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Hillary Adams needs your support


listen buddy, i have lawyer friends too, and domestic violence lawyers, and this is clearly abuse.
no one deserves this, no one.

and about respect? you lost it all trying to defend the father here, is not right, not by a long shot.
and any judge thats not this douchebags buddy, will deff convict him for sure.

then again, what does my high price lawyer friend knows?

i thought stupid people where extinct by now.
See this is where you are fucking up. I'm not defending the father, not at all. I don't know him, I don't know what exactly is going on. I'm saying and have been saying the daughter and mother are not innocent little flowers under a tyranical rule. I've been saying all is not what it seems. You are taking it to a whole other level putting words in my mouth.


Come On Die Young
However humans are humans, we screw up alot and nothing in 100 or 1000 years is going to change that, dispite the amount of studies that are going to be conducted.
Do you live in a fantasy world where psychological research is all opinionated? And do you want me to cite my sources? Because I have tons of them.


Do you live in a fantasy world where psychological research is all opinionated? And do you want me to cite my sources? Because I have tons of them.
you can do whatever you want to do, why are you asking permission? I think you are forgetting this is the internet. I do think you quoted the wrong statement for your question though. You saying humans are going to magically not screw up in the next millennium due to psychological research?


The Free Meter Police
even with the wife and kid reporting a long history of abuse it's still hearsay. Now if they get testimony from neighbors accounting for the abuse, or friends, then they have something. Going to be hard to prove with just the wife and kid. These things are a lot tougher than you think.
You missed the point. He doesn't have to legally be convicted of anything for people to vote against him. Maybe you can't legally prove it, but since when has the court system worked 100%? How well do you think OJ would have done in an election after he was acquitted? People with brains can see that this dude deserves something shoved up his ass sideways, preferably something cold and sharp.

Secondly, his ex-wife can't be considered a witness to these crimes, not necessarily against her, but to the kid? Why's that?


You missed the point. He doesn't have to legally be convicted of anything for people to vote against him. Maybe you can't legally prove it, but since when has the court system worked 100%? People with brains can see that this dude deserves something shoved up his ass sideways, preferably some cold and sharp.

Secondly, his ex-wife can't be considered a witness to these crimes, not necessarily against her, but to the kid? Why's that?
I mentioned this in my 2nd post which you did not read it seems. I said that wether he diserves it or not with the internet on his ass the media will pick up on it and his career will be ruined. Go back a page or 2, Already been covered.

Everything has pretty much been covered at this point. one thing is for certain, i've spoken objectively about the matter, and everyone else who has been subjective about it has all fallen into the same category. Personal attacks, calling me an idiot, other names etc.. I've not once gone that route attacking you guys. I've tried to stay calm as best i can and just talk about the matter without attacking you. So with that said. What does that say bout you guys who are attacking me over my objective view of the matter when you guys are supposedly the ones that have the hearts for the kid and better upbringing. Almost a double standard really. Gonna really bail out of here now since we're beating a dead horse at this point.

GGA soonk

ĜĞÅ §ººñ|<®©™
I knew I messed up, I knew not to mess up again. Ya there is a fear of getting my ass whooped again, but I knew later on I diserved it for being a prick.
Apparently you need another beating.
I'm glad you and your lawyer buddy are laughing it up. I hope I never get to the point where something like this is acceptable. Just an ass whooping? She was hit on her legs, too, and the guy came in for round two a few minutes later. This guy obviously has some issues, and clearly you do, too. Unfortunately this kind of behavior breeds more of the same, which is probably why you agree with what was shown. It ends up not being about who is right or wrong, but who is stronger. Very primal, congratulations. If this case goes nowhere, it's because of lawyers like you and judges like the one in the video. I'm glad you guys decide the fate of others.


Come On Die Young
You saying humans are going to magically not screw up in the next millennium due to psychological research?
I don't understand what you're getting at here. Psychological research is not there just for fun. One of the reasons it's there to show what's wrong and what's right so we can change our laws to better our society. The non-effective and sometimes detrimental effects of physical punishment is one of those things that has been known long before this event took place, and is the reason it is outlawed in many states and countries. Did you think these places just outlawed it for shits and giggles?

Lt. Boxy Angelman

Did you HEAR the way he was talking to her? "You don't fuckin' deserve to be in this house," to someone with CEREBRAL PALSY, for something that could've easily been solved without being struck dozens of times.
There is NO justifying shit like this. None.

I don't want to meet the defense attorney shitty enough to defend this with a straight face.


Drops combos
If that old man ever saw me in real life he'd wish he were never born. I'd fuck him up so bad man shit like this makes me furious


Drops combos
I apologize my blood boiled a bit after seeing this. I can't STAND when men beat on women and can't stand when people defend it. Delete my posts if necessary.


It's teaching you that physical violence is a proper response.
I didn't watch the video, and my comment is not in regards to the video. Its purely a comment on the statement I quoted.

The thing is, sometimes physical violence is the proper response. You don't listen to a cop, you get tasered, or thrown (probably beat) to the ground. It cetainly should be the last resort, and there are many cases were it wouldn't be a proper response at all, but lets be real, there are simply times where it is.

GGA soonk

ĜĞÅ §ººñ|<®©™
I didn't watch the video, and my comment is not in regards to the video. Its purely a comment on the statement I quoted.

The thing is, sometimes physical violence is the proper response. You don't listen to a cop, you get tasered, or thrown (probably beat) to the ground. It cetainly should be the last resort, and there are many cases were it wouldn't be a proper response at all, but lets be real, there are simply times where it is.
Cop dealing with dangerous criminal ≠ father dealing with daughter. Violence being the answer is(should be) the exception, not the rule.


Cop dealing with dangerous criminal ≠ father dealing with daughter. Violence being the answer is(should be) the exception, not the rule.
First off, as I said my comment wasn't in regard to the video or what happened to the daughter. From everything I've read it certainly seems extreme. My comment is a tanget to this thread.

Secondly though, forget dangerous criminal. If a cop pulls you over for speeding (even a little) and you don't comply with whatever it is they want, they're allowed to use force to compel you to. A woman was tased while sitting inside her car during an otherwise routine traffic stop. On one hand, sure it seems a bit much. On the other, what are they supposed to do? Say "well ok, if you really don't want to, I guess I'll be on my way"?


For the record, I'm not against whoopings. That was how I was raised...did something wrong and you got a whooping...considering how much worse being punished by the court is, I'd take a sore ass anyday than to be stuck in jail. Doesn't mean this will be the way I raise my kids, but just saying.

But this is reeeeeeeeally taking it too far, tbh, even in my own views. And the girl had a disability too that makes it even worse. As I watched it, I just sat there and shook my head.

In truth, it's probably best that physical punishment should be illegal in all states...oh and this man should never be re-elected, and honestly should be punished legally.
this sums it up for me.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Did not say there was, sure he beat that ass and beat it hard, but the daughter is not without fault here, and the mother damn sure isn't. Yall seem to be forgetting this.

And i'll tell you one thing, 90% of beatings end way worse than this, you obviously never had you ass beat. This was a major whooping, but she did not get beat down.
This stupid rationalization on the subject right here is exactly why I hate living in the South. You're somehow attempting to rationalize a grown man beating the hell out of his daughter, his daughter who has a fucking physical disability because she used the internet. Disconnect the modem, go outside and flip the fusebox off. There's lots of other alternatives that do not involve traumatizing your children. And yes, the mother is just as much at blame. Call the fucking cops, divorce his ass and get a restraining order.

Hope this piece of shit gets what's coming to him.


I've always wondered if parents do this because they actually think it works, or if they just enjoy having the position of power and dominance. All credible studies done on physical punishment in parenting has shown that it has no effect on behavioral change (if any, a negative one). For someone in such a position of trust, a judge for gods sake, he should have the rational mind that tells him how unacceptable (and unnecessary) this is in modern society no matter how "traditional" such things may be.
Only in your eyes.

Physical punishment is ment for discipline, just because you see an asswhoopin on youtube doesn't mean it's wrong. If anything, Americans are the only ones who don't believe in the "asswhoopin" whereas all 3rd world countries do. It sure as hell worked for me.


Come On Die Young
Only in your eyes.

Physical punishment is ment for discipline, just because you see an asswhoopin on youtube doesn't mean it's wrong. If anything, Americans are the only ones who don't believe in the "asswhoopin" whereas all 3rd world countries do. It sure as hell worked for me.
Wait, are you also whooflungpoo?

Screw it, I'll just post this (explanation of a pretty good meta-analysis): http://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2002/06/spanking.aspx

Gershoff found "strong associations" between corporal punishment and all eleven child behaviors and experiences. Ten of the associations were negative such as with increased child aggression and antisocial behavior. The single desirable association was between corporal punishment and increased immediate compliance on the part of the child.
Gershoff also summarizes a large body of literature on parenting that suggests why corporal punishment may actually cause negative outcomes for children. For one, corporal punishment on its own does not teach children right from wrong. Secondly, although it makes children afraid to disobey when parents are present, when parents are not present to administer the punishment those same children will misbehave.
This isn't "only my eyes". These are facts. I don't know how many times I have to restate this. It's not that it will necessarily screw you up for life, nor is it completely ineffective, it's just that it is potentially very psychologically dangerous and very limited in the positive effects.


A prop on the stage of life.
Lets be honest here. Did any of you get beat with a belt or otherwise when you were sixteen? Shit if my dad had tried this shit on me at that age I would of gotten physical with him. The belt only worked when I was like 6..maybe a little older. Of course I was only lashed 2-3 times..and on my ass..not my legs/arms as well. The verbal abuse wasn't necessary, and neither was running to get a second belt. In my opinion this was more about the sadistic satisfaction of the punisher rather than teaching anyone a lesson.


Girl is not allowed to use the internet

Girl uses internet

Girl gets an asswhoopin

Is the girl going to do it again? I bet you to hell she won't
