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General/Other - Kano Coach Steve's Kano Change List for Potential New Patch


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
I also have to correct my original post because Up Ball cannot punish anything -8 and below, only -9. Doesnt make any sense.

I dont want anybody in here thinking im talking out my behind because i can provide video proof of everything.
Wait what? -9?!
Isn't it fucking breath taking that we've been saying some of this stuff for months and were called toxic for it, only for now everyone to agree because Coach Steve said so?

Not a blow up to him, mind you. I agree with him.

@Youphemism You disagree with this thread, right?

Because Kano is, "fine?"
What "stuff" have you been saying that's being agreed on in this thread? You agree with someone saying that Kano doesn't need an increase on B1's range and that he's not low tier? Interesting...

I'm surprised you agree with it with all your seeing the light and whatnot.
I do think Kano is fine aside from the known glitches and the up ball. It's not enough of a hindrance for me to consider him a low tier character. I've worked with worse glitches before that killed characters in other games. So this is nothing for me, I would just like to see it get addressed.
THANK YOU. I don't see why other people don't get this because it's what I've been saying too, but then again they went and dropped the character...

What's your thoughts on the F4 bug I mentioned too?


PG Coach Steve
Wait what? -9?!

What "stuff" have you been saying that's being agreed on in this thread? You agree with someone saying that Kano doesn't need an increase on B1's range and that he's not low tier? Interesting...

I'm surprised you agree with it with all your seeing the light and whatnot.

THANK YOU. I don't see why other people don't get this because it's what I've been saying too, but then again they went and dropped the character...

What's your thoughts on the F4 bug I mentioned too?
If you're refering to the Choke not hitting after the F4, thats not a bug. That's more of a hitbox issue. When someone gets hit with a F4 they reel back alot, so if you hit the F4 from too far away, choke whiffs.


Cutthroat Truther
It's related to lower/distant crouch hitboxes, but F4xxchoke can have the choke whiff. Just not as consistently as say 112. I think with F4xxChoke distance also ties in though.

Of course, naked chokes whiff anyway on crouch blocking, so there is an underlying hitbox issue, but it's an issue entirely unrelated to choke
B1 hits after d3. D1 is where it whiffs
Yea the overhead does hit after d3 if you are right next to them but I'm wiffing overheads after the down threes in game where I feel like they should be hitting. Don't get me wrong I know kano is a great character, I mean that's why I main him, but that is just a little thing I feel that is unfair for kano players.


Not Good Enough
Lol @ some of these comments. Lots of Top Player bandwagon riding in this thread. In the grand scheme of things these request are barely any different than what I or most others have asked for inside of quite a few threads, yet we are met with "omg how dare you ask for up laser buffs, just B1 bro" or "if you add just one extra +frame he'd be Top 1 yo" comments.

All in all I agree with everything, but I would add ball priority on the list. It's retarded to get poked and grabbed out of a special in full blown animation on both regular and EX versions.

Also, @MrInsaynne im gonna need your receptionist phone number so she can tell me when I can catch you at Next Level for some offline Kano man!
This post. Wtf? Salt and I have been advocating for fixes like these for a while and the Kano communities suggestions to buffs get called, "unreasonable." Give me a break. We've been saying this crap for about a month now.


Cutthroat Truther
This post. Wtf? Salt and I have been advocating for fixes like these for a while and the Kano communities suggestions to buffs get called, "unreasonable." Give me a break. We've been saying this crap for about a month now.
Nah DAWG, you just gotta LEVEL UP. If you were any GOOD, EX up ball would always be safe on block. If you weren't such a SCRUB, your 112 strings wouldn't whiff on crouch blocking opponents.


I'm seeing a lot of posts mentioning to fix his parries in commando. I know NRS hasn't posted it in their patch notes or anything but the parry fix seems to have been hotfixed or something. Highs parry highs lows parry lows from what I've tested.

ETC AdmiralAugustus

Grabble Frazzled
I'm seeing a lot of posts mentioning to fix his parries in commando. I know NRS hasn't posted it in their patch notes or anything but the parry fix seems to have been hotfixed or something. Highs parry highs lows parry lows from what I've tested.
Cassie's 1,2, B4 if the first two hits whiff and you go to low parry the B4, you will get stuffed. You have to high parry even though it's a low. Johnny has a few too. Should be in the parry guide. I believe the Erron Black F1,3 was fixed.


Cassie's 1,2, B4 if the first two hits whiff and you go to low parry the B4, you will get stuffed. You have to high parry even though it's a low. Johnny has a few too. Should be in the parry guide. I believe the Erron Black F1,3 was fixed.
Really? Man way to go NRS, that kinda looks really lazy if ya ask me....

Edit: well maybe not laziness, lately we have seen more and more things in the game as a whole that needs attention too. There's just a lot that still needs to be done/improved and I'm sure NRS has their hands full.
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Dojo Trainee
Interesting how some are suddenly so supportive since the ideas are coming from a known player. These buffs have been suggested by others before. I think we can all agree that Kano is a pretty solid character capable of being viable. Though I definitely think the proposed changes are reasonable, especially the change to air laser. It just has no purpose as of now, either remove it or give it a practical use.


PG Coach Steve
Interesting how some are suddenly so supportive since the ideas are coming from a known player. These buffs have been suggested by others before. I think we can all agree that Kano is a pretty solid character capable of being viable. Though I definitely think the proposed changes are reasonable, especially the change to air laser. It just has no purpose as of now, either remove it or give it a practical use.
I hate useless special moves :(
The only time I ever used this move was by accident.


Cutthroat Truther
Honestly, I wonder what NRS could actually do to Up laser. In my big dumb head I just thought of something, but I doubt it'd ever be done. Basically, instead of being an anti-air, it is redesigned to replace NJP in Cyber combos for a few extra potential %. Like, a combo would look like '112 xx DB1 B232+4MB dash DB3 B1 B1 B1 RC 112 xx BF3". Again, it's just something I see in my head, but can't actually being altered in game to fit this.


Kuff Bano
Honestly, I wonder what NRS could actually do to Up laser. In my big dumb head I just thought of something, but I doubt it'd ever be done. Basically, instead of being an anti-air, it is redesigned to replace NJP in Cyber combos for a few extra potential %. Like, a combo would look like '112 xx DB1 B232+4MB dash DB3 B1 B1 B1 RC 112 xx BF3". Again, it's just something I see in my head, but can't actually being altered in game to fit this.
Let it juggle or combo from standing punishes


Cutthroat Truther
Let it juggle or combo from standing punishes
I don't know about all that. That seems to involve more tooling to the visual side of the move than they probably want to bother with. The way I think of it, they work on the anti air aspect, but add the tool of combo extension, which potentially fixes the oft-mentioned issue of midscreen damage. Of course, it doesn't fix the issue of meterless damage, but I can't really think of a way that would work outside of beefing up move damage. Correct me if I'm wrong, but NRS hasn't actually created a new move for an existing character through patches in this game, right? they just moved things around IIRC, taking existing animations and putting them in places they weren't


Kuff Bano
I don't know about all that. That seems to involve more tooling to the visual side of the move than they probably want to bother with. The way I think of it, they work on the anti air aspect, but add the tool of combo extension, which potentially fixes the oft-mentioned issue of midscreen damage. Of course, it doesn't fix the issue of meterless damage, but I can't really think of a way that would work outside of beefing up move damage. Correct me if I'm wrong, but NRS hasn't actually created a new move for an existing character through patches in this game, right? they just moved things around IIRC, taking existing animations and putting them in places they weren't
Don't know if kitana's d1 is new or not


Cutthroat Truther
Don't know if kitana's d1 is new or not
Regardless, I don't see them making changes in that mold for Kano. So the hopes of another Commando exclusive string are most likely not going to be realized.