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YOMI Burger King Wins Youmacon 2015 with Quan Chi!


Mama's Little Bumgorf
Youmacon 2015 has come to a close after an exciting showing by the Midwest's finest and several visitors! F̶o̶r̶e̶v̶e̶r̶ Burger King went all Quan Chi throughout top 8 to prove that he is definitely not mid tier at best and succeeded. We also witnessed a great upset by Compbros' Spec Ops Cassie against Dizzy's A-List Johnny. Full results and archives are below.

1. YOMI|Burger King Quan Chi-Summoner
2. F3|Alucard Kotal Kahn-Sun God
3. Darkfire Tanya-Kobu Jutsu, Cassie Cage-Hollywood
4. JWE|Compbros Cassie Cage-Spec Ops
5. Tempo|Chris G Reptile-Deceptive, Kung Jin-Bojutsu
5. GGA|Dizzy Johnny Cage-A List
7. cR|Footwurk Johnny Cage-A List
7. VMAN Takeda-Lasher, Tanya-Kobu Jutsu

Bracket: http://mifgc.challonge.com/YOUMA_MKX
Archives: http://www.twitch.tv/bgcallisto/v/23497489 MKX starts at the 2:16:00 mark.



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This mean you don't like me?
Congrats Forever King. This was a great tournament. Need to scour the archives for the matches I missed. Was also watching the Capcom cup.


It's all so very confusing.
Congrats to Alucard for repping SG Kotal. I was informed recently in a stream chat that he is useless and should NEVER be played in lui (how do you spell that word? Leu, leui.. I ain't be knowin') of the other two variations.
