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Combo List - Ermac MKX Ermac Combos Thread


Out of an NJP you can get 39% meterless different ways, easy too. Highest i was able toget was 40%. So its a 9/10% difference :)
If i can take the lifelead with the damage i go damage. I only go vortex if i feel i have to.
Inputs would be helpful.... :confused:

Again though, B12 doesn't mean vortex.


Out of an NJP you can get 39% meterless different ways, easy too. Highest i was able toget was 40%. So its a 9/10% difference :)
If i can take the lifelead with the damage i go damage. I only go vortex if i feel i have to.
with good execution you can njp, f3`tp,f21d2,b12~soul ball, j1, b12 - 33%


Inputs would be helpful.... :confused:

Again though, B12 doesn't mean vortex.
Oh sry... i posted it a few pages back already so i didnt repost it... here you go

- njp, f3~teleport, f21d2, run cancel b12~Soulball, jip b12 (33% vortex)
- njp, f3~teleport, b12, f4~SoulBall, jip b12 (31% into vortex)
- njp, f3~teleport, b12, f4~SoulBall, jip f21d2, run cancel b12~burst (39% meterless)
- njp, f3~teleport, b12, f4~SoulBall, jip f21d2, run cancel f4~Burst (39% meterless)
- njp, f3~teleport, 4~SoulBall, jip f21d2, run cancel f4~Burst (39% meterless)

For 40%
- njp, f3~teleport, b12, f4~SoulBall, jip f21d2, run cancel b12, run cancel uppercut
- njp, f3~teleport, s4~SoulBall, jip f21d2, run cancel b12, runcancel uppercut

The ones with b12 after teleport are really easy & work no matter how you hit the njp. You just have to alter you f3 timing... rest is autopilot.
The ones with f21d2 & s4 after the teleport are trickier especially at some NJP heights.


Let Be Be Finale Of Seem
@Afumba : Loving those NjP combos.
I usually used
Reset: NjP > F21D2 > rc > F4 > Soul Ball > JiP > B12 - 30%
Dmg: F4 > Soul Ball > JiP > F21D2 > JiK > tp > F43 - 36%
Not anymore :D

On a side note, I kinda feel bad for spectral lol


KH Fusion
off NJP in MoS you can do the following:

NJP, s4 teleport, s4 soul ball, jip f21d2, run cancel b12, f4 soul blast. 42% meterless. you can end in run cancel uppercut and get 42% as well, whichever ender you prefer.

against female characters NJP into s4 doesn't connect so after NJP you walk forward slightly, then do s4 teleport and then rest of the combo is the same.


off NJP in MoS you can do the following:

NJP, s4 teleport, s4 soul ball, jip f21d2, run cancel b12, f4 soul blast. 42% meterless. you can end in run cancel uppercut and get 42% as well, whichever ender you prefer.

against female characters NJP into s4 doesn't connect so after NJP you walk forward slightly, then do s4 teleport and then rest of the combo is the same.
I was doing this yesterday to Jacqui

NJP S4 Teleport... was working just fine.. but without walking forwards


Courtesy of Niredina

Nice! But i think i will stickto my 45% b321 version of this... waaay easier :) Having trouble hiting the f4~burst on this one :O
Do you know what damage it would do if you sue a bar of meter after the f4?

off NJP in MoS you can do the following:

NJP, s4 teleport, s4 soul ball, jip f21d2, run cancel b12, f4 soul blast. 42% meterless. you can end in run cancel uppercut and get 42% as well, whichever ender you prefer.

against female characters NJP into s4 doesn't connect so after NJP you walk forward slightly, then do s4 teleport and then rest of the combo is the same.
Nice combo :) Can also confirm that it works on femals without a problem.


Nice! But i think i will stickto my 45% b321 version of this... waaay easier :) Having trouble hiting the f4~burst on this one :O
Do you know what damage it would do if you sue a bar of meter after the f4?
Nice combo :) Can also confirm that it works on femals without a problem.
That isn't my video lol

I don't have any trouble with S4 in the combo, its pretty easy once you get the hang of it.. You just need to hit them extremely early and at the peak of their height. You can try using F3~burst instead. Also, not sure about damage with meter after the F4. I will check in a bit


Mexican street vendor
Is that corner combo only possible with the force blast buffs? I'm on PC and we havent gotten the patch yet


That isn't my video lol

I don't have any trouble with S4 in the combo, its pretty easy once you get the hang of it.. You just need to hit them extremely early and at the peak of their height. You can try using F3~burst instead. Also, not sure about damage with meter after the F4. I will check in a bit
Oh you misunderstood me. I dont have any trouble with the s4. I use this type of string myself & just end in b321 after the Burst. Its 45% that way with and without jip. My problem is to connect the end of the string from that video... up to b12 its no problem but f4~burst i cant get down very often.


UPR Methademic
Oh you misunderstood me. I dont have any trouble with the s4. I use this type of string myself & just end in b321 after the Burst. Its 45% that way with and without jip. My problem is to connect the end of the string from that video... up to b12 its no problem but f4~burst i cant get down very often.
I just started working on this combo and I'm having trouble hitting the b12 after the upburst, any tips on timing?


My issue with the up burst is that due to option select and my inputs being too fast it simply doesn't come out.


Hey all. Picking up ermac because reasons/fun/klassic costume. working on optimizing my anti crossup combos. so far i have this

Anti crossup d3, F4xxSoulBlast, Jip F21D2 run B12, B12xxBurst for 35%


Hey all. Picking up ermac because reasons/fun/klassic costume. working on optimizing my anti crossup combos. so far i have this

Anti crossup d3, F4xxSoulBlast, Jip F21D2 run B12, B12xxBurst for 35%
i would suggest landing them into vortex by d3 f21d2 s4(or f4) soul ball, jip b12 30+% into vortex


I'm not surprised, motherfuckers
yo i can hit the f4 40% combo easy offline but online im sticking to 36%? let me know ppl if you do this too or im just not up to scratch online


yo i can hit the f4 40% combo easy offline but online im sticking to 36%? let me know ppl if you do this too or im just not up to scratch online
Which one are you trying to do?
I personally try and avoid combo's involving teleports unless it's for conversion's sake.

The one I mainly use online is F4 > Soulball >JiP > F21D2 > Run Cancel > B12 > B12 > F4 > Soulburst (40%)
I see that the main post has the one with an additional B12 but it doesn't result in more damage, it's the same as the one I just posted, and easier to hit.

One thing that also helps for me in regards to teleport combo's though when I do use them (for 1 bar Vortex for example) is that I have a much easier time doing: Teleport > D3 > Lift, instead of using D1


I'm not surprised, motherfuckers
Which one are you trying to do?
I personally try and avoid combo's involving teleports unless it's for conversion's sake.

The one I mainly use online is F4 > Soulball >JiP > F21D2 > Run Cancel > B12 > B12 > F4 > Soulburst (40%)
I see that the main post has the one with an additional B12 but it doesn't result in more damage, it's the same as the one I just posted, and easier to hit.

One thing that also helps for me in regards to teleport combo's though when I do use them (for 1 bar Vortex for example) is that I have a much easier time doing: Teleport > D3 > Lift, instead of using D1
thats the one im using too, i was just hitting the b12 too late initially so was harder to connect the f4 > soul burst ender. lag wasnt helping either. got it down tho, 40% midscreen meterless, very good very nice


Which one are you trying to do?
I personally try and avoid combo's involving teleports unless it's for conversion's sake.

The one I mainly use online is F4 > Soulball >JiP > F21D2 > Run Cancel > B12 > B12 > F4 > Soulburst (40%)
I see that the main post has the one with an additional B12 but it doesn't result in more damage, it's the same as the one I just posted, and easier to hit.

One thing that also helps for me in regards to teleport combo's though when I do use them (for 1 bar Vortex for example) is that I have a much easier time doing: Teleport > D3 > Lift, instead of using D1
The combos on the main page are from before the burst buff. So several of them are a bit of.
In that f4 combo the new burst makes it so 1 b12 is not needed for the same damage. If you end in hard knockdown though the extra b12 still grants damage. Not that it matters for online though :)
I am having trouble landing either B12 after teleport mid string or F4 after B12. Is there a visual cue or something I should be looking for? I whiff it all the time :( What's the timing supposed to be like?

E.g. F21D2, F3~Teleport, B12 (I have trouble with this specific part), F4~Soulball (Can't seem to land F4 after B12) etc etc.

Any help on timing of visual cue would be much appreciated. Even more appreciated if someone can link a video or something :(