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How do you pick your character?


whatever character I enjoy playing. also the unique design and personality of the character so it was easy for me to tell which character I would play once I finished the story mode.


It's hard to say, I usually just pick what's cool to me or who looks like has cool combos. I'll just tell you my first main in every game and maybe it'll give you and idea of what I like

MKX: Kung Jin
Injustice: Batman
MK9: Kung Lao
USF4: Balrog/Evil Ryu
MVC3: Magneto Wolverine Hulk
DOA5: Jan Lee
Every Smash: Captain Falcon
Tekken: Marduk
Soul Calibur: Astaroth
I go through the whole game roster sooner or later. Like I said I prefer female characters. If I had to just name one main from each game I play

Tekken: Lili
Street Fighter: Juri
BlazBlue: Platinum
MKX Kitana (i wish I could use Mileena I just suck too hard with her)
Injustice: Harley Quinn
DoA5: Kasumi
Smash: Jigglepuff

I'm not good at fighters, just love them and trying to get good but when i first started people were seriously telling me to go to teir list and see who is best, I just didn't want to. I like using a good character but I just like to have some that naturally attracts me to character. I love speed, female characters, usually evil females but honestly as long as they act like a bitch im attracted to them ha
Whoever feels good. I like Erron Black and Ferra/Torr in theory, but for whatever reason I have trouble landing their command grabs and other BnBs. Covert Ops Sonya and Cutthroat Kano feel nice and smooth, so I'm focusing on learning those characters.

I try and force myself to experiment though. In MK9 I learned Ermac because I had trouble with the 3 Goro tower fight, and ended up keeping him as a main. Then I dropped him in MKX because I had trouble comboing off his teleport. (I've gotten a lot better at the game since then so I should take another look at ol' Mac actually...)

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
Before getting into SF: Whoever is my fav character of that series and/or looked cool (Sub, Reptile, Cervantes, Ezio, Dragunov, Eddy, Baek Du San)

After getting into SF: Whoever plays remotely like a shoto. Ryu Specifically. (Ryu[and anyone with 1 or multiple Ryu-like moves in SF], Deathstroke, Aoko[Melty Blood])


Positive Poster!
First I look at viable characters then I pick a main based on personality / style.
Tier list only matters to me so much as the character doesn't have unwinnable matchups.
This is how I can end up playing a zoner in one game and a heavy rushdown in another.


Nub slayer
Whatever I play against my brothers first when the game is released i tend to stick around, even if they're bad!


I ONLY pick females characters who I think look good and MOSTLY have projectiles.. UMVC:Morrigan MKX: Kitana ... Call me wha u want but I LOVE filling the screen up with soul fists or fans


I wish I knew Kung Fu.
I tend to go for the ones that a) have badass kung fu moves and b) have combos that have a comfortable rhythm for me. Most often this means whoever is the Bruce Lee pastiche of the game, though I don't specifically look for that. Tiers mean nothing in my selection.

In MKX and MK9 I main Liu Kang.
In SF4 my first main (who I still like) was Fei Long.
In the little Tekken I've played, I played Marshall and/or Forrest Law.

I might not like these characters the most, though. For example in MKX and MK9 I like Kung Lao the best from a design perspective. He has *exactly* the kind of moves and aesthetic I like. His entry and victory poses are just... so much YES! However Liu Kang's combos have a more comfortable rhythm and flow for me. In Virtua Fighter 5 I wanted to play Lei-Fei sooo bad, but God damn is he a technical character... Plus not really understanding the meta didn't help things.

I usually branch out in any given game after a while. Mostly looking for that gameplay feel, but aesthetics do play some role.

In MKX I also play Takeda. MKX and MK9 on the whole have the type of gameplay system where I personally feel comfortable with trying out a wider range of characters than most games, though MK also has a heavily Asian influenced overall aesthetic...

In SF4 I picked up Makoto, who I actually play the most now.

Looking forward to SF5, it seems like slim pickings for my aesthetic likes. Chun-Li seems like the most fitting from a visual perspective, but I'm hesitant since I haven't ever liked actually controlling her. We'll see.
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Beware my power, Red Lantern's Light
I usually end up maining a character that us usually a jack of all trades type of character and/or has good footsies + good buttons. My secondaries are characters I like due to playstyle, looks, or just the character himself.

Playstation Allstars:
Main -
Evil Cole (Jack of All Trades, Giga *Falcon* Punch was hype, Badass character from Infamous series)
Secondary - Sweet Tooth (Fun to play, fun to troll 2v2 pubs as double sweet tooth, beings out a lot of salt)

Main -
Green Lantern (Jack of all trades, B13, Yellow Lantern Costume, Fan of Green Lantern Animated Series)
Secondary - Joker (Favorite DC Villain)

Main -
War God Kotal Kahn (B1 *kreygasm*, Footsies, He's just dat nigga man!)
Triborg Smoke - Smoke *kreygasm moar*
Secondary -
Ninjutsu Scorpion (Footsies, easier to combat online scrub tactics)
Ronin/Lasher Takeda (Least used variations, footsies are fun, getting a new skin!)
Gunslinger Erron Black (He has a hat!)


mk1 apologist
MK9 was my first real fighting game but I bought it as a casul. I picked Noob because Noob-Smoke was amazing in Deception but smoke's hair drove me away from him.

As I got better I was playing all the cast, as casuls do, and realized that I did the best with Sektor, or he did the most damaging combos out of the others I came up with. B34 for days. Still played Noob because character loyalty, and Cage was cool so I played him.

Skipping over Injustice (which I loved, RIP Bane), MKX had neither Noob nor Sektor, but I stuck with Johnny Cage, and tried out the rest of the cast. Now I play almost everyone, but my three mains are SD Cage, BG Kotal, and Hunter Predator. I stick with mains based on how cool the character is, and how cool their moveset is.


I pick whoever I like. What I mean by that is a character whose design I like, or whose story I really like. I know that in terms of playing to win thats not the best way to do it but I just can't force myself to play character(s) I don't like or don't want to play lol

Winning with a character I don't like just doesn't give me the same satisfaction as winning with one I do like, even if that character happens to be garbage and I have to work really hard for it lol


Miley Cyrax®
I guess I tend to like bad-ass ladies and robots. I also like when I can set up elaborate traps. NRS, can I please have a female cyber ninja already???

MKX Mains: Jacqui and Sonya (grenade setups)
MK9: Cyrax and Cyber Sub-Zero (bomb setups)
Soul Calibur series: Nightmare and Taki