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Red Hot Sunday Night Gauntlet Series -WEEK 2 SCHEDULE IS POSTED IN OP


Dojo Trainee
Has it occured to you 10000% of people that have ever played u complain about your connection?
Actually no no one has ever complained about my connection in ki seems like nrs guy like to use connection as the excuse so I choose not to play this game online anymore and if you ask Tom he will tell you the last time we played connection was actually really good and if you ask cupcake are connection is pretty flawless it's like this I'm on the east coast on Canada of your in the east coast of the USA and will have a good connection if your on the west probably not so good thiabis a nrs game online have never been good


Just a slightly above average player.....
Actually no no one has ever complained about my connection in ki seems like nrs guy like to use connection as the excuse so I choose not to play this game online anymore and if you ask Tom he will tell you the last time we played connection was actually really good and if you ask cupcake are connection is pretty flawless it's like this I'm on the east coast on Canada of your in the east coast of the USA and will have a good connection if your on the west probably not so good thiabis a nrs game online have never been good
you going to play tonight against Big D? would be hype to see it maybe even a prematch skype shit talking call! @Pig Of The Hut


Blind justice....
Actually no no one has ever complained about my connection in ki seems like nrs guy like to use connection as the excuse..
Are seriously "comparing" KI netcode to MK X?

You can play KI online in a "fucking desert" with 2G Mobile and it will be fine (for the most part). I highly doubt you would even connect to anybody in MK X with something like that.


Just a slightly above average player.....
Ok you know what you suckered me in let's do it but win or lose I don't wanna hear shit about LAG this is mkx deal?
Yesssss! Pre-Match Skype Call shit talking session for additional hype?


Just a slightly above average player.....
I ain't got no beef with any one in mkx so won't be much shit talk Ill say I'll tap that ass lol but like I said I'll play tonight that's fine as long as this no complaints about LAG win or lose
yooo #tapthatassssssssss

Big D

Relevant In An Irrelevant Time
Likel I said I would tap that ass AGAIN!
not saying your free just saying I would tap that ass AGAIN! then you will Cry about LAG AGAIN
I've never had salt. In my video explaining Ermac's inconsistency with F34 against Sub Zero, I actually called you a good Sub Zero player.

I consider it a slap in the face when I praise someone for their gameplay, no matter how short it is, and then get called out by the same person.. Not to mention ESL is only taken more seriously than majors to people like you because of the pot bonus. But guess what? Even with your lag tactics, unpunishable slides, and ego, you STILL couldnt make it to the finals. I dont care what the reason is (whether its work, your S/O or whatever), how come you didnt win any? I didnt win any, but you dont see me talking trash to anyone now do you?

"Tap that ass." What are you, 6? How good are you in Call of Duty bro? Those MLG 420 quikscopez must be the pwnzrz..This is like the same thing if Pww Killstreak shit talked Fox just because he beat him one week. Lmao wtf am I reading?

I NEVER talk shit about anyone unless its just for fun or hype, but this needs to be said.

What kind of person would use lag as an excuse to back out, use lag as a crutch to "prove" how good he is, and then decide to accept an online match after people expose you for the McDonalds connection that you, at the very least, had at that point. Please. Stick to your ridiculous ego and your false hope of ever being decent in anything besides being hated.

I never bad talked you, and this is not my style to do so, but now you got beef. No I will not play you, no matter how many times might ask me. I dont give a shit whether you think I am ducking you or not.

For some reason you decided to take my praise and shove it back in my face. You took my kindness for weakness, now piss off. Now I am back to having fun :)
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Dojo Trainee
R u pretty open tonight schedule wise? I do need to wait till big d comes back from his friend bday party

If not we can schedule this next Sunday if you're on a tight schedule
Yea I'll wait if you get me a warm up ft5 vs you haven't played mkx in a week but I'll be available all night


Bug of tater's
Can't wait to watch this.

Because of the LSoD problem I haven't been able to really do much MU research other than practice and watching others play.

I'll definitely be watching.