I've had three different PS4's (launch unit, white and the current 1tb unit) and as a consequence three different DS4's. I've also a blue DS4 making for a total of four DS4's. I've also tested with a mate's too, so that's five DS4's and three consoles.
There is a real problem with Bluetooth interference on PS4 and I don't know how to make Sony aware.
What happens is the DS4 becomes unresponsive for a moment, then unleashes every command at once. So in first person shooters, the aim will suddenly go all over the place (like aiming into the sky and shit). In DriveClub my car will simply refuse to turn, and then suddenly turn a moment later.
I've noticed I can consistently recreate this if my laptop is on my lap (e.g. using a faq while playing). My iPad has the same effect albeit to a lesser degree.
This has happened with every PS4 and DS I've had, in two different properties too. So I'm beginning to think there could be interference from wifi and PS4's Bluetooth.
FWIW, I've never had this problem with PS3, X360 or Wii U. It's infuriating.
Anyone have experience of similar? Any ideas on how to mitigate? Any ideas on how to wake up Sony about this?
Fix this shit, Sony!