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Who Do You Think Is Top 5 In EO Beta?


The anticipation is killing me
HQT Predator. Pretty worried about when they release him. But when I played last night I was playing kotal War God.
Ok, try getting the timing of using Kotal's D4 or D1 inbetween B12 to B1. The window isn't big but once you get the timing down it might help.

Scott The Scot

Where there is smoke, there is cancer.
He's been like this ever since the tier list thread.

One of the first things he said to me when I disagreed with him was something along the lines of "Keep resorting to commentating because you know you'd get bodied in ESL" or something like that.

he then proceeded to send Mustard and I a big apology private message, only to swiftly forget about it the very same day and go back to being the way he is now.
That's pretty silly. You got 5th at Evo for one thing lol.

THEY BUFFED HER Because THEY FELT she needed it I guess NRS downplaying guyz....
I really don't want to get into any arguments in this threads because I belong in the Cassie forums atm lol but I mean, they (NRS) are not perfect. They did buff MMH's overhead teleport.


Ok, try getting the timing of using Kotal's D4 or D1 inbetween B12 to B1. The window isn't big but once you get the timing down it might help.
That's actually another thing I was working on! D1 doesn't usually reach and I kept trying d4 last night but my timing was a tad off. I appreciate the input. :) Just trying to learn all my options


cr. HP Master
I did, but I can still objectively see the areas that Milenna further excels in.
The difference is that I've been playing Mileena for a long time. It's why some of us are a little irritated. Foxy is easily the second best player in the world, but when I see him play I can't help but think, "why didn't his opponent do this or that?" I understand the character. Foxy is just outplaying people. I'm throwing a fit about people talking like she is OP and you can't do anything about her options, which is false.


I don't think players understand how much of an impact a 6F D+1 can have. Seriously, if you gave Jason a 6f D+1 he would sky rocket because being at disadvantage up close in so many situations sucks and is a big short coming. The fact that almost nobody is talking about Mileena gaining a 6F D+1 and just her Piercing B+1,2 string just goes to show how much lack of knowledge players have regarding Mileena. 6F D+1 is huge and it gives her a way to frame trap off many normals or strings with no risk. It also allows her to poke out of so much pressure now that she couldn't before, again at no risk if blocked. Also many characters who have strings that end in neutral up close are now technically at disadvantage vs Mileena if they don't have a 6F poke. Every time you get hit by a D+1, she can go into her 1,2 series and staggers with throws to mix you up, go into B+1,2 in Piercing to keep you away from her, etc.

Also Ethereal is now even more retarded now that Mileena has an easier time building meter by zoning and she can abuse EX Fade in many more smart and crucial scenarios instead of relying on it to escape pressure. (she doesn't need to rely on EX Fade to escape pressure now that she has a 6F D+1 like before). I think the matches where Piercing gets shit on, Ethereal will easily cover up and compliment it very well.

Anyway, a good player with a good combination of Piercing and Ethereal is going to show why Mileena is one of the better characters next patch. (That's if none of the DLC are pre patch Tanya or Predator level of course).

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
It's not hate its making the case that he ain't saltface YET. Ppl want to take his godlike lao play and run with his words. Should his opinion be noted definitely he's one of the greatest mkx players, but this started back up with ppl calling me and akro down players, while he still holds firm on her A+ statement /before NRS just buffed her. THEY BUFFED HER Because THEY FELT she needed it I guess NRS downplaying guyz....

Tired of bumping this thread it is what is, stop crying and deal like we did..... I'm going to let this thread crawl and die now

PS Mileena op1111!! ^_^
Chill lol.

Just because I only played Lao doesn't mean I don't have extensive knowledge of other characters too.

The game isn't exactly that complex to break down into its finest details and simplest forms that work at high level, it's just people always try to over complicate things.

Here's a better question, what in the game can Mileena not deal with?

E.g. Lao hates 11f mids, and fast normals in general.

Sub hates moves with no hurt box

Cage hates fast projectiles

Mileena hates...?

Personally I think she's a great character that's exactly how she needs to be now, she can play a 100% fundamental game, which is what I'd like for every character.


Also why are people even talking about B+1,2 into B+1,2. That's like one of the most ugly and basic ways to play Mileena that it reeks of week 1 buff play, lol. Play against a Mileena who knows how to properly abuse B+1,2 in an intelligent manner and you'll see it's one of the top strings in the neutral with the set ups and mindgames she can play afterwards.


cr. HP Master
I don't think players understand how much of an impact a 6F D+1 can have. Seriously, if you gave Jason a 6f D+1 he would sky rocket because being at disadvantage up close in so many situations sucks and is a big short coming. The fact that almost nobody is talking about Mileena gaining a 6F D+1 and just her Piercing B+1,2 string just goes to show how much lack of knowledge players have regarding Mileena. 6F D+1 is huge and it gives her a way to frame trap off many normals or strings with no risk. It also allows her to poke out of so much pressure now that she couldn't before, again at no risk if blocked. Also many characters who have strings that end in neutral up close are now technically at disadvantage vs Mileena if they don't have a 6F poke. Every time you get hit by a D+1, she can go into her 1,2 series and staggers with throws to mix you up, go into B+1,2 in Piercing to keep you away from her, etc.

Also Ethereal is now even more (soap bar in my mouth) now that Mileena has an easier time building meter by zoning and she can abuse EX Fade in many more smart and crucial scenarios instead of relying on it to escape pressure. (she doesn't need to rely on EX Fade to escape pressure now that she has a 6F D+1 like before). I think the matches where Piercing gets shit on, Ethereal will easily cover up and compliment it very well.

Anyway, a good player with a good combination of Piercing and Ethereal is going to show why Mileena is one of the better characters next patch. (That's if none of the DLC are pre patch Tanya or Predator level of course).
Come on. I respect you to no ends, but you should play her more and see how much her d1 whiffs. She isn't keeping anyone in check with that unless in the corner(which is big).

Ethereal really is the dirty variation. I don't know if you are aware of the tech salt has, but I think it's pretty gross.

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions

LMAO sorry, just kidding (She hates that too)

but my personal pet peeve as Mileena is a strong d4. I know, not a ton of characters have those, but that and block were the first thing to come to mind :D
Mileena has a rediculous throw game, block isn't an issue, and the fact she has a true mid that nobody's talking about that can whiff punish every low profile move in the game (and is also safe), pretty sweet luxury to have.


Come on. I respect you to no ends, but you should play her more and see how much her d1 whiffs. She isn't keeping anyone in check with that unless in the corner(which is big).

Ethereal really is the dirty variation. I don't know if you are aware of the tech salt has, but I think it's pretty gross.
Her D+1 is one of the best in the game now. And so what if it can get low profiled? Welcome to most of the D+1s in the game. Mileena's D+3 and roll do that to so many D+1s. Her D+1 gets her out of pressure up close and hits any character who is blocking or not blocking in it's range. It's time to admit her D+1 is amazing and MANY characters wish they had a 6F poke.


cr. HP Master
Also why are people even talking about B+1,2 into B+1,2. That's like one of the most ugly and basic ways to play Mileena that it reeks of week 1 buff play, lol. Play against a Mileena who knows how to properly abuse B+1,2 in an intelligent manner and you'll see it's one of the top strings in the neutral with the set ups and mindgames she can play afterwards.
Because we've seen the new Mileena god do it multiple times on stream?


cr. HP Master
Her D+1 is one of the best in the game now. And so what if it can get low profiled? Welcome to most of the D+1s in the game. Mileena's D+3 and roll do that to so many D+1s. Her D+1 gets her out of pressure up close and hits any character who is blocking or not blocking in it's range. It's time to admit her D+1 is amazing and MANY characters wish they had a 6F poke.
Well, for starters you said she can frame trap off many normal's, when in fact it whiffs a ton mid screen. That is my point. The hitbox isn't great. It's fantastic in the corner, but it has weird whiffing issues. I'm not sure if Jason has whiff problems, but I could imagine any character with that buff would be huge...if it wasn't wonky.