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General/Other - Alien Unofficial Official Xenomorph PRE-RELEASE Discussion Thread

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Day 1 Main. FA SHO. I don't really care for baraka all that much, but ALIENNNNNNNNNNNNNNN.

Can't wait.
So glad Alien made it in.
I didn't think it would happen because of how weird and lanky they normally are.
So thanks Baraka, you were finally useful for something.
Baraka: I'm gonna buff you up even if it kills me. *Chestburster pops out of chest*
Chestburster: I am ready.
So glad Alien made it in.
I didn't think it would happen because of how weird and lanky they normally are.
So thanks Baraka, you were finally useful for something.
And the answer was so simple, the Alien mythos point out they take traits from their hosts, Alien 3 had one that ran on all 4 because it used a dog (or bull depending on which cut you're watching). And in the comics, games, etc, there are so many variations from different animal hosts. It's really not a stretch to say if these things infected a kombatant, they'd adapt to have a smaller head, beefer body and whatever abnormal traits to use as a weapon.

Move over Warrior Aliens, we have Kombatant Aliens now.


No backsies
Looking extremely forward to it. I think reaching normals is gunna be a given, hopefully she/he's also character with a great backdash which would make sense, would love a defensive footsies/whiff punisher from this character, pouncing on people trying to get in. Can't freaking wait. Never been more excited for a character ever. KP2 best DLC ever


Neutral Skipper
Been freaking the fuck out about this on multiple sites over the past few hours.

They took my favourite MK character, took the only thing that was ever cool about him, and gave it to one of my favourite fictional creations of all time, who I never thought I'd see in an MK game.

I haven't even played this game seriously in ages and now I have to get back into it. Goddamn, you people should've seen my face when I'd finished watching that trailer.

I don't even have the fucking words, dude.


Likes nerds with big ...
Am I the only person on TYM who will actually miss Baraka (because I found a few on reddit)? I didn't play him much in MK2011 but he was always a staple for the series to me.
Such a shame that they ruined one of the oldest MK characters just to appease the casuals who'll play Alien vs. Predator for five matches then let the game collect dust.


personally i plan to play the hell out of this guy, but don't let me stop the generalization, accurate or otherwise. :D


Got Face Huggers?
I was hoping that Alien/Xenomorph would make it into KP2 so I'm really excited,Ha! Even though I've never been into guest characters in fighting games before. Having such an iconic character from one of my all time favorite film franchises in one of my all time favorite fighting game IP's it too awesome to pass up. Plus who knows when an opportunity to play as a Xenomorph and have Alien vs Predator matches in a big name fighting game title will ever happen again.

Also the fact that the Alien/Xenomorph is a Tarkatan Alien/Xenomorph just adds to the awesome factor of the character for me. Mainly because creature/alien characters from Outworld are my favorite types of Mortal Kombat characters and Tarkatans are one of my favorites from Outworld. I'm definitely going to do my best to main Alien/Xenomorph and rep the character well at tournaments.

I've posted my ideas on variations for the Alien/Xenomorph before. Like how the Alien/Xenomorph could have a
Drone Variation (Evasive)
Warrior Variation (Rushdown)
Queen Variation (Zoning and Egg Traps)

However now that we know the Alien/Xenomorph has Tarkatan Blades I wonder what variations it will have? It could have a Tarkatan Blade based variation or have a universal move set and normals using the Tarkatan Blades and still have something like a Drone variation,Warrior variation,and Queen variation. Either way I'm excited and I hope that Netherrealm Studios do a Translucent "Big Chap" alternate costume for the Alien/Xenomorph.

Question: Is this really the Official Alien/Xenmorph discussion thread? If so where are the rest of the Alien Hive members getting hyped for
Alien Invasion EVO 2016?
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Bruce Campbell 4 MK!!!
I suck at posting on this website. Sigh. Anyway, since I already made a thread for Leatherface variation predictions, I guess I could make one for Alien as well (though I am still more hype for Leather. Don't kill me). So what do you guys think this things variations could be? Obviously the Barakamorph is a thing but I had this idea in mind that I kind of liked.

-Acid Blood
The blood that the Alien loses in a fight, very slowly hurts the opponent. Much like Reptiles stank. This could be pretty deadly, if you are locked in a huge combo. Alien also gains "Blood Burst" in which it is bleeding at a very fast rate, and is taking damage itself, but also does some good damage to the opponent. Also just for shits and giggles, it gets a acid spit in this variation. Because why not?

That's just an idea I came up with that I think could maybe work.



Got Face Huggers?
Personally I would like to see the Alien/Xenomorph have use it's Tarkatan Blades as part of it's primary normals and universal specials. Then the 3 variations I would like to see the Alien/Xenmorph have are

Drone Variation (Evasive)

With the Drone Xenomorph being the smallest of the Hive and relying more on being sneaky and evasive. I think that the Drone Variation would be best suited for being the fastest out of all of the variations quick movement and evasive options.

Warrior Variation (Rushdown)

Since the Warrior Xenomorph is the Hive's attack force and are known for attacking in waves rather than being more stealthy like the Drone Xenomorph. I think that the Warrior Variation would be good for rushdown mixups along with some solid distance closing moves that have armor options.

Queen Variation (Zoning and Egg Traps)

The Queen is the center of the Hive and is the one who creates and lays the Eggs that contain Face Huggers which continue the life cycle of a Xenomorph. I think that the Queen Variation should be the slowest Alien/Xenomorph Variation while having good zoning options and Egg Traps which can hatch Face Huggers to stun the opponent.

Another gameplay option with the Face Huggers is if an opponent gets hit with a Face Hugger. The opponent has a set amount of time to land a hit on the Alien/Xenomorph to prevent a Chest Buster coming out of them that will stun them again. Kind of like Gen's Shitenshuu from Street Fighter.
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xxFalcon Loverxx

Ignorant slaves, how quickly you forget.
I suck at posting on this website. Sigh. Anyway, since I already made a thread for Leatherface variation predictions, I guess I could make one for Alien as well (though I am still more hype for Leather. Don't kill me). So what do you guys think this things variations could be? Obviously the Barakamorph is a thing but I had this idea in mind that I kind of liked.

-Acid Blood
The blood that the Alien loses in a fight, very slowly hurts the opponent. Much like Reptiles stank. This could be pretty deadly, if you are locked in a huge combo. Alien also gains "Blood Burst" in which it is bleeding at a very fast rate, and is taking damage itself, but also does some good damage to the opponent. Also just for shits and giggles, it gets a acid spit in this variation. Because why not?

That's just an idea I came up with that I think could maybe work.

You have an opinion different than mine ?!!! You shall die!:DOGE


A fan of fans
Personally I would like to see the Alien/Xenomorph have use it's Tarkatan Blades as part of it's primary normals and universal specials. Then the 3 variations I would like to see the Alien/Xenmorph have are

Drone Variation (Evasive)

With the Drone Xenomorph being the smallest of the Hive and relying more on being sneaky and evasive. I think that the Drone Variation would be best suited for being the fastest out of all of the variations quick movement and evasive options.

Warrior Variation (Rushdown)

Since the Warrior Xenomorph is the Hive's attack force and are known for attacking in waves rather than being more stealthy like the Drone Xenomorph. I think that the Warrior Variation would be good for rushdown mixups along with some solid distance closing moves that have armor options.

Queen Variation (Zoning and Egg Traps)

The Queen is the center of the Hive and is the one who creates and lays the Eggs that contain Face Huggers which continue the life cycle of a Xenomorph. I think that the Queen Variation should be the slowest Alien/Xenomorph Variation while having good zoning options and Egg Traps which can hatch Face Huggers to stun the opponent.

Another gameplay option with the Face Huggers is if an opponent gets hit with a Face Hugger. The opponent has a set amount of time to land a hit on the Alien/Xenomorph to prevent a Chest Buster coming out of them that will stun them again. Kind of like Gen's Shitenshuu from Street Fighter.
"Queen" would be my main


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
depending how much "barakaness" makes it into the char will decide how much interest ill have for using him.
atm im far from over the moon about it but if he ends up with a blade charge, spin & chopchop i might be changing my tune on the matter :p

i actually hope hes 1st out come kp2 release so i can see his gameplay asap
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