the whole day and that was in weird hitbox situations like after d1 max range on hit,then b11 the first hit on block and the second whiff..but ib this situation b1 shouldnt hit because of range but it did!
  3. b1 vertically has better hitbox! In the corner for example b2(first hit)ex vincinity blast f12b2(hold) then b14-fbrc-214 was veeeery hard to land because of b1..before if you would have done it too high it would have whiffed and too low it wouldnt combo the 214!! now it has better window for the correct timing!!
  1. Of course f4 is a huge buff , thanks to @GGA pimpimjim for informing us. The buff is that f4 on block is +6 and can be +9 on max range!!
    F4 is a strong pressure tool and a good to go in move BUT its more than 24f now which makes it either reactable or either difficult to connect it even on block..its gold against d3s and d4s..most of the time though loses to d1s and fast high/mid strings..it does help a bit his neutral but the irony is that to get the most out of it has to be far/max range and then you dont have moves to pressure the opponent(maybe only d4 reaches)
  2. f12 +0 on block which makes the pressure better!
  3. f12b2 (Dis and MoS) gap removed at last!
It is the best experience i got from a fighting game(that i play)!! im very proud for it and i recomment it ;)
I played against USA a lot and it felt reaaaaally good..when i was playing against Europe (under 100ms) was like the opponent was next to me!!
BUT shitty connections stay shitty #onlinewarriors..and not because of the game but because of players connection!

Match ups:
The only characters i fought now that felt <<ok we still need something in neutral>> was JC (f3 won almost everything i was throwing at him, even jumping was a wrong idea,and JCs d4 ofc is still good for low profile, thanks for the matches @Asodimazze) , mileena(piercing b12 all day) and liu kang(his d3 goes under Raidens d1 lol)..

  • ThunderGod feels a bit more stable with f12 on +0 and f4 with plus but he needs less damage scaling on his lighting strings.. 3,2+4 , f2,2+4 , b3,2 , (b)1,1,2,2 have crazy damage scaling..even in the corner you can combo max 20% for 30/40 hits lol. and 3,4 doesnt have any reason to be used imo..none..
    also d3 needs either to be safe or have more + on hit.
  • Displacer got his f12b2 gap buff but other than that doesnt feel any better or changed.
    All the plus strings (1,1,2 / f2,2+4 and f12b2) lose their meaning because they pushblock the opponent far..even if we have + we cant use it because of the distance IMO. only d1 can interrupt/pressure at that range..
  • Master of @st9rm has the orb timing buff to 20sec which help you by not to pressure yourself to attack but he fells more empty than Displacer. Again. Maybe better recovery is the solution??or armor on ex orbs??(why not??SZ has armor on ex clone)
Even that he has a better f4 on block and a safer f12 doesnt change the fact that he has a weak neutral game..we still need something.. but its a good move that we have the b11 fixed.

Thank you for your time ^^
Raiden needs more help for his neutral game. It's incredible, why are they taking so long to fix him.


Most humble shit talker ever!!!
Ask @IrishMantis, he knows well about that move, he did it to me a lot in training session. The d4 must not be launched at melee range if you want db3 ex to whiff. It's just a match up situation, that happens in every game that some moves may not work against some characters. It may also whiff against Shinnok.

Edit : @Nivek, yes, there is a range where you can low profile it, all characters included. But then you don't need to do it since it's an anti poke move. The distance is like, between mid and max range of d4 of Raiden
Kim sure you could before the beta maybe they change it I'll test it
Just had an idea about a great change of aerial play of Raiden.

Give Raiden the ability to do thunder fly even if a jump in/neutral jump attack whiffs
If your opponent respects you, you get punished.
If you miss your target, you get punished full combo (except if there is a recovery change about that move...) even if you trade whiffing moves.

When you hit, you get corner carry, 9% dmg in normal execution. The only difference than before, is that you can give a feint to your opponent.
That's not that powerful for 50/50 since the opponent is down, has the choice to delay his wake up, to armor or not, grab and even cross up in wake up. Well, like everytime you do thunderfly in corner. That would become a tool to make people respect you when you aren't in range of d2 and of rushing strings at your landing, because it is not possible to launch thunderfly just before your foot sets on ground.


I don't believe anyone has the power to whiff an air normal and do an air move afterwards... That would be a little too much...


Athena guide me, the thunder God...
I don't believe anyone has the power to whiff an AIR normal and do an AIR move afterwards... That would be a little too much...
Actully every ones does..you cant with neutral jump normal into nj air special but i think thats what you mean :p
@ganondeurf nah i dont think breaking the rules for that is good... maybe buff the recovery(for everyone) for empty jump ins and neutral jumps(trip guard) so the cant punish us EITHER way, everytime.. @GGA pimpimjim

Ayase Chihaya

Can you quote me , when i said it?
In the thread starter post:
  1. f2 has better hitbox but as move isnt straight and i think is more like a get out move and a kara-antiair move(jump ins 1 character away)..but at least it doesnt whiff point blank!!"


Athena guide me, the thunder God...
In the thread starter post:
  1. f2 has better hitbox but as move isnt straight and i think is more like a get out move and a kara-antiair move(jump ins 1 character away)..but at least it doesnt whiff point blank!!"
Oh thanks @Ayase Chihaya ... @Invincible Salads its a term from street fighter.. its like extrended forward antiair...you cant antiair them if they are exaclty above you or in front of you..they have to be aprox. 1 character away to antiair then with f2..its like a extended (kara)f1.. i hope i explained it right :S


Fear the blade of Osh-Tekk
@colt when you have some free time check it ;)
Also consider making bf3(superman) some frames faster...something near to 10f?? so we use it for as a proper wake up attack and dont be afraid they gonna armor break us even on that moves which is already too much minus on block..
we cant even yolo..liu,lao,johhny,jax and other characters with armor breaking strings mop us on the wake up..
Liu breaks every wake up on game. Except f/t and punchwalk
Actully every ones does..you cant with neutral jump normal into nj air special but i think thats what you mean :p
@ganondeurf nah i dont think breaking the rules for that is good... maybe buff the recovery(for everyone) for empty jump ins and neutral jumps(trip guard) so the cant punish us EITHER way, everytime.. @GGA pimpimjim
I'm pretty sure that Kitana can do a whiff jump in attack and cancel into her air floating move. Too lazy to open my ps4 to check it, you can prove me wrong xD
It is no good for spamming player, because doing a whiff superman cost a full combo punish, same in guard.
Well I never had someone punishing my empty neutral jumps, but maybe I've never entcountered someone who could.

what exactly happened? lol
Sagat did a move anti jump in, a move which made him move forward. Furthermore he tried to mind his opponent by doing a jump in, because he minded the fact he would do a second fireball.


I'm pretty sure that Kitana can do a whiff jump in attack and cancel into her air floating move. Too lazy to open my ps4 to check it, you can prove me wrong xD
It is no good for spamming player, because doing a whiff superman cost a full combo punish, same in guard.
Well I never had someone punishing my empty neutral jumps, but maybe I've never entcountered someone who could.

Sagat did a move anti jump in, a move which made him move forward. Furthermore he tried to mind his opponent by doing a jump in, because he minded the fact he would do a second fireball.
everyone can do a whiff jump in attack canceled into special (atleast those with air specials ) what he was saying is whiff njp into special
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