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MKX Enhanced Online BETA General Discussion

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RM NoBrows

Supah hawt fiyah
The new breaker system might make quan chi even more powerful, since he has the best zoning one of the best meter building and he can do the best unbreakable combos. Breakers shouldn't be putting things back in neutral they should just change the position of the defender from awful to no soo awful. Why would the character who landed a combo hit be punished? It doesn't make that much sense to me. I will need to try it out but in theory I don't think this is necessary.
This is a joke right? The way the breaker system is now, if quan breaks his best option is zoning cuz no stamina. They way it is now and if the opponent breaks quans combo, HE CAN DO WHATEVER HE WANTS. Summon bat and run in and be like lol IDGAF. Change the system to what it is in the beta and he's forced to just zone or take a risk, just like the person who broke the combo. Just like everyone's zoning game, there's holes in it. It's not like you're in a stalemate once quan chi starts zoning.


The last Saurian from Zaterra - Syzoth - Reptile
Okay but though you guys complain about how you don't have any stamina and you need it.. isn't that the case right now? Right now it costs all stamina and 2 bars and you break nowadays. So if it takes your opponents stamina too in the future I'm not too sure you're at an obligation to complain. It's a step up from what breakers are now right? Right. So smile for now.


MK1 is the best MK period.
Also while your getting bodied or bodying your opponent you/they build less meter while being hit. It looks like it scales.


Normalize grab immunity.
I feel like a simple change would be if a break happens, give the attack half stamina and the defender no stamina. So the person on offense can still do stuff. That should give the rushdown characters a rushdown advantage. The zoners some space. You still spent resources and are still gimped but not as much if there is no stamina cool down period. You're not even fullscreen after a break. At that space is prime fireball punishment so both players have to be on their toes. I'd rather have to play neutral again after scoring a hit instead of being ran in on in a blink of a year because I didn't block 1 of my opponent's 3 options.


My GT: UncappedWheel82
Can someone tell me where you can check to see if you played for an hour online?
I'm at 47 minutes and 36 seconds.
I played 12 matches and it didn't move up a second.
I imagine you have to go to the official Mortal Kombat X site, that is the only place I've seen that will actually give you the logged time online.

  1. Goto www.mortalkombat.com
  2. Sign up / in (it should be the same as the WB login),
  3. Click the trophy on the upper left
  4. Choose your platform, type in your GT / PSN ID, and click "view your own kombat record"
  5. Check your time stats under the "Faction" tab.
I haven't played in months, but there it says I've logged 2 days, 3 hours online.

Kombat Chef

Just played the beta for the first time and it doesnt seem to be much better. Ive never really played a beta before so it could just be some kinks they gotta work out. The chopiness is pretty noticeable, is this common with other games that have ggpo?

RM NoBrows

Supah hawt fiyah
How about this for an idea? Just spit balling here but I feel like this would be a good one. Treat breakers like a clash in IGAU.

Differences from IGAU clash:
Make it so you have to have at least two bars to clash and it doesn't have to be a certain round to clash.

When wagering meter, the winner of the wager gets a stamina advantage rather than getting health back

Examples: I clash against someone. I wager 2 bars to there 1. Combo breaks and I have a third more stamina advantage
I clash against someone. I wager 2 bars to there two bars, even stamina advantage for both.
I clash. I wager 3 bars to there 1. I have 2 thirds more stamina then my opponent.



The Longbow Hunter.
How about this for an idea? Just spit balling here but I feel like this would be a good one. Treat breakers like a clash in IGAU.

Differences from IGAU clash:
Make it so you have to have at least two bars to clash and it doesn't have to be a certain round to clash.

When wagering meter, the winner of the wager gets a stamina advantage rather than getting health back

Examples: I clash against someone. I wager 2 bars to there 1. Combo breaks and I have a third more stamina advantage
I clash against someone. I wager 2 bars to there two bars, even stamina advantage for both.
I clash. I wager 3 bars to there 1. I have 2 thirds more stamina then my opponent.

Hmmm what if you break after they spend meter in their combo and you always win? Seems not such a good idea.

RM NoBrows

Supah hawt fiyah
Hmmm what if you break after they spend meter in their combo and you always win? Seems not such a good idea.
Like I said I'm just brainstorming and that came to mind. And it wouldn't work like the IGAU clash, you would have to have at least two bars to clash. I don't believe people too often have 2 to 3 bars at the end of a match


so it seems like majority here are in favor of both players losing stamina for using breaker. lmao im just going to keep my actual comments about that to myself(because its nothing nice).
Not sure what the fuss is all about with the new breaker. Everyone saying both players were on equal footing before the changes must have missed the fact that the person who didn't break still has stamina to run in, use interactables to close distance/attack with, use of a breaker themselves once they closed ground (w/ meter) if hit themselves, have stamina to bait and back dash, can special cancel still....and this is for like what 7+ full seconds (several more then it takes most to put you in the corner), come on how is that not more one sided? Acting like the new breaker is so unfair and is giving keep away characters SO much more now is IMO wrong, here's why, again IMO;

Breakers distance is still a jump in attack away (and what if the breaker is near a corner) , its not like keep aways can just spam freely without worry. Sure they can walk back (if they can) an instant air this and that, but the other player can advance, block, duck, jump, forward dash, teleport, use interactable, armor, space advancing strings, reversal special, etc....All its doing is giving the keep away character a chance to play their game for a few moments instead of having to deal with rushdown, 50/50 types NORMALLY better close game tools right away. They are spending two bars for this ya kno! Reading that rushdown is now at some disadvantage now when one occurs is hard to swallow, you just took two bars from your opponent, that is not a loss! Most rush down types forward walk speed is much greater then keep aways back walk speed or the have tools to aid them such as better forward dashes, extra armor, great njp's, teleports, blah blah. Now I'm not 100% on this cause I saw no sign of confirmation yet but hear the penalty on stamina is reduced now as well.

I'm a Mournful main so yes this sits well for me cause I can attempt what she's strong at a little more before half the cast rushes to apply pressure again. Sure atm I have some options, but not as many as the opponent. I cant back dash to create space or punish certain strings that have gaps, likely cant armor due to having just lost 2 bars, and for Kitana specifically only have a 8 and 9 frame high/8 frame unsafe d1 as my fastest attacks which pale in comparison to several rushdowns. I float and build meter as much as I can safely but its not likely I'll build one let alone two bars again before my opponent can get back in, and if I am keeping them out they are building bar to help them advance with more options. Yes this overall is helping zoning based gameplay but is was long needed.

On a side note this change along with the timer change means we might actually see matches that have time outs.

@RM NoBrows but in IGAU everyone got one free clash in red health, in MK you are spending two bars for that breaker just to escape the situation. IGAU also had the damage/HP regain feature to it to govern when it was wise/unwise to use it. So if that was the case in this, say my foe causes me to break and has three bars not only is he causing me to lose two bars but now has more stamina to give him a edge on getting back in/limit my options (kinda like the current state). That makes the situation even worst when the idea was I spent two bars to reset the situation to a fair neutral. Same for vise versa, good meter building characters like Kitana/Lao could use this to gain a slight advantage when they made the mistake due to normally having more meter then others.

@wselak how exactly is the person who causes the break, the rushdown in your case being penalized? They just took two bars for meter and their foe is in the same stamina situation as you. So a rushdown having to deal with zoner tools is unfair? Most can counter zone or have tools listed above.

Sorry for the wall and want to stress I'm only stating my opinion, not trying to pick fights with anyone just trying to look at this from a just (and casual :)) prospective.
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