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Question - Tempest How would you nerf Tempest?

Groove Heaven

So it wouldn't be a huge surprise if KL or at least Tempest got some nerfs in KP2 since it's considered by many to be the best variation in the game. What do you guys think would be fair ones? What could be done to make Tempest more normalized without wrecking the character?

I had a couple ideas, some might be ok, some are probably too much. I don't mean for all these to happen in conjunction, just ideas on the direction to go:
-more minus on block for orbiting hat, regular and EX
-less chip and/or meter build for 112124
-higher scaling on 11212(4)
-higher scaling on EX spin
-less juggle potential/higher scaling on divekick
-nerf j2 hitbox

Are these good ideas or am I wack? Do actual KL players have more insight?
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11212 already changes its scaling against an airborne target (other than jump in punches and kicks, it's the only move that I currently know that has a heavier damage scale against airborne opponents than against grounded ones, so I think it has already been nerfed at some patch). Divekick damage scale is lighter on the second one you use during a combo which is weird.

I would change the hat spin so you can't 44 after it, not because I think it's OP, but because then I will be able to connect all possible Kung Lao combos consistently... :DOGE


welcome to the ButtSlam
Just make EXSpin more negative.
That's about it.

EDIT: It seems people still think 112124 does adequate chip damage.
112124 does not do adequate chip damage.
dude, -28 isnt enough? lol...

All you need to do is nerf his J2 and he's fine. Maybe make his EX hat a little less plus. Everything else he has is fair honestly
ex hat is fine at +12 you only have d4 as a frame trap, other things are armourable / pokable


all downplaying aside lao has been changed a good amount throughout patches and is relatively fair at the moment (albeit extremely solid mu number/tool wise), I really think people should get over him being this insanely broke char that can't be beaten. I agree for the most part with what king said, but with all the ex hat nerf rumors going around I actually think it would've been a better idea to keep his ex hat around +9-10.

I don't understand why people can't seem to grasp the concept that there will for the most part always be top tier characters in a fighting game and if you were forced to have a top 5 would you rather it be full of quans or more honest characters like lao?


Original Liu Kang cop.
The orbiting hat is fine. The only guaranteed option he has afterwards is d4.

I personally think the hitbox of his j2 should be reduced, and the speed of his run slightly reduced, whilst his walkspeed should be increased to compensate. Nothing else really.

Run~f2 is so fast and overs so much range that it is so hard to space the character out when coupled with his d4 and j2.