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YouPorn eSports Member Banned from Wearing Team Colours at Capcom SFIV event


We have to mature at some point. Whether they put "YP" or the full name, everyone knows what it stands for. If a maker of a children's game doesn't want their company's league associated with it, so be it.
You might be just saying that as an example, but when has SF ever been an "childern's game"?

Yes, I'm kind of the being selective here,but I just want you to answer the question...thats all.

FL Rushdown

Offence is taken, not given.
No, that's an objectively false statement. How you react can be controlled, but how a stimulus makes you feel can not. You can choose what you do in response to certain stimuli, but you absolutely can't control how they make you feel.

Even then your argument requires the existence of complete free will which quite a lot of people could argue doesn't exist.

AK Harold

I'm all for the sponsorship, but you can't buy YP's claim that it is not trying to promote its own business. That is ludicrous. If that was in fact the case they would have just made a new Label for a gaming sector that had no resemblance to their branding.

It IS a perfect audience to market to on their end though. Its too bad that the world is still not ready to deal with the issue of pornography in a public space.


The funniest thing is that through all the fuss and banning, the parent company is getting all the attention anyway.


@FL Rushdown

I get your argument bro, I really do. But no one is really arguing that point though. I can safely say we understand that its a feeling we can't forget, its just the choice to act upon said feeling we still have.

FL Rushdown

Again. That's not a fact. It's an opinion. Read pretty much any neuroscientists work and you'll find that the existence of free will is far from certain.


Administrator and Community Engineer
You might be just saying that as an example, but when has SF ever been an "childern's game"?

Yes, I'm kind of the being selective here,but I just want you to answer the question...thats all.
Although a lot of us obviously still continue to play as adults, the game and its colorful cartoony style were targeted at youth, and was put into arcades for youth to come and spend their quarters (which a lot of us did as kids).

It's not what I'd call "adult entertainment", and if they don't want to be associated with the porn industry, I don't blame them.

SM StarGazer

The voice of reason in a Sea of Salt
In all honesty, YouPorn sponsoring professional gamers doesn't make the most sense. That said, it's not like the logo was obscene in anyway. But it's whatever. You can't really be mad at them.
Really? It makes perfect sense. Dudes love video games and bitches. Now you can video game while looking at bitches.

Promoting a pornsite at a place where more then.half the attendees cant even spell vagiyer right. Yeah Id prey of lonely nerds as well. Hell I expected them to send a.pornstar with old dude. I would. Sex sells and so do video games. Combine the too and your now Donald Trump(money wise).

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
Letting a competitive player who is competing for a competitive team which is owned by a porn company which is making absolutely no advertisements or references in its team colours =/= being associated with porn, let's stop sensationalising it like headlines have to

That's like saying competitive football has chosen themselves to associate themselves with global warming because they allow Ford to be a team sponsor

They aren't associating themselves with it in any way

The funniest thing is, YouPorn is smart. They knew stuff like this controversy was just a matter of time. They aren't getting their advertising from being there, Team YP is exactly that, completely SFW with no mentions or advertising at all of the parent company. Capcom by "censoring" them isn't actually doing it to stop advertising of Pornography at all, they are doing it to appear PC and placate the small minded people who would take offense at them not doing it, but in reality, the competitor who had to "change his team colours or get banned" and then had a censored pixelated Tshirt, further censored and pixelated completely, What do you think that does? Gets people talking about YouPorn like we are doing, or asking in stuff like Twitch chat why he's censored, etc, and as such Capcom is marketing YouPorn directly to their target audience for them, people already sitting at their computer with spare time on their hands. Capcom doesn't give a shit about promoting porn or not, they just want to look like they do and not run some stupidly small risk of "offending" anyone for reasons only someone like the writer of this article could care about, not someone actually involved with their scene

However, at the end of the day I guess it doesn't matter. Everyone is winning here. Capcom looks noble, YouPorn is getting the best advertising money can buy, the player in question has probably just secured the hell out of his sponsorship with Team YP until the day he quits playing, and since their venture is more profitable as to allow/encourage them to keep putting on players into different eSports. I'm just not impressed by Capcoms willingness to consistently throw their own scene under the bus for the sake of the professional victim crowd


Salty Mashers Krew
Who is running marketing at youporn? People are gonna wank regardless, not sure how spending money on a gamer and being disguised about it will motivate people to wank on your site rather than any other one

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
Promoting a pornsite at a place where more then.half the attendees cant even spell vagiyer right.
Lol. (I think it's spelt vagina)

Hell I expected them to send a.pornstar with old dude. I would. Sex sells and so do video games. Combine the too and your now Donald Trump(money wise).
Then you wouldn't have even been allowed at the event or likely to make a team unfortunately, but that would be dope lol. Regardless, That's not team YPs goal here they are completely SFW with no mention of porn and doing it your way would be contrary to that, they are obviously just there to let the controversy do the marketing for them, sex might sell but in this case they aren't actually selling sex, they are selling outrage, and it's worked a charm

God Confirm

We're all from Earthrealm. If not, cool pic brah.
Who is running marketing at youporn? People are gonna wank regardless, not sure how spending money on a gamer and being disguised about it will motivate people to wank on your site rather than any other one
You could say the same thing about practically any company specific advertising. I think people talking about it is giving it the image of being the biggest site out there and give it a shitload of legitimacy, and that is enough to attract heaps of traffic, that's what marketing is. Think about how many millions of people this news will reach, trust me the marketing is brilliant


Salty Mashers Krew
You could say the same thing about practically any company specific advertising. I think people talking about it is giving it the image of being the biggest site out there and give it a shitload of legitimacy, and that is enough to attract heaps of traffic, that's what marketing is. Think about how many millions of people this news will reach, trust me the marketing is brilliant
Millions of people? Doubt this is on the cover of the new York times. Even if it were, that is an incredibly bizzarre and illogical use of marketing expenditures. Porn sites really just need to be experts in search engine optimization given that most search for porn, you guessed it, on the Internet. I rarely base porn related decisions on whether pornhub has a respectable presence within the Capcom community.

RM NoBrows

Supah hawt fiyah
Most of these events are watched through the internet. The Internet would cease to exist without pornography. You take away porn, you take away viewers.

C'mon, capcom. Know how your crowd works.

FL Rushdown

You could say the same thing about practically any company specific advertising. I think people talking about it is giving it the image of being the biggest site out there and give it a shitload of legitimacy, and that is enough to attract heaps of traffic, that's what marketing is. Think about how many millions of people this news will reach, trust me the marketing is brilliant
Youporn isn't the "biggest" site out there, but it is owned by mindgeek which runs pretty much 90+% of major porn sites and a similar % of porn studios. They've got a large enough market share that if it was an industry that was more uh "socially acceptable" they'd be up against monopoly suits with the way they pirate their own content.

This isn't some minor sponsor getting the shaft. Mindgeek is a larger company than capcom could pretty much ever hope to be.
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if your kid owns a smartphone or any other type of divice there proably watching porn or has watched porn. It shouldnt be that big of a deal. They dont have naked women on the shirts. The shirt is actually a pretty good looking dsigned but with the FGC growing this is something that we will face more and more.

Johnny San

Shazzy's Biggest Fan
It's Capcom's shindig. They don't want it, you don't rep it.

If anything they're doing us a favor. Advertising shitty porn sites is a disservice to everyone. Putting that aside, the way YouPorn went about branding the team hasn't made much sense either.


Confused Thanagarian
We like to read this article, but it saids "404 not found"

Really that do lol got any source to this?
Just look up Japanese porn or most hentai, you'll see. I think it's a weird law they have, that all porn has to be censored. Odd considering all the sexual stuff available in the country too