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Combo List - Ermac MKX Ermac Combos Thread


I am having trouble landing either B12 after teleport mid string or F4 after B12. Is there a visual cue or something I should be looking for? I whiff it all the time :( What's the timing supposed to be like?

E.g. F21D2, F3~Teleport, B12 (I have trouble with this specific part), F4~Soulball (Can't seem to land F4 after B12) etc etc.

Any help on timing of visual cue would be much appreciated. Even more appreciated if someone can link a video or something :(
Key is timing really.
All I could tell you is keep practicing.
It depends on how high your target is when you JiK, teleport.
Considering it can be inconsistent online cause the slightest lag can make you drop it, I prefer to stay away from teleport combo's.
On a side note, you could drop the B12 entirely and just do F4 after teleport, it's only like a 2-3% dmg decrease.
Key is timing really.
All I could tell you is keep practicing.
It depends on how high your target is when you JiK, teleport.
Considering it can be inconsistent online cause the slightest lag can make you drop it, I prefer to stay away from teleport combo's.
On a side note, you could drop the B12 entirely and just do F4 after teleport, it's only like a 2-3% dmg decrease.

I see! I'll keep it in mind!


I am having trouble landing either B12 after teleport mid string or F4 after B12. Is there a visual cue or something I should be looking for? I whiff it all the time :( What's the timing supposed to be like?

E.g. F21D2, F3~Teleport, B12 (I have trouble with this specific part), F4~Soulball (Can't seem to land F4 after B12) etc etc.

Any help on timing of visual cue would be much appreciated. Even more appreciated if someone can link a video or something :(
Mostly it depends when you hit f3. It needs to hit when the opponent starts to drop. The teleport hit will keep the opponent in the air on a height that is higher than Ermac. You also should need to hit the b12 as soon as you come out of the teleport to make sure the f4 connects.

If you like run cancel in combos add a runcancel after F21D2. It makes hiting f3 at the right height easier and therefore the whole combo.


Grim Reaper
Awesome damage. maybe NRS buff Ermac's Soul Ball and Lift because both are so negative.
Only 1 and 222 are + on block, confirm with his normals is so difficult and fastest characters like JC and Jax abuses of his normals and converts in huge damage.

I think we are many and the game is new, Ermac players have my respects.


Yeah @Afumba but the stamina is health on Ermac because is too negative, so I preffer to go with the combos and Bnb's without run.
Stamina is generally health in this game :)
I am fine with Ermac using Stamina for rc´s in combos though. He doesnt use up much and mostly you can get it back before the enemy is able to retaliate. Its not like we are playing Cassie. ;)

In this combo you use like what 1/6 to 1/5 of your stamina max... you should have it all back before you are done with the combo. So run canceling or not doesnt affect anything after the combo as you should be at full Stamina either way.


Sorry @BoromiRofGeo not trying to be that guy lolol, this was in the discussion on another thread of Ermac, just thought id share as well since we are on the 50% ball parks lol I think i can still get more damage without spending a bar but im still testing stuff...

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Sorry @BoromiRofGeo not trying to be that guy lolol, this was in the discussion on another thread of Ermac, just thought id share as well since we are on the 50% ball parks lol I think i can still get more damage without spending a bar but im still testing stuff...

oh nice didn't see those, seems same, just different enders.
but btw, i can only do 44 sometimes 45 meterless. how do you do more that this meterless?


oh nice didn't see those, seems same, just different enders.
but btw, i can only do 44 sometimes 45 meterless. how do you do more that this meterless?
Incorrect wording on my part, i meant to say i can probably get more than 52% without spending the extra bar, meaning the combo would still be just 1 bar

Da Tac0

GT: C88 Taco
Imo doing a jip into a corner combo is risk. Your giving them breathing room to move forward. If you were really going to do it during a match you should be as close as possible for ji2 to hit.


Imo doing a jip into a corner combo is risk. Your giving them breathing room to move forward. If you were really going to do it during a match you should be as close as possible for ji2 to hit.
If your talking about the combo in my first vid to keep the opponent in the corner FEAR NOT YOUNG ERMAC PLAYER, joking, you can do F4 starter and it still does the 51% dont worry, i added the JIP for showcase reasons nothing else...

EDIT: if you think you are being scouted into the F4 you can do B3 starter it works either way, dmg reduction puts you at 49% in the first combo i showed

Deadly Torcher

King Dingaling
I know its a combo thread but I play VS an Ermac who just 50\50's all day long, is there a way to defend against this or do I just have to guess constantly?



I know its a combo thread but I play VS an Ermac who just 50\50's all day long, is there a way to defend against this or do I just have to guess constantly?

Well this game is about 50/50s lucky for you if you guess/read your opponent right, Ermac is mostly unsafe when he goes for 50/50s, so you usually can punish him quite well, Tho ill have to say most of the really good Ermacs that frequent this thread will tell you a good Ermac player will rarely go for 50/50s Vortexs at all... but what i can help you with is the pressure 50/50s, Unless you have really good reactions ( and myabe even then) you wont be able to block Ermac forever, so you gotta learn what you should be hit with and avoid... The overhead (F4) that one you just have to see coming, not much can be done about that (he is unsafe if you Block it) . The low Strings (B32 and B3D4) Raw B1 Fireball, shouldnt be a problem since everyone defaults defence to Block low, so you can punish if that happens, B32 string leads to 17% damage and B1D4 leads to a KD with little damage, so if you dont have the reactions to see which is coming, always block B32 as in Block Low Overhead, its the lesser of 2 evils... The last Option, Ermac has is a tricky one, not a lot of Ermacs even have the execution to do it, which is instant Air Force Blast, which is safe and an overhead, that one well... that one you just gotta react to it or read the opponent on it nothing you can do about it. Being hit by it in the middle of the map just leads to good damage but not much else. Avoid being hit by the EX version in the corner cause it leads to a full combo of over 40 % everytime... Other than this scenarios its on you to know Ermac and your opponent
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Been giving the top combo a go and after the soul burst it always drops, can't seem to get the timing down for 4 exsoul lift. What's the timing like for you?
This combo online is quite easy, the key is doing Standing 4 as fast as possible along with High ForceBlast, the highest you can get it the more time you will have to do the secound S4 into Forcelift, remember you have to cancel S4 into FL, you cant just do S4 and then Force Lift. Go for the combo Below for 1% more damage for the corner or 2% more if you dont mind taking them out of it.


Deadly Torcher

King Dingaling
Well this game is about 50/50s lucky for you if you guess/read your opponent right, Ermac is mostly unsafe when he goes for 50/50s, so you usually can punish him quite well, Tho ill have to say most of the really good Ermacs that frequent this thread will tell you a good Ermac player will rarely go for 50/50s Vortexs at all... but what i can help you with is the pressure 50/50s, Unless you have really good reactions ( and myabe even then) you wont be able to block Ermac forever, so you gotta learn what you should be hit with and avoid... The overhead (F4) that one you just have to see coming, not much can be done about that (he is unsafe if you Block it) . The low Strings (B32 and B3D4) Raw B1 Fireball, shouldnt be a problem since everyone defaults defence to Block low, so you can punish if that happens, B32 string leads to 17% damage and B1D4 leads to a KD with little damage, so if you dont have the reactions to see which is coming, always block B32 as in Block Low Overhead, its the lesser of 2 evils... The last Option, Ermac has is a tricky one, not a lot of Ermacs even have the execution to do it, which is instant Air Force Blast, which is safe and an overhead, that one well... that one you just gotta react to it or read the opponent on it nothing you can do about it. Being it by it in the middle of the map just leads to good damage but not much else. Avoid being hit by the EX version in the corner cause it leads to a full combo of over 40 % everytime... Other than this scenarios its on you to know Ermac and your opponent
I just keep getting hit with either b3 Soul ball or f4 soul ball, the guy does nothing else & even tho he's not very good, he can do 40% off both starters & wins matches. I can't seem to be able to read what's coming as he's unpredictable when he gets in close. It's pissing me off that Ermac has such tools that lead to that sort of damage. Also when I try dashing back I get hit with 222 bf2 lol, its never ending no skilled crap.

What would you do yourself in that situation?

BTW I'm not an Ermac main, I just started using him to show him that he's not that hard to use when it comes to 50\50's & high damage combos.

Cheers again.

Deadly Torcher

King Dingaling
This combo online is quite easy, the key is doing Standing 4 as fast as possible along with High ForceBlast, the highest you can get it the more time you will have to do the secound S4 into Forcelift, remember you have to cancel S4 into FL, you cant just do S4 and then Force Lift. Go for the combo Below for 1% more damage for the corner or 2% more if you dont mind taking them out of it.

Give them ago & got it down, just can't seem to get the 2nd uppercut out on time or the grab but even without them it still does 47% so I'm happy enough with that cheers.
Reactions: 14K


I just keep getting hit with either b3 Soul ball or f4 soul ball, the guy does nothing else & even tho he's not very good, he can do 40% off both starters & wins matches. I can't seem to be able to read what's coming as he's unpredictable when he gets in close. It's pissing me off that Ermac has such tools that lead to that sort of damage. Also when I try dashing back I get hit with 222 bf2 lol, its never ending no skilled crap.

What would you do yourself in that situation?

BTW I'm not an Ermac main, I just started using him to show him that he's not that hard to use when it comes to 50\50's & high damage combos.

Cheers again.
Hmm well i know Ermac Quite well since iv been playing him for a long time, and the Ermac Community here is quite helpfull so we all lvl up at quite a good rate. Well I would have to be in your shoes, playing the dude to see exacly whats happening, but from experience of seeing other online Ermacs, let me guess, he closes the distance and does D3 couple times then goes for Overhead or low right? If thats the case you can poke out if you block the first D3/D1... If he is rushing you and going straight for the 50/50, again you can poke out before any of the mix ups come out, try to check him with D1 or 11...
As for the other options you mention, ppl are never complitely random, they have a pattern, always, you just gotta find his... 222 Bf2 is full combo punishable so if you are getting pressured, try doing D1 to poke out and then go for B124 you can backdash safely from that string, even 222 cant catch you from that... Optimally he will only be able to attack you from 2 places, a Jump in, or running in for a string... If he tries to Jump in your best bet is B1 AA into a full combo, but this requires you to have really good spacing and footsies From the ground you just gotta play Footsies with him, B124 is your friend, use it, it ha snice frames. On some opponents you can check them with 11 and then go for a 22, try to be unpredictable with not finishing your strings complitely so that they are wainting for the last hit of the string and then you just 50/50 him cause he wont be able to react in time. EX: go for B12 50/50.. or do 111 checks, just keep in mind 111 string, the first hit is a high. If you dont know what 111 checks are, its basicly a fast string that will catch any opponent trying to press any button that is not a poke... so basicly its doing 11 pausing for a frame doing another 1 or 11 and then going for a mix up. If you see he wants to press buttons inbetween your 11 poking, just finish the string 111 and it will catch him into a KD...

Deadly Torcher

King Dingaling
Hmm well i know Ermac Quite well since iv been playing him for a long time, and the Ermac Community here is quite helpfull so we all lvl up at quite a good rate. Well I would have to be in your shoes, playing the dude to see exacly whats happening, but from experience of seeing other online Ermacs, let me guess, he closes the distance and does D3 couple times then goes for Overhead or low right? If thats the case you can poke out if you block the first D3/D1... If he is rushing you and going straight for the 50/50, again you can poke out before any of the mix ups come out, try to check him with D1 or 11...
As for the other options you mention, ppl are never complitely random, they have a pattern, always, you just gotta find his... 222 Bf2 is full combo punishable so if you are getting pressured, try doing D1 to poke out and then go for B124 you can backdash safely from that string, even 222 cant catch you from that... Optimally he will only be able to attack you from 2 places, a Jump in, or running in for a string... If he tries to Jump in your best bet is B1 AA into a full combo, but this requires you to have really good spacing and footsies From the ground you just gotta play Footsies with him, B124 is your friend, use it, it ha snice frames. On some opponents you can check them with 11 and then go for a 22, try to be unpredictable with not finishing your strings complitely so that they are wainting for the last hit of the string and then you just 50/50 him cause he wont be able to react in time. EX: go for B12 50/50.. or do 111 checks, just keep in mind 111 string, the first hit is a high. If you dont know what 111 checks are, its basicly a fast string that will catch any opponent trying to press any button that is not a poke... so basicly its doing 11 pausing for a frame doing another 1 or 11 and then going for a mix up. If you see he wants to press buttons inbetween your 11 poking, just finish the string 111 and it will catch him into a KD...
You from Europe & on the PS4 by any chance? I could fight you & replicate him exactly.