Lost respect for speakign the truth? Have you ever gotten an asswhooping or seen one? The kid is not going to sit there and take it with a smile, get real. This isn't fantasy land it's the real world. I'm speaking on how a court is going to see this. This was an ass whooping and not abuse. This wont go far, mark my words. Sorry the video offended you and got you up in a tussy over it, but it's the truth wether you believe me or not. You'll see when this case goes absolutely nowhere.
listen buddy, i have lawyer friends too, and domestic violence lawyers, and this is clearly abuse.
no one deserves this, no one.
and about respect? you lost it all trying to defend the father here, is not right, not by a long shot.
and any judge thats not this douchebags buddy, will deff convict him for sure.
then again, what does my high price lawyer friend knows?
i thought stupid people where extinct by now.