"Strength isn't everything"
Hi Guys.
I was asked to put together a match up chart for CSZ a while ago and I have been putting work into it ever since, but I thought it would be pointless giving you statistics and match up charts for CSZ considering the game is too fresh for full match up charts in my opinion, an example would be Skarlet, although we have not seen an amazing representative human player for her yet along with the fact that she is one of the least looked into characters, she is somehow tier listed already. Even considering peoples opinions for tier lists, they can only be estimates at best, as only theory can be used for certain match ups.
So I thought I would sack the whole tier list, as good CSZ players will know that almost half the cast doesn't matter to a CSZ player, except for the really horrible match ups, and some just awkward match ups (Sektor for example) that can be out of your reach if the opponent plays it right, so with that in mind, I thought I would provide help for these match ups.
I have looked at some of the tier lists around the forum, and even though CSZ has a few ''5-5'' listed matches for certain characters, for example, Ermac. In theory, it's an even match, as Ermac can force push to keep CSZ out but but because Ermac's wake up options are bad, then technically it should be a 5-5, but no, that can't be all there is to it. That's why I feel its best to ignore the statistics and theory, and instead look at the practical match up options.
So, I will be focusing on only his BAD match ups:
(These are in no particular order)
I will start with Sub-Zero, and update the guide with a new character each time.
Cyber Sub-Zero vs Human Sub-Zero:
First thing is, this is personally my favourite match up in the entire game to play. If you look at this match up in theory, then it is clearly a fight Cyber Sub cannot and should not win, even though that might be true, and it is a very tough match for CSZ, even against lesser quality sub zero opponents, it is winnable with a few things to keep in mind, and you can make this match up very hard for Human Sub Zero in return.
Sub Zero's B&B Sting -

Against CSZ this string is not an option on block for your opponent, as you can interrupt the last hit of the string with your parry, this is a fact, which mean's Sub Zero has to void himself of this string and instead go for
. Regardless, you can 
Sub Zero out of both of the options as your 
is a 6 frame poke, whilst Sub-Zero's is 8 frame 
and a 7 frame 
(with less range than CSZ) So, after some conditioning, Sub Zero will now have to switch to 

which is too fast to hit confirm from, which means they will either hit you with the last hit of the sting and put you out of pressure and leave a clone up on the screen, or go through on the whole string ending with a clone, thus leaving themselfs open to your next set of options.
Your other options when blocking either of these strings is to predict your opponent will follow through with all three hits of either string and end with a clone, and if you read him right, you will be able to catch sub zero with an Ice Ball on reaction or guarantee it with :en Ice Beam, and if you connect the ice ball or ice beam, you can teleport past the clone for your B&B combo.
Anytime that Sub-Zero throws out an Ice Ball, you counter his Ice Ball, with a simple Dive Kick.
If Sub Zero puts up a clone, and decides to throw an ice ball from behind it, then prepare to trade your :en Ice Beam with his Ice Ball, even if you get frozen, your Ice Beam freeze will last long enough for you to break out and then break his stupid cloning face.
This option is a no no for Human Zero. If Sub Zero hits you with a combo or ice ball, he cannot charge up a b2 for these reaons:
1. If it charged too early it will combo and not freeze.
2. If it is charged too late, then you parry the B2 as soon as the ice breaks.
3. If the charge is cancelled and instead moves into another string, you can parry that also.
Sub Zero can't apply the ''will he block, or won't he block'' mentality as the parry beats both his options. So Sub-Zero might as well finish the combo after the freeze. Now, some of you smart ass Sub Zero players will probably be saying ''No UsedForFag!, Sub Zero can cancel the charge up, and go into a
'' Yes, he can, but that comes at the cost of 20% additional damage, so be my guest.
In a nut shell, expect the 214 clone.
Sub Zero has no air control in this fight. When he is in the air he is doing one of two things:
1. Jumping in for a combo.
2. Jumping and cloning.
Either way, you can Parry his JIP, and if Sub Zero jumps at you and cancels into an air ice clone, you will recover from your parry in time to block. You can always go for a slide on reaction to his JIP or Air Clone, your slide will work as an anti air and/or go under his air clone and connect with him on the way down, the slide is based on reaction and spacing, and above all, none of the information I have given you is going to guarantee you 100% brain dead success, these match ups are not in your favour, but you can win them by being on point and out thinking your opponent.
Yes, they are cool as fuck, but let's be careful. Because if we start showing off with out cool new Cyber Technology in front of the old out dated human sub zero, we can be caught easily with any old Ice Ball that he throws out if we time it wrong. Sub Zero is one of those matches that we can utilise this special move out side of a combo, but again, be careful.
There are opportunities to use it, such as:
At full screen, on reaction to an ice clone, you will have just about the right amount of time to deploy a long bomb before an ice ball hits you, from here, Sub Zero has to move, you can either be happy that you moved him, as other wise he has no reason to ever move at you, or dive kick stun him into the bomb, also note that if he jumps, he cannot throw out another clone whilst his current clone is still on the screen, so refer to your slide and the anti air.
Short bombs can be excellently used the closer and closer you get pushed to the corner. Sneak in a few a short bombs and stay just beind them to give yourself a few valuable seconds of breathing space.
Anytime you land a slide, Sub Zero cannot roll away, all he can do is wake up, and if he wake up attacks with a clone and you are right next to him, it will not appear on the screen, this will allow you on reaction, another slide. So, from here you can continue your

Slide or 

Slide 50/50 Mix ups. This is where you will get your damage.
Cyber Sub-Zero's
comes with Armour. At full screen you can, on reaction, punish Sub Zero's Ice Beam or Ice Ball, even through a clone, for 36% damage. You will need your breaker, so I don't recommend using this unless you intend to kill off Sub-Zero.
If you are stuck in the corner against sub zero, you have no armored moves to break through the clone, you will have to escape.
If you find a space to throw out a bomb, then throw out a long or medium bomb, and as soon as sub zero steps in front of it, teleport. Sub-Zero cannot punish you on reaction to the teleport as the bomb will be rolling between you both. Nice little trick if you can pull it off.
You can also far dive kick over the clone, but you have to make sure it is timed well and completely wiff over Sub's head, and you don't hit a blocking a sub zero.
Be patient. As neither of you can take damage from the other one unless you actually hit each other, and CSZ can't relay on 13 bomb hits per round, which is the exact amount of bombs alone you would have to land to kill sub zero - 8% Per Bomb, 13 times = 104% = Never gona happen.
I was asked to put together a match up chart for CSZ a while ago and I have been putting work into it ever since, but I thought it would be pointless giving you statistics and match up charts for CSZ considering the game is too fresh for full match up charts in my opinion, an example would be Skarlet, although we have not seen an amazing representative human player for her yet along with the fact that she is one of the least looked into characters, she is somehow tier listed already. Even considering peoples opinions for tier lists, they can only be estimates at best, as only theory can be used for certain match ups.
So I thought I would sack the whole tier list, as good CSZ players will know that almost half the cast doesn't matter to a CSZ player, except for the really horrible match ups, and some just awkward match ups (Sektor for example) that can be out of your reach if the opponent plays it right, so with that in mind, I thought I would provide help for these match ups.
I have looked at some of the tier lists around the forum, and even though CSZ has a few ''5-5'' listed matches for certain characters, for example, Ermac. In theory, it's an even match, as Ermac can force push to keep CSZ out but but because Ermac's wake up options are bad, then technically it should be a 5-5, but no, that can't be all there is to it. That's why I feel its best to ignore the statistics and theory, and instead look at the practical match up options.
So, I will be focusing on only his BAD match ups:
(These are in no particular order)
I will start with Sub-Zero, and update the guide with a new character each time.
Cyber Sub-Zero vs Human Sub-Zero:
First thing is, this is personally my favourite match up in the entire game to play. If you look at this match up in theory, then it is clearly a fight Cyber Sub cannot and should not win, even though that might be true, and it is a very tough match for CSZ, even against lesser quality sub zero opponents, it is winnable with a few things to keep in mind, and you can make this match up very hard for Human Sub Zero in return.
Sub Zero's B&B Sting -

Against CSZ this string is not an option on block for your opponent, as you can interrupt the last hit of the string with your parry, this is a fact, which mean's Sub Zero has to void himself of this string and instead go for

Your other options when blocking either of these strings is to predict your opponent will follow through with all three hits of either string and end with a clone, and if you read him right, you will be able to catch sub zero with an Ice Ball on reaction or guarantee it with :en Ice Beam, and if you connect the ice ball or ice beam, you can teleport past the clone for your B&B combo.
Anytime that Sub-Zero throws out an Ice Ball, you counter his Ice Ball, with a simple Dive Kick.
If Sub Zero puts up a clone, and decides to throw an ice ball from behind it, then prepare to trade your :en Ice Beam with his Ice Ball, even if you get frozen, your Ice Beam freeze will last long enough for you to break out and then break his stupid cloning face.

This option is a no no for Human Zero. If Sub Zero hits you with a combo or ice ball, he cannot charge up a b2 for these reaons:
1. If it charged too early it will combo and not freeze.
2. If it is charged too late, then you parry the B2 as soon as the ice breaks.
3. If the charge is cancelled and instead moves into another string, you can parry that also.
Sub Zero can't apply the ''will he block, or won't he block'' mentality as the parry beats both his options. So Sub-Zero might as well finish the combo after the freeze. Now, some of you smart ass Sub Zero players will probably be saying ''No UsedForFag!, Sub Zero can cancel the charge up, and go into a

In a nut shell, expect the 214 clone.
Sub Zero has no air control in this fight. When he is in the air he is doing one of two things:
1. Jumping in for a combo.
2. Jumping and cloning.
Either way, you can Parry his JIP, and if Sub Zero jumps at you and cancels into an air ice clone, you will recover from your parry in time to block. You can always go for a slide on reaction to his JIP or Air Clone, your slide will work as an anti air and/or go under his air clone and connect with him on the way down, the slide is based on reaction and spacing, and above all, none of the information I have given you is going to guarantee you 100% brain dead success, these match ups are not in your favour, but you can win them by being on point and out thinking your opponent.
Yes, they are cool as fuck, but let's be careful. Because if we start showing off with out cool new Cyber Technology in front of the old out dated human sub zero, we can be caught easily with any old Ice Ball that he throws out if we time it wrong. Sub Zero is one of those matches that we can utilise this special move out side of a combo, but again, be careful.
There are opportunities to use it, such as:
At full screen, on reaction to an ice clone, you will have just about the right amount of time to deploy a long bomb before an ice ball hits you, from here, Sub Zero has to move, you can either be happy that you moved him, as other wise he has no reason to ever move at you, or dive kick stun him into the bomb, also note that if he jumps, he cannot throw out another clone whilst his current clone is still on the screen, so refer to your slide and the anti air.
Short bombs can be excellently used the closer and closer you get pushed to the corner. Sneak in a few a short bombs and stay just beind them to give yourself a few valuable seconds of breathing space.
Anytime you land a slide, Sub Zero cannot roll away, all he can do is wake up, and if he wake up attacks with a clone and you are right next to him, it will not appear on the screen, this will allow you on reaction, another slide. So, from here you can continue your

Cyber Sub-Zero's

If you are stuck in the corner against sub zero, you have no armored moves to break through the clone, you will have to escape.
If you find a space to throw out a bomb, then throw out a long or medium bomb, and as soon as sub zero steps in front of it, teleport. Sub-Zero cannot punish you on reaction to the teleport as the bomb will be rolling between you both. Nice little trick if you can pull it off.
You can also far dive kick over the clone, but you have to make sure it is timed well and completely wiff over Sub's head, and you don't hit a blocking a sub zero.
Be patient. As neither of you can take damage from the other one unless you actually hit each other, and CSZ can't relay on 13 bomb hits per round, which is the exact amount of bombs alone you would have to land to kill sub zero - 8% Per Bomb, 13 times = 104% = Never gona happen.