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ADM Riddles
I get the same way sometimes not as bad as your describing but I get salty when online causes me not to be able to punish certain things and all that but playing mad will just make you keep loosing so take a break and collect yourself and always try to learn from your loses

Kinda off topic question but how do you all get out of a "funk" the past couple days I have just not been myself in game I'm playing dumb and can't get it together and just loosing because of dumb mistakes. Im taking a weekend break hopefully to come back and be back to normal.
Is there any tips or things you all do to get out of a funk?


This is not meant to be condescending or mean, just what I've found to be pretty universal.

A lot of people that lose and rage I've found because they don't understand hit advantage or footsies fully. If you get hit by ANYTHING, they are at advantage and you should be blocking their next string. Getting hit by a d1, d3, or d4 will normally guarantee pressure coming in, and will only open you up if you are trying to attack while in hit stun. The biggest learning curve in this game is learning the flow of a match, and it's different for each character. Learn which strings leave advantage (+ frames) and which frames are punishable (significant -frames).

The frustration from losing normally stems from thinking you know what you are doing or not knowing WHY you are losing. You should try to find what is catching you, what is causing you to push buttons, any tendencies or patterns you are exhibiting, etc.

Take losing as a learning experience. Don't let people beat you twice. If you just can't handle losing in general, remember even a 70% win rate loses 30% of the time; it's inevitable and there are people that are better than you at things.


People that say "don't play online..play offline instead because.." Blah blah blah. Look, some of us are really NOT into full tournament competitions offline. I think mkx's online gameplay is fun, and stable. Sometimes the lag is there and the game will disconnect before it becomes unbearable. But i only experience lag, or input delay in 1 of about 20 matches. So offline combatants, at this point, i am obligated to request that you all stfu.
As far as the topic goes ....look, u can get mad all u want. Your high sodium levels only add to the exhilerating feels that i feel when im opening up a can o whoopass on u..the more rage the better. Learn to take a loss and maybe you wont decide to punt your controller into the tv the next time i hit a 67% cutthroat combo on that ass. #SAVETHETELEVISIONS


People that say "don't play online..play offline instead because.." Blah blah blah. Look, some of us are really NOT into full tournament competitions offline. I think mkx's online gameplay is fun, and stable. Sometimes the lag is there and the game will disconnect before it becomes unbearable. But i only experience lag, or input delay in 1 of about 20 matches. So offline combatants, at this point, i am obligated to request that you all stfu.
As far as the topic goes ....look, u can get mad all u want. Your high sodium levels only add to the exhilerating feels that i feel when im opening up a can o whoopass on u..the more rage the better. Learn to take a loss and maybe you wont decide to punt your controller into the tv the next time i hit a 67% cutthroat combo on that ass. #SAVETHETELEVISIONS
And one more thing, challenge the people you lose to on a different day. Everytime u lose, you should take a moment to memorize the person u lost to and the character they used. That way u can hit the lab, get good and give em hell the next day...AVENGE THEM LOSSES KID

C88 Zombieekiler

Up and coming sub zero
if you do that every loss i recommend that you stop playing it until you can control your anger or just play when you are entoxicated


People that say "don't play online..play offline instead because.." Blah blah blah. Look, some of us are really NOT into full tournament competitions offline. I think mkx's online gameplay is fun, and stable. Sometimes the lag is there and the game will disconnect before it becomes unbearable. But i only experience lag, or input delay in 1 of about 20 matches. So offline combatants, at this point, i am obligated to request that you all stfu.
As far as the topic goes ....look, u can get mad all u want. Your high sodium levels only add to the exhilerating feels that i feel when im opening up a can o whoopass on u..the more rage the better. Learn to take a loss and maybe you wont decide to punt your controller into the tv the next time i hit a 67% cutthroat combo on that ass. #SAVETHETELEVISIONS
Sodium? im lost. What does sodium have to do with me being angry?


Looking for the MAWWPP Bucket!
Not everyone is looking for top notch graphics man. Some of us just wanna come home and play on our big tvs and relax. The good thing about console is it is easy. You don't have to do all this installing blah blah blah, tinkering with settings. Upgrading your system every few years. Just plop the disc in and start playing, no need for upgrades for 7 to 10 years and console players are fine with that, Just easier and more convenient.
i dont get angry. i get depressed to the point where i no longer can speak or articulate my thoughts.
and the funny thing is, more carefree i play better results i show, but once i start to get nervous it's like im attending an exam and fail.
it's a psychological mentality thing, you just have to adjust your attitude to subject yourself.


Looking for the MAWWPP Bucket!
On the getting mad at the game, best thing I can advise you is to take breaks. When you get too mad, just turn the system off for a lil bit. Once you go back on the game lab the strings you were struggling with. Always try to leave with something. just don't leave the game with a broken controller and tv.
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Not everyone is looking for top notch graphics man. Some of us just wanna come home and play on our big tvs and relax. The good thing about console is it is easy. You don't have to do all this installing blah blah blah, tinkering with settings. Upgrading your system every few years. Just plop the disc in and start playing, no need for upgrades for 7 to 10 years and console players are fine with that, Just easier and more convenient.
True,but you missed one thing. You actually have to pay for every game when you have console,whereas on PC you can just download a game for free. Now this applies to singleplayer games like batman,but when it comes to games like battlefield or MKX you cant enjoy the game to the fullest without paying for multiplayer