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General/Other - Cutthroat Kano's Cutthroat Variation Discussion Thread


Dojo Trainee
Who can absolutely punish DB1 on block? I know Sub-Zero can with his slide. Who else? Thanks!


Alternative-Fact Checker
Who can absolutely punish DB1 on block? I know Sub-Zero can with his slide. Who else? Thanks!
DB1 as in the slice? Pretty sure Sub's only option is 11, which if the knife is spaced out, shouldn't be a thing either.


In Zoning We Trust
Who can absolutely punish DB1 on block? I know Sub-Zero can with his slide. Who else? Thanks!
Sub-zero can't punish DB1 anymore, not even at maximum close distance. Try it in the lab, you'll block every time.

Only characters off the top of my head are EX Reptile slide, Jax, Jacqui, Cassie, Lao, and Shinnok.


In Zoning We Trust
Kinda see why Royale asked the question now. If you land plus frames after a starter in EX Buff on block, and don't have enough meter, your 50/50 becomes a 24% combo at best and you spent a bar to do so. Similar to prepatch but blowing a bar for the same. For such a meter dependent variation it seems likely he'll need to have two bars at all times to be at his most dangerous. Which for those who have played the variation know it's pretty hard.

Looking for all solutions and strats to maximize meter outside of the typical options.


Cutthroat Truther
It's hardly useful, but you technically have enough cancel advantage on B12 xx EX DD3 to hit a blade slide


In Zoning We Trust
Well fellas, the dream is dead before it even started. Took them less than 24 hours.

"Kano (CutThroat) – Slightly decreased the dam buff on Charge Up and it no longer nullifies the health drain"



My power equals yours!
Mid screen, he can still get mid-40% damage with a simple opener into the EX DD3. (B12-EX Buff-F212-F212-rc-112-Kano Ball does 42%)
Corner, now 52-57% for two bars. (112-EX DD3-B312-32-112-EX DB1-NJP-112-Kano Ball is the 57% corner) This afternoon, I got max 60% in the corner for two bars.
I feel this new damage scaling isn't that bad... And the combos I listed above are pretty basic.


In Zoning We Trust
Mid screen, he can still get mid-40% damage with a simple opener into the EX DD3. (B12-EX Buff-F212-F212-rc-112-Kano Ball does 42%)
Corner, now 52-57% for two bars. (112-EX DD3-B312-32-112-EX DB1-NJP-112-Kano Ball is the 57% corner) This afternoon, I got max 60% in the corner for two bars.
I feel this new damage scaling isn't that bad... And the combos I listed above are pretty basic.
It's not 42% if you're being drained of 15% health. If you cancel your buff mid way it's mid 30's and you lose all of your pressure, on a pressure heavy variation. Straight fuckery right here.


ADM Riddles
What's the damage looking like now? Im more disappointed with exbuff taking life now we could do more damage before and never lost health


ADM Riddles
If the damage is still close to where it was earlier today then it could still be worth it take the big midscreen damage end with kano ball and turn the buff off to stop the health drain.


gotta stay sharp!
If the damage is still close to where it was earlier today then it could still be worth it take the big midscreen damage end with kano ball and turn the buff off to stop the health drain.
Midscreen is like 40% and im not sure in the corner. Maybe like 50


In Zoning We Trust
If the damage is still close to where it was earlier today then it could still be worth it take the big midscreen damage end with kano ball and turn the buff off to stop the health drain.
You hear how that sounds right? While almost rushdown or 50/50 character in the game can combo for near or at 1 bar 40% and pressure you with 50/50's or mixups directly after, Cutt Kano has to land 40%, and then hurry up to cut off his buff before he loses too much damage and killing all his pressure and momentum in the process.

Honestly think the old combos would be a better trade off than EX Buff cancel after this.