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What is your favorite Book/Book Series?


Top 8 Injustice Frosty Faustings VII
The darker the better, providing it's in good context.

Stephen King books are known for being dark, but give a book called Desperation a go. Even by King standards, it's very dark and violent. This was written back in the 90's, when he still could weave a good tale. Give it a go, you wont be dissapointed. I consumed the book in about 3 days, I was that addicted to it.
read it... have read every king novel except delores clayborn and bag of bones... i also love it, but "It" will always be my favorite....

AZ MotherBrain

If you believe enough, -7 could be +7
ohhh mannnnnnn. I'm a pretty big reader, so this is tough for me.
The Difference Engine
Lord of The Rings Series
All of Poe's works
Atemis Fowl Series
Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew
Twenty Thousand Leagues Under The Sea
Dr. Seuss's works
Warlord of The Air
The Land of The Leviathan
Sherlock Holmes Series

GGA Saucy Jack

The artist formerly known as ImNewbieSauce
Anything Tolkein
The entire Sherlock Holmes Collection (only the canon 60)
The Xanth series
Anything written by Robert Ludlum
Ayn Rand (very polarizing author)

Man...so many more...but thats off the top of my head.


Nightwolf of the galaxy
Im looking to compile more and more stuff to read so i want to get some ideas from people around here.

So what is the best book/book series that youve read?

My favorite so far were the Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini and the Pendragon series by DJ MacHale. Both are pretty long series but I have read through most of the books more than once cause of how much i like them.

Im currently in possession of the Game of Thrones books but i just cant really get into them at the moment cause of the show and im just too stubborn to sit down and read them.

Any ideas/suggestions are appreciated and yes i know in advance, reading is dumb and for nerds blah blah blah, thanks and go away.
The best series is Foundation or Lord of the Rings.

Here are some of my "Must haves"

Good classics:
100 Years of Solitude
A Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich
Tortilla Flat
Of Mice and Men
Don Quixote
War and Peace
Winter of our Discontent

Good Fantasy/Sci fi:
2 B R 0 2 B
Do Androids Dream of Electronic Sheep?
Foundation Series
Han Solo Trilogy
The Halo books (Except contact harvest)
The Mass Effect books (Except the newest one)
Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

My Sisters Keeper
19 Minutes
Peoples History of the United States
Physicians desk Reference
Merk manual of medical information
A book of all of Shakesperes work
Some Edgar Allen Poe compilation


Atemis Fowl Series is a good one too.

The Family Corleone by Ed Falco is another really good. Its just like a mafia movie. must read.

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo Trilogy are also good.

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
Back in elementary school, I was a Judy Blum fan. Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing, Superfudge, etc haha. As I got older, I really sank my teeth into Stephen King's works especially The Stand. Altho I've never read the Harry Potter series, my fiance has read the series about 9 times. I really need to do it read them myself! As an adult, I adore the Watchmen & V for Vendetta, as well as The Walking Dead series.

Sent from The Turk


My favourite book series are:
- Harry Potter
- The Black Magician Trilogy (The Magicians' Guild, The Novice and The High Lord) by Trudi Canavan
- Achaja (english title could be Empress Achaja) by Andrzej Ziemiański - polish fanstasy trilogy
- Pomnik Cesarzowej Achai (The Monument of Empress Achaja) by Andrzej Ziemiański - The story takes place a thousand years after the events described in the trilogy.
- The Witcher saga by Andrzej Sapkowski


PSN: JerzeyReign
I'm a Star Wars and Batman nut so anything with them will be read. I have tons of books I enjoyed but I will admit, reluctantly, that one of the most recent series I read and enjoyed was The Hunger Games. The first movie pushed me towards the books though. I've enjoyed Dan Brown novels as well but really enjoy self improvement/motivation books.