I do actually like this point. Kotal's variations do get a lot of play, but I would like to point out that they're from different players. Madzin exclusively plays Blood God. Forever King also exclusively plays Blood God. Alucard plays Sun God and War God, no Blood God performances from him (yet anyways). Pnut exclusively plays War God as far as I know.
I can't think of any Kotal player that actually plays all 3 variations at once in tournament, its just Kotal mains who have taken their preference.
The exact same can be said about:
- Erron Black which has Gunshow as your tournament performer for Marksman + Gunslinger. SonicFox for Outlaw + Gunslinger.
- Quan has Ketchup and Michaelangelo as Summoner + Sorcerer, (kinda reaching here but) iLLusions and Blitzgerste as your Warlock players.
- Jax has Tyrant for Heavy Weapons, Jupiter for Wrestler and Undeadjim (plays all 3 variations but for this example) playing Pumped Up.
- Ferra/Torr is a special case where its a very underplayed character.. But Biohazard has played and had solid performances with every variation.
- D'vorah even fits in this where PPJ has played Brood Mother, Honeybee and Blind Ducky Venemous and basically everyone Swarm Queen.
- Reptile with DatProStunner playing Nimble, Milky on Noxious and MIT on Deceptive
- Kenshi where Pig Of The Hut has (correct me if im wrong) played every single variation for certain matchups in tournament play already
Personally I would say that Ferra/Torr is the most relative to what you're trying to describe in this discussion, seeing as all 3 of his variations actually handle a weakness of another. A F/T main like
@Wetdoba or someone could go into more detail here, but generally Ruthless is a solid variation for the majority of matchups.. Vicious is a good anti-zoner for keepaway characters and GM subzero and Lackey deals with pressure characters well because of his 6F D1 and armor options. Kotal seems more (to me anyways) that you play Blood God or Sun God with a pocket War God.
There's some real discussion for you... Lets see if you actually consider it or just continue to yell NO at the top of your lungs while standing on "i dont give a fuck" mountain.