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General/Other - Pyromancer Fixing Pyromancer


Since the teleport nerf, Pyromancer has been suffering as her worst variation.
I have the following suggestions, Pyro players go ahead and add your own ideas!

Pyromancer in my opinion needs these, to be back to its former GLoRy:
Pyromancer to gain Kobu Jutsu's B1 where she hits overhead, but no Tonfa thus no armour break property to it.
Pyromancer to gain B1 followup D2 - a low hit with fire and hard knockdown. -11 on block.
Pyromancer to gain B1 followup 2+4 - a mid hit with fire. +2 on block.
Pyromancer to gain B1 followup 4 - an overhead kick with hard knockdown. -11 on block.
Pyromancer's Meter Burn Shroud to be +14 on block.
Pyromancer's Shroud and Meter Burn Shroud to be Meter Burnable at all frames not just immediately.
Pyromancer's Shroud and Meter Burn Shroud to restand if hit mid-air like Trance, Nut Punch etc.
The gap between b3 and 1 in B31 to be removed. There is still a gap between 1 and 2 in B312.

PS: If you come in here just to gripe at my suggestions but you don't even play Pyro, don't even bother posting. Be constructive or go back asking for Quan buffs. XD
What benefit would being able to meter burn the shroud late give?

Awkward Sloth

Lamest Harley, still better sloth than Jer
Restand off of shroud would be nice. I have some ideas but I'm busy so I'll come back to it. Giving pyro kobu's b1 isn't a good idea and it won't really help with her problems though.


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
How can you make B1 have an overhead hit in it, but not armour break, and not just be an overhead starter?


Positive Poster!
Well, it turns out she needed her teleport as it was designed.

The only way to make Pyro and DN viable is to restore her teleport properties. This includes armor on her Tele.

If not, make her fireballs less negative. By a lot.
If it were possible, perhaps remove teleport from Kobu and leave it up to these two variations, with its old version. But I doubt they'd do that.
It is fact though, that Pyromancer vs Inferno and any of Shinnok is a 7-3 or worse though. Tanya cannot get in, and cannot outzone those due to teleports and superior zoning.


AUS FGC represent!
Things I would like:

- Faster air fireballs
- Fireballs are less negative on block (by at least 5-10 frames)
- ex shroud is + on block (+3 would be nice)
- ex shroud restands
- f3 cancellable at any point in the animation
- Less damage scaling (1 bar 32%+ into shroud please, not asking for kobu damage, just not <30% for shroud ender)

That's all she'd really need to be up there with the best of them.

Shroud being +14 on block is stupid and unecessary. She only needs to be + enough that opponent has to reversal out if they want to get out of pressure. As it stands they can poke out, but they risk getting hit with ex shroud. Getting a 50/50 attempt off a blocked shroud is stupid, she doesn't need that. To be honest, if she got the restand and faster air fireball she'd pretty much be set.

She also doesn't need kobu b1. Her f3 works ok as a mixup tool, but would work even better if you could cancel anywhere in the animation (so you could make it really ambiguous).

She wouldn't need a 50/50 in the neutral if her air fireballs were more useful.

Awkward Sloth

Lamest Harley, still better sloth than Jer
Alright so my input would be less recovery/negative frames on both air fireball and regular fireballs which has been said before.

A bad idea I have for her would be the ability to 2in1 cancel her up fire ball with her forward fireball similar to what Harley could do with gunshots in injustice. If they did that I'd imagine they'd have to change the arc of the up fireball though.

Making her f3 useful in pyro would be adding on a flame effect that adds more damage similar to her b3,1,2 string. That way she would have something of a true mix up game with it. If the shroud was on them and you hit with the f3 it would be nice if it caused a juggle too. But that's just wishful thinking.

Less gaps in her strings would be nice since pyro has to make do without b1 or fast armor breaking normals.


Positive Poster!
Shroud being +14 on block is stupid and unecessary.
I was going with what other characters have, no need to start insulting. D'Vorah for instance, has way more + frames than 14 and it's not even meterburn, while that character also has damaging setups and combos, great zoning and excellent reach. Many of which Pyromancer does not and will not have. I could mention Shinnok hellsparks too which in fact lead to much more than EX Shroud would this way.


Proud follower of the church of Cetrion
I don't know about ex shroud being plus 14. does she really need a plus on block armored move?


AUS FGC represent!
I was going with what other characters have, no need to start insulting. D'Vorah for instance, has way more + frames than 14 and it's not even meterburn, while that character also has damaging setups and combos, great zoning and excellent reach. Many of which Pyromancer does not and will not have. I could mention Shinnok hellsparks too which in fact lead to much more than EX Shroud would this way.
Sorry, I shouldn't have been so rough in my delivery, I just meant that it would be broken for her to have that. I understand that other characters may have plus on block moves but which of these are also armoured and would lead to a free 50/50 situation?

If they made her overall zoning better she wouldn't need stupid pressure. A balance between the two would be nice. Making ex shroud restand would set up her pressure game heaps and slight +frames would make her pressure game much more in her favour. Anything more than +5 would be pretty excessive.

Again, I apologise for my tone haha. It's exam time for me and I've been stressing like mad, didn't mean to take it out on you.


Pyromancer's Shroud and Meter Burn Shroud to restand if hit mid-air like Trance, Nut Punch etc.
The gap between b3 and 1 in B31 to be removed. There is still a gap between 1 and 2 in B312.
Less recovery on Air Fireball

this 3 things would do it I enjoyed playing her alot before nerf hammer, and this variation got hit the hardest.


Positive Poster!
Sorry, I shouldn't have been so rough in my delivery, I just meant that it would be broken for her to have that. I understand that other characters may have plus on block moves but which of these are also armoured and would lead to a free 50/50 situation?

If they made her overall zoning better she wouldn't need stupid pressure. A balance between the two would be nice. Making ex shroud restand would set up her pressure game heaps and slight +frames would make her pressure game much more in her favour. Anything more than +5 would be pretty excessive.

Again, I apologise for my tone haha. It's exam time for me and I've been stressing like mad, didn't mean to take it out on you.
Know the feeling. Though not just ex shroud. Shroud to restand, period...
And I understand where you're coming from with stuff being over the top but look at the opponents we're facing and their tools.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
Sorry, I shouldn't have been so rough in my delivery, I just meant that it would be broken for her to have that. I understand that other characters may have plus on block moves but which of these are also armoured and would lead to a free 50/50 situation?

If they made her overall zoning better she wouldn't need stupid pressure. A balance between the two would be nice. Making ex shroud restand would set up her pressure game heaps and slight +frames would make her pressure game much more in her favour. Anything more than +5 would be pretty excessive.

Again, I apologise for my tone haha. It's exam time for me and I've been stressing like mad, didn't mean to take it out on you.
Off topic I know but what are you studying? I can totally picture your Aussie ass being a chemist! Unf.

Also, I would like the gap to removed from B3,1(gap)2. Allow it resemble B3,2 from DN.


AUS FGC represent!
Off topic I know but what are you studying? I can totally picture your Aussie ass being a chemist! Unf.

Also, I would like the gap to removed from B3,1(gap)2. Allow it resemble B3,2 from DN.
Completely off topic but I'm actually studying medicine. My undergrad major was pharmacology though so not far off hahaha.

Know the feeling. Though not just ex shroud. Shroud to restand, period...
And I understand where you're coming from with stuff being over the top but look at the opponents we're facing and their tools.
Ehhh thing is, I don't want her to be super OP, just useable haha. It's like Jacqui currently. It's not like she's OP, but all her variations are useable and have a unique play style. Makes her fun to use.

Not sure about regular shroud restanding although that'd be sick. I suppose since she really can't combo without meter anyways it wouldn't be that overpowered (although if her zoning was fixed she'd be building meter much better)


Resolution through knowledge and resolve.
I love that Pyromancer sucks. Not trolling, trying to act like I know, or making any kind of push either way. I'm just happy that she sucks. Her design is just so poor, IMO. Run away, dust, run some more land a fireball. Then, rinse and repeat. Just so boring. She's like the anti-hypest variation ever created.

I don't feel this way about her other variations, just Pyromancer.


There it is...
You have Johnny in your avatar and A-List as your banner.
Guaranteed off every string? Loopable as long as you have meter.. Not to mention entirely different character design, johnny cage is rushdown and has relatively slow normals

Its completely different and if you don't see that you're being obtuse or an idiot.


EX Ovi should launch
Pyro tanya needs an overhead combo starter and EX shroud to be +14. Swarm Queen dvorah gets way more + frames than +14 and gets it meterless.

Man you talk some reaaaal shit.


Positive Poster!
Ehhh thing is, I don't want her to be super OP, just useable
She's useable currently. I want this variation to go toe to toe with Shinnok again. All it used to need is for teleport to go through hellsparks to cover that.