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Who's Next? Leatherface, Xenomorph, Bo' Rai Cho & Tri-Borg Are Koming to MKX in 2016!!


I get it, I'm one who strongly dislikes KP2. Actually, I wouldn't say I dislike it 100%. I'm more disappointed and perhaps that's my own fault for thinking it'd be different or all the hype surrounding KP2 reveal just went to my head.

Regardless... I see many, probably like 90% of people, blaming NRS and how they screwed fans over. How Boon doesn't care about MK anymore. How they'd rather have a horror movie fighting game than an MK game.

I get it, I was one especially on reveal who was just absolutely disgusted and hated every part of it. That isn't because my character didn't make it (I really only cared to see Rain again) and honestly my biggest gripe was the 50% guest 50% MK characters in the kombat packs.

After some time I thought about this, and I think this is probably pretty close to how things have been handled:

WB forces their will on NRS by having equal spots in kombat packs. This means NRS contracts out designers/programmers/artists to complete all assets before their release. In this case they estimate the time it will take to complete x amount of characters before release and for kp2 it's 4 characters.

This only leaves NRS with 2 characters from MK to hopefully satisfy their fans. Now if you think about it, NRS gave us 4.5 characters out of the 2 they were given room for.



If you think about it, NRS did the absolute best they could for their fans (of course IF this is the case and how things go in WB/NRS) so to blame Boon and co. for all of this may be a bit unfair and may actually make them feel like even with their best attempt they couldn't satisfy their fans. Think about this before your next rant.

Even if your character didn't make it, that's no reason to bite their head off. They gave us the absolute most they could it seems to me.
I get it, I'm one who strongly dislikes KP2. Actually, I wouldn't say I dislike it 100%. I'm more disappointed and perhaps that's my own fault for thinking it'd be different or all the hype surrounding KP2 reveal just went to my head.

Regardless... I see many, probably like 90% of people, blaming NRS and how they screwed fans over. How Boon doesn't care about MK anymore. How they'd rather have a horror movie fighting game than an MK game.

I get it, I was one especially on reveal who was just absolutely disgusted and hated every part of it. That isn't because my character didn't make it (I really only cared to see Rain again) and honestly my biggest gripe was the 50% guest 50% MK characters in the kombat packs.

After some time I thought about this, and I think this is probably pretty close to how things have been handled:

WB forces their will on NRS by having equal spots in kombat packs. This means NRS contracts out designers/programmers/artists to complete all assets before their release. In this case they estimate the time it will take to complete x amount of characters before release and for kp2 it's 4 characters.

This only leaves NRS with 2 characters from MK to hopefully satisfy their fans. Now if you think about it, NRS gave us 4.5 characters out of the 2 they were given room for.



If you think about it, NRS did the absolute best they could for their fans (of course IF this is the case and how things go in WB/NRS) so to blame Boon and co. for all of this may be a bit unfair and may actually make them feel like even with their best attempt they couldn't satisfy their fans. Think about this before your next rant.

Even if your character didn't make it, that's no reason to bite their head off. They gave us the absolute most they could it seems to me.
I agree im pretty sure if WB let them nether realm would have given us what we wanted.


only big issue is leatherface, maybe they have some awesome ideas in store but I cant imagine a legit 3 variation moveset, he isnt even a good rival to jason because jason is nearly invincible, mike meyers could have at least had his car


NRS, Guilty Gear, and KI, the holy trinity
Thank you, people need to realize that Publishers tend to be the problem when it comes to financial stuff like this, hell business wise, it makes sense, bring in more guest characters, more casuals that are fans of that series will want to play as their favorite character, and im convinced now that NRS is under contract for their kombat packs that it has to be 2 guest and 2 native MK characters.


Be careful, I was saying that it was likely due to WB and not NRS and then the naysayers started rearing their heads saying it wasn't the case, blah blah.
Well fuck crybabies, my dude. I too was in disgust but sometimes you gotta break things down and see how things possibly work in real life.

I don't like guests either but if NRS can't help but to be forced to include WB wishes then who are we to say fuck NRS? I think they handled it well. Again, IF this is the case how things work.


Blind justice....
I'm just gonna quote myself coz it covers almost all:

"No, it's just time and money spent and 2 year plan of releasing games vs possible costs and profit from switching to new engine.

Switching from their heavily modified engine (UE3) which suits them very well to a new (lets say UE4) would take months and cost probably millions. Would probably also mean that they wouldn't be able to push another game (IGAU2) on time (April 2017). And for what? Better online? Not worth it from WB perspective probably not even worth it from NRS perspective. It's a well calculated business.

People should finally understand it - WB makes all the calls, they own NRS and they're only about making as much money as it's possible.

Why change something if it works great for them? And by that i mean sells in millions of copy and brings biggest profit ever.

99,9% of MK X copies sold went to casuals, they don't give a shit about the game after a week, month tops, they just move on to the next one. And those people are the target for WB not hardcore MK fans not to mention hardcore competitive players. We're like 0,1% of whole, sure they will throw us some pocket change into offline tournaments, ESL etc but it's just drop of water in a sea. That's the reality. They don't create Kombat Packs for us, they create them form casuals players, thats why we got like 2 guest characters coz obviously casual players more likely heard about Alien or even LeatherFace then hm Smoke, Cyrax, Sektor or Bo Rai Cho. And they will buy it.

Also they went with KP2 and probably will do KP3 (or atleast 1-2 more characters) in 2016 coz they dont want to lose ground to Street Fighter V (premiere in feb 2016) and 3rd season of KI. It's not like they just want to support the game.... it's as always a calculated business decisions.

If you expect anything else then you obviously don't know how companies like WB work or how big gaming business works these days.

Expect the same shitty netcode in IGAU2 with X or even maybe XX DLC packs, coz this business model works for them, no need to change it."


Thank you, people need to realize that Publishers tend to be the problem when it comes to financial stuff like this, hell business wise, it makes sense, bring in more guest characters, more casuals that are fans of that series will want to play as their favorite character, and im convinced now that NRS is under contract for their kombat packs that it has to be 2 guest and 2 native MK characters.
You're welcome! And thank you for being on this side of the fence


I'm just gonna quote myself coz it covers almost all:

"No, it's just time and money spent and 2 year plan of releasing games vs possible costs and profit from switching to new engine.

Switching from their heavily modified engine (UE3) which suits them very well to a new (lets say UE4) would take months and cost probably millions. Would probably also mean that they wouldn't be able to push another game (IGAU2) on time (April 2017). And for what? Better online? Not worth it from WB perspective probably not even worth it from NRS perspective. It's a well calculated business.

People should finally understand it - WB makes all the calls, they own NRS and they're only about making as much money as it's possible.

Why change something if it works great for them? And by that i mean sells in millions of copy and brings biggest profit ever.

99,9% of MK X copies sold went to casuals, they don't give a shit about the game after a week, month tops, they just move on to the next one. And those people are the target for WB not hardcore MK fans not to mention hardcore competitive players. We're like 0,1% of whole, sure they will throw us some pocket change into offline tournaments, ESL etc but it's just drop of water in a sea. That's the reality. They don't create Kombat Packs for us, they create them form casuals players, thats why we got like 2 guest characters coz obviously casual players more likely heard about Alien or even LeatherFace then hm Smoke, Cyrax, Sektor or Bo Rai Cho. And they will buy it.

Also they went with KP2 and probably will do KP3 (or atleast 1-2 more characters) in 2016 coz they dont want to lose ground to Street Fighter V (premiere in feb 2016) and 3rd season of KI. It's not like they just want to support the game.... it's as always a calculated business decisions.

If you expect anything else then you obviously don't know how companies like WB work or how big gaming business works these days.

Expect the same shitty netcode in IGAU2 with X or even maybe XX DLC packs, coz this business model works for them, no need to change it."
The only thing about that is they have highly modified their version of Unreal 3 to fit their signature fighting game logic and code/script. UE4 was still in mostly beta early 2014 while some companies released games with UE4 they weren't sophisticated games like a fighter. I see NRS adopting UE4 soon, but it's going to take a long time of cleaning and exporting code to UE4 for everything to work properly. They use UE3 yes, but it's so modified that it's going to take a long time to switch


Nine Inch Nails fan from Metro Detroit, Michigan
I'm just gonna quote myself coz it covers almost all:

"No, it's just time and money spent and 2 year plan of releasing games vs possible costs and profit from switching to new engine.

Switching from their heavily modified engine (UE3) which suits them very well to a new (lets say UE4) would take months and cost probably millions. Would probably also mean that they wouldn't be able to push another game (IGAU2) on time (April 2017). And for what? Better online? Not worth it from WB perspective probably not even worth it from NRS perspective. It's a well calculated business.

People should finally understand it - WB makes all the calls, they own NRS and they're only about making as much money as it's possible.

Why change something if it works great for them? And by that i mean sells in millions of copy and brings biggest profit ever.

99,9% of MK X copies sold went to casuals, they don't give a shit about the game after a week, month tops, they just move on to the next one. And those people are the target for WB not hardcore MK fans not to mention hardcore competitive players. We're like 0,1% of whole, sure they will throw us some pocket change into offline tournaments, ESL etc but it's just drop of water in a sea. That's the reality. They don't create Kombat Packs for us, they create them form casuals players, thats why we got like 2 guest characters coz obviously casual players more likely heard about Alien or even LeatherFace then hm Smoke, Cyrax, Sektor or Bo Rai Cho. And they will buy it.

Also they went with KP2 and probably will do KP3 (or atleast 1-2 more characters) in 2016 coz they dont want to lose ground to Street Fighter V (premiere in feb 2016) and 3rd season of KI. It's not like they just want to support the game.... it's as always a calculated business decisions.

If you expect anything else then you obviously don't know how companies like WB work or how big gaming business works these days.

Expect the same shitty netcode in IGAU2 with X or even maybe XX DLC packs, coz this business model works for them, no need to change it."
I know this was in response to me in the other thread but I think it makes more sense to reply to it here.

I saw it coming before MKX was announced that WB may not of given NRS the time needed as they have a deadline and if that deadline isn't met, people lose their jobs or potential bonuses.

So I totally understand where you're coming from and is a main reason I have not bought too many games lately. Backed with an aggressive advertisement campaign many were hype about MKX, but now I feel that WBGames has a stigma it can't shake with the disappointment of PC gamers and the ports, the fact not many were high on Arkham Knight and more.

There are many more casuals who were not pleased with MKX in the sense of story, microtransactions, and what have you. YouTube channels such as Gaming Sins and Angry Joe display this.

They also have a following. I actually think WBGames will experience diminished returns soon enough, because if gaming history is to teach us anything... Ideas beaten to death tend to stop selling after awhile. (See: Guitar Hero/Rock Band which just now after many years got new games, COD, EA published titles such as Battlefront which caused them to lose stock etc...)


How dare you think about this rationally and express yourself in a mature and civilized manner, you are supposed to be cursing and foaming from the mouth in anger lol

On a serious note though, I also wanted more MK characters, and I was actually really surprised when I saw they had put two more guests in this pack BUT luckily for me, I also happen to be a fan of these guests characters, so I cant be mad lol ill be purchasing KP2 the second it becomes available for purchase.

I was really pulling for Shang Tsung tho :/


Blind justice....
The only thing about that is they have highly modified their version of Unreal 3 to fit their signature fighting game logic and code/script. UE4 was still in mostly beta early 2014 while some companies released games with UE4 they weren't sophisticated games like a fighter. I see NRS adopting UE4 soon, but it's going to take a long time of cleaning and exporting code to UE4 for everything to work properly. They use UE3 yes, but it's so modified that it's going to take a long time to switch
Thats why i said it won't happen with IGAU2 which is in the works now, for like 8-9 months already.

Also keep in mind UE4 by default doesn't have any rollback netcode adopting that into engine will take a lot of time and money im not even sure if they gonna switch to UE4 if they will bother with it. If not, a side from other improvements we still gonna get subpar netcode.

Also im not sure if they gonna switch to UE4, its WB, profit / costs ratio is all that matters. And switching always takes additional time and money. Im not entirely convinced that WB will see any sense in that move.


Kinda rude dude not coming at you everyone has an opinion lol you cant brand them idiots if they dont like something. Also im happy you are one of the few who enjoy the pack:D
Well, there is no reason to not like it. 6 new characters that all look great. People hating on it for no reason. Pathetic.


Blind justice....
I know this was in response to me in the other thread but I think it makes more sense to reply to it here.

I saw it coming before MKX was announced that WB may not of given NRS the time needed as they have a deadline and if that deadline isn't met, people lose their jobs or potential bonuses.

So I totally understand where you're coming from and is a main reason I have not bought too many games lately. Backed with an aggressive advertisement campaign many were hype about MKX, but now I feel that WBGames has a stigma it can't shake with the disappointment of PC gamers and the ports, the fact not many were high on Arkham Knight and more.

There are many more casuals who were not pleased with MKX in the sense of story, microtransactions, and what have you. YouTube channels such as Gaming Sins and Angry Joe display this.

They also have a following. I actually think WBGames will experience diminished returns soon enough, because if gaming history is to teach us anything... Ideas beaten to death tend to stop selling after awhile. (See: Guitar Hero/Rock Band which just now after many years got new games, COD, EA published titles such as Battlefront which caused them to lose stock etc...)
The only problem with this is, that MK X made the biggest profit ever, sold like way better then MK 9. So why would they bother changing it if it made a lot of money for them? It makes no sense from business standpoint. And that's the only point that matter for WB.
Well, there is no reason to not like it. 6 new characters that all look great. People hating on it for no reason. Pathetic.
Some people really love there favorite characters , i do really care about havik as a character and i am upset he didnt make it but you are correct they did make 6 cool looking characters. Im pretty sure the gameplay will satisfy everyone. alot of hard work went into them.